Assessment 2BSBXCM501 Assessment 2 solution (1) (1) (1) (1)



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Assessment 2 – Coversheet Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work. Student and Submission Details Student Name Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Student ID AIBL224832 Unit Code and Name BSBXCM501 Lead communication in the workplace Date of submission 25/06/2023 S T U D E N T D E C L A R A T I O N I declare that This assessment is my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me. Student Signature Assessor to complete Assessment 2 Assessment Result Date Type Of Submission □ C (Competent) First submission Assessment 2 ( W o r k p l a c e p r o j e c t □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed) First re-submission ☐ Second re- submission Assessor feedback BSBXCM501 28
Assessor Name Abdullah Al Mamun Assessor Signature Assessment 2 Workplace Project Assessment This assessment meets the following performance criteria: Performance Criteria 1. Establish communication protocols 1.1 Analyse internal and external information needs relevant to workplace 1.2 Develop or structure communication protocol(s) to meet organisational information needs and goals 1 . 3 I d e n t i f y w a y s t o a d a p t communication protocols to suit various contexts 1.4 Prepare materials to support and/or implement communication protocols BSBXCM501 29
2. Coordinate effective communication 2.1 Direct others to communicate according to organisational requirements and goals 2.2 Explain complex information to positively influence others 2.3 Motivate others to communicate respectfully, considering the needs of all, including those from diverse backgrounds 2.4 I d e n t i f y a n d a dd r e ss a n y communication challenges to remove barriers to understanding 3. Present and negotiate persuasively 3.1 I d e n t i f y a n d u s e a v a r i e t y o f communication styles relevant to varying audiences 3.2 Present information in a succinct, clear and persuasive manner 3.3 Evaluate differences in perspective and critically examine outcomes 3.4 Negotiate towards a final outcome with a focus on key outcomes 3.5 Confirm and implement outcomes of negotiation or communication using appropriate methods 4. Review communication practices 4.1 Provide mentoring to others to assist them in achieving communication goals 4.2 Obtain feedback from a variety of sources to manage the outcomes of communications and negotiations 4.3 I d e n t i f y a n d d o c u m e n t a r e a s for improvement in communication for team or organisational practices 4.4 I m p l e m e n t p l a n s t o i m p r o v e communication processes BSBXCM501 30
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This assessment meets the following performance Evidence: Performance evidence collate research on internal and external communication needs develop and implement communication protocols in accordance with organisational requirements present information in a persuasive and professional manner apply negotiation techniques to reach desired outcomes address communication challenges for continuous improvement This assessment meets the following Foundation Skills: Foundation Skills BSBXCM501 31
A ss e ss m e n t 2 P r o j e c t & C a s e S t u d y assessment Project Overview T h i s p r o j e c t w ill r eq u i r e y o u t o l e a d c o mm u n i c a t i o n i n t h e w o r k p l a c e . T h e p r o j e c t i s d i v i d e d i n t o t h r ee p a r t s : 4. P r o j e c t A ss e ss m e n t P a r t 1 E s t a b li s h C o mm u n i c a t i o n P r o t o c o l s 5. P r o j e c t A ss e ss m e n t P a r t 2 C oo r d i n a t e E ff e c t i v e C o mm u n i c a t i o n 6. P r o j e c t A ss e ss m e n t P a r t 3 R e v i e w C o mm u n i c a t i o n P r a c t i c e s T a s k s a n d a c t i v i t i e s i n t h i s p r o j e c t a ss e ss m e n t r eq u i r e y o u t o h a v e a cc e ss t o a w o r k p l a c e or a similar environment. Forms and Templates A ss e ss m e n t f o r m s a n d t e m p l a t e s a r e p r o v i d e d i n e a c h t a s k i n t h i s P r o j e c t A ss e ss m e n t , unless otherwise specified. If you are currently in workplace, you may use similar forms and templates used by your organisation to complete the assessment. However, all requirements specified in the task must be included in your submissions. Part A: Project Assessment Writing Utilises sophisticated writing skills to summarise information from various sources and distinguish significant information from minor references Navigate the world of work Seeks to improve organisational policies and procedures to better meet organisational goals Get the work done Evaluates effectiveness of communication channels, systems and processes to inform decisions and implement improvements Uses digital technology to find, record or communicate basic information BSBXCM501 32
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Task 1.1 Research Communication and Information Needs ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Seek assistance from your supervisor to identify an opportunity to establish internal and external communication protocols. 2. To complete this task, you must research on internal and external information needs of your organisation 3. Access organisational documentation relevant to communication goals. O r g a n i s a t i o n a l d o c u m e n t i n c l u d e s , b u t i s n o t li m i t e d t o t h e f o ll o w i n g : Business Plans Communication Policies and Procedures Staff handbook 4. Locate the Research Log found within this workbook. This outlines all the information required to complete this task. 5. Provide the following information in your Research Log based on the o r g a n i s a t i o n a l d o c u m e n t a t i o n a cc e ss e d : At least two organisational goals relevant to communicating organisational information F o r e a c h g o a l i n d i c a t e d , y o u m u s t i n c l u d e : o At least one internal communication need Internal communication needs are forms of communication within the workplace required to ensure the proper flow of information across relevant personnel. This includes, but is not limited to the following Induction training Memorandums Reports BSBXCM501 33
o At least one external communication need External communication needs are forms of communication between the organisation and its external stakeholders (e.g. clients, suppliers, agencies, etc.) required to ensure proper flow of information across relevant personnel. T h i s m a y i n c l u d e , b u t i s n o t li m i t e d t o t h e f o ll o w i n g : Newsletters Email blasts o At least one information need required for each communication need identified (internal and external) You are required to complete at least two Research Logs for this task—one for each organisational goal identified. 6. Research on effective ways to address each identified internal need and external communication need you identified in your Research Log. Based on your research, you must record the following information for each c o mm un i c a t i o n n ee d i d e n t i f i e d i n y o u r R e s e a r c h L o g : At least one resource used as reference for identifying information to address each communication need If you are using a published work cite your source using the APA format. If you are using an online source, provide the link to resource F o r e a c h r e s o u r c e i d e n t i f i e d : o Outline the information gathered that will assist in meeting the communication need o Briefly explain how the information assists in addressing the communication needs identified. 7. Submit at least two completed Research Logs to your assessor. BSBXCM501 34
Research Log 1 Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Organization/Workplace Bounce Fitness Date 25/05/2022 Organizational Goal Determine the number of monthly clients and solicit feedback from them. Internal Communication Need Communication Need Reports Information Need The total number of customers that are helped each month External Communication Need Communication Need Responses from Customers Information Need Customer comments about the quality of the service they received Internal Communication Need Research Internal Communication Need Polls, rankings, and most recent information Resource Structures, departments, and documents that are located within the organization. Information Gathered from Resource Internal data – clients on a monthly basis Explanation of How Information Assists in Address Communication Need. Dates and records are information that is used to compile monthly reports on the number of customers, which is used to assess and monitor the company's performance. BSBXCM501 35
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External Communication Need Research External Communication Need Customer Feedback Resource Customer surveys delivered through email Information Gathered from Resource Evaluation of services provided to customers and their levels of satisfaction How information assists in meeting communication need Customers can be taught how to interact with them and how to assess the quality of the service they receive. BSBXCM501 36 Research Log 2 Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Organisation/ Workplace Bounce Fitness Date 25/06/2023 Organisational Goal Discover the number of monthly customers, and solicit comments from those customers. Internal Communication Need Communication Need Information Need
External Communication Need Communication Need Information Need Internal Communication Need Research Internal Communication Need Resource Information Gathered from Resource Explanation of How Information Assists in Address Communication Need. BXCM501 External Communication Need Research External Communication Need Resource Information Gathered from Resource How information assists in meeting communication need
Task 1.2 Develop Communication Protocols ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To complete this task, you must develop communication protocols based on the communication and information needs identified in Task 1.1. 2. Review your organisational goals and internal and external communication needs outlined in your Research Log completed in Task 1.1. Use this information to assist you in completing this task. 3. Locate the Communication Protocols template found within this workbook. This outlines all the information required to complete this task. 4. T h e C o mm un i c a t i o n P r o t o c o l s t e m p l a t e i s d i v i d e d i n t o t w o p a r t s . I n s t r u c t i o n s t o complete each part are as follows: Part A. Communication Protocol Requirements Develop or structure at least one general communication protocol for each of your internal and external communication needs identified in Task 1.1. You must complete two copies of Part A Communication Protocol Requirements, one for internal communications and one for external communications. You may choose to develop new protocols OR structure already existing protocols to suit your identified communication needs, information needs and organisational goal. I d e n t i f y t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n a l go a l r e l e v a n t t o y o u r i n t e r n a l o r e x t e r n a l communication needs Outline each communication need relevant to your organisation goal as indicated in Task 1.1 For each communication need, identify the following: o Scope o I n f o r m a t i o n n ee d r eq u i r e d t o be c o mm u n i c a t e d o Person responsible for communication o Method of communication o Audience of communication o Frequency of communication BSBXCM501 37
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Part B. Communication Protocol Details To complete Part B. Communication Protocols, you must: I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t o n e m a t e r i a l r eq u i r e d t o s u pp o r t e a c h o f y o u r communication protocols I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t o n e m a t e r i a l r eq u i r e d t o i m p l e m e n t e a c h o f y o u r communication protocols I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t t h r ee d i v e r s e b a c k g r o u n d s t h a t y o u n ee d t o a d a p t e a c h o f your communication protocols to The identified background for each communication can be the same for each communication protocol, so long as you identify three distinct backgrounds. I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t o n e w a y y o u c a n a d a p t e a c h o f y o u r c o mm u n i c a t i o n protocols to effectively communicate with at least three diverse backgrounds. Backgrounds include, but are not limited to the following: Employees with large age gaps CALD speakers A b o r i g i n a l s / T o rr e s S t r a i t I s l a n d e r s 5. Have your supervisor complete the Supervisor Declaration form found at the end of the Communication Protocols . This is to confirm that all information provided is accurate and true. 6. Submit your completed Communications Protocols to your assessor BSBXCM501 38
Communication Protocols Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Organisation Bounce Fitness Date 25/05/2022 Internal Communication Protocols Organisatio nal Goal • Determine the number of people that attend your gym each month and get their feedback. • Increase your social media visibility to reach more potential consumers. # Communicat ion Need Scope Informat ion Need Person Respons ible Method of Communic ation Audie nce Freque ncy 1 Reports Analyzing data Each month, the amount of clients serviced Manager of customer service Email Personnel in charge of customer service Once every two months 2 Communication between the marketing team Examine the marketing department's records. The qualities of the target audience are utilized to build techniques. Manager of marketing Meetings Marketing department Monthly External Communication Protocols Organisatio nal Goal • Determine the number of people that attend your gym each month and get their feedback. • Increase your social media visibility to reach more potential consumers. # Scope Communic ation Need Informat ion Need Person Respons ible Medium of Communic ation Audie nce Freque ncy 1 Feedback from customers Analyze the results of client satisfaction surveys. Customer comment on the service was received. Manager of customer service Email Customer service manager Once every two months 2 Communication via social media To boost consumer acquisition, develop social media marketing tactics Trends in social media and the types of content consumed by followers Manager of marketing Social Media Marketing department Monthly
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Communication Protocol Details Communication Protocol File transfer protocol (FTP) Simple mail transfer Protocol (SMTP) Internet message access protocol (IMAP) Use datagram protocol (UDP) Support Material Address mappings, routing and acknowledgments are all examples of data formats Implementation Material Hardware and software for computers, the internet, and printed documents Background 1 Background A software's specifications Adjustment Unique program configuration or group of separate computer programs Background 2 Background Layering in precise accordance with this configuration. Adjustment There is a zero-tolerance policy for trespassing. Background 3 Background A security or anti-theft arrangement. Adjustment Security or anti-theft settings SUPERVISOR DECLARATION TO THE SUPERVISOR By signing in the spaces provided below, you are confirming that all information provided above is accurate and factual. Furthermore, by signing below you confirm that the responses provided reflect the views of the organisation. Supervisor Name: Abdullah Al Mamun Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness   Position: Trainer / Supervisor Signature: Abdullah Al Mamun BSBXCM501 40
Task 1.3 Prepare Materials for Communication Protocols ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Review the materials to support and implement your communication protocols as indicated in your Communication Protocols template completed in Task 1.2. 2. To complete this task, you must prepare EITHER of the following for each communication protocol developed in Task 1.2: Material to support communication protocol OR Material to implement communication protocol Materials can include, but is not limited to the following: Applications that needed for the communication protocol Equipment (e.g. personal computers, printers, etc.) Devices required for communication (e.g. mobile phones, Wifi modem, etc .) You must secure proof that you have sufficiently prepared the support/implementation material for each communication protocol. This will be submitted as evidence at the end of the task. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Proof of purchasing the required materials m a g e s o f p r ep a r e d m a t e r i a l Video recording of preparation of material 3. Submit at least one evidence that you have prepared materials to support or implement each of your communication protocols to your assessor. Evidence required. BSBXCM501 41
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Task 2.1 Train Team on Communication Protocols ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Seek assistance from your supervisor to identify an opportunity to coordinate effective communication within your team members. 2. To complete this task, you must conduct training on how to implement your developed Communication Protocols completed in Task 1.2 with at least two of your team members involved in the developed communication protocols. 3. Locate the following found within this workbook: Meeting Minutes Template 4. Conduct the training with at least two of your team members. Throughout the training you must: a. Explain each internal and external communication protocol you developed in the Communication Protocols from Task 1.2 . Explanation of each protocol must include the discussion of the following: i. Relevant organisational goal ii. Communication need iii. I n f o r m a t i o n n ee d iv. Person responsible for communication v. Audience of communication vi. Frequency of communication vii. Materials to implement protocol viii. Materials to support protocol b. Explain how each communication protocol should be applied when communicating with the each of the backgrounds. Explanation must be according to provisions set in your Communication Protocols from Task 1.2. c. Explain the advantages of communicating respectfully d. Explain importance of considering the needs of all when communicating Record all discussion points in the Meting Minutes. 5. After the meeting, have each participant of your training sign the ‘Attendees’ section of your Meeting Minutes. All signatures must be handwritten. 6. Submit completed Meeting Minutes to your assessor. BSBXCM501 42
Meeting Minutes Date: 27/05/2022 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Meeting room 1 Purpose of the meeting To discuss and simplify the company's communication procedures. Facilitator Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Attendees Please sign beside your name after the meeting. Stuart Gibson Phillip Polppe Vivian Gutierrez Agenda Item 1 Communication Protocols Discussion Simple mail transfer Protocol (SMTP) • Tailoring this procedure to achieve a specific corporate goal. • Why is this protocol required and what is the goal of communication? • Internal and external resources are required for information. • The CEO and department heads are in charge of communication. • This message is for other workers and stakeholders. • Communication frequency: This is a common communication strategy. • IT equipment, a server, and software are needed to implement the protocol. • Protocol-related items, such as internet access and training Agenda Item 2 Respectful and Considerate Communication Discussion Communication in the workplace must be positive. • Improved teamwork, project collaboration, and goal achievement may all be aided by effective communication. • It may be used in almost any business. Internal communication must be simplified, therefore communication inside the workplace is vital. • Employee communication differs from corporate communication. BSBXCM501 43
Observation Form (Assessor use only) L e a r n e r N a m e : Name of Workplace/ O r g a n i s a t i o n : Bounce Fitness Task Title Refer to task title. Training D a te o f O b s e r v a t i o n : 05/05/2023 Did the learner demonstrate the following during the training with their team members? Yes No Comments 1. Explain complex information to positively influence others D i d t h e l e a r n e r : Break down complex ideas to simpler key points Highlight points that can be done Avoid using negative words or statements (e.g. cannot, will not, unable to) Provide reassurance that they can assist in the case of difficulties Yes Yes Yes Yes 2. Motivate others to communicate respectfully D i d t h e l e a r n e r : Encourage practice of politeness, courtesy kindness Explain the implications of practicing empathy when communicating with others Explain how treating people equally will benefit everyone Yes Yes Yes 3. Present information in a persuasive and professional manner BSBXCM501 44
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D i d t h e l e a r n e r : Establishes and maintains rapport with audience (e.g. relating to audience, giving praise, celebrating success, etc.) Explaining benefits of protocols for the target audience Providing counterpoints to objections, if any Ask audience for any clarifications, enquiries or issues regarding information presented Use positive body language (e.g. using an open stance, maintaining appropriate eye contact with audience, etc.) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes OVERALL FEEDBACK TO LEARNER BSBXCM501 45
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Task 2.2 Address Communication Challenges ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To complete this task, you must identify and address communication challenges of at least two of your team members. 2. Locate the Action Plan found within this workbook. This outlines all the information required to complete this task. 3. Consult the two team members you trained in Task 2.1 on communication challenges affecting them. Throughout your consultation you must: a. I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t t h r ee c o mm u n i c a t i o n c h a ll e n g e s f a c e d b y y o u r t e a m , w i t h at least one from each of the following types: i. Either a conflict with team members OR clients ii. Either a potential risks OR hazards iii. Either unethical OR inappropriate communication You are only required to select one from each type of communication challenges outlined above. For example, if you identify a conflict between team members, you cannot identify a conflict with a client as your second communication challenge. b. I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t o n e c o mm u n i c a t i o n b a rr i e r f o r e a c h c o mm u n i c a t i o n challenge Communication barriers are specific conditions or circumstances that directly cause challenges in communication. These include, but are not limited to the following: Physical disabilities (e.g. hearing disability, speech difficulty, etc.) Language differences Cultural differences (e.g. expression of emotions, personal space, etc.) c. For each communication barrier identified, provide the following information: i. At least one action item to address communication barrier ii. Date to implement each action item iii. Anticipated result of each action item Record all information in your Action Plan. BSBXCM501 46
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You must secure proof that you have consulted at least two team members. This is to be submitted as supplementary evidence to be submitted at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: Email correspondence I n t e r v i e w n o t e s Video recording The information provided in your evidence must correspond to the information in your Action Plan for it to be considered sufficient. 4. I m p l e m e n t e a c h o f y o u r i d e n t i f i e d a c t i o n i t e m s t o a dd r e ss y o u r c o mm u n i c a t i o n barriers as outlined in your Action Plan . Throughout your implementation, you must secure proof that you have sufficiently implemented each action item. This is to be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: Memo of revised practices Revised protocols to address each barrier Prepared guide to cross-cultural communication During implementation, update your Action Plan with the following information: Actual date of implementation Actual result of implementation 5. Submit the following to your assessor: a. Completed Action Plan b. Supplementary evidence for each of the following i. At least one as proof of consultation with at least two team members ii. At least three as proof of implementing action items to address communication barriers—one for each communication barrier BSBXCM501 47
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Action Plan Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Workplace/Organisatio n Bounce Fitness Date Completed 25/05/2022 COMMUNICATION CHALLENGE COMMUNICATIO N BARRIER ACTIO N ITEM DATE TO IMPLEMEN T ANTICIPATE D RESULT ACTUAL DATE IMPLEMENTE D ACTUA L RESULT Communication that is inappropriate. There is a problem with the language. There was instructio n given. 10/06/2022 I Improve the way you communica te with one another. 10/06/2022 Improve the way you communic ate with one another. It's challenging to communicate with clients. A cultural divide exists. A counselin g session has been scheduled. 20/06/2022 Customers should be able to communica te more effectively with one another. 20/06/2022 Customers should be able to communic ate more effectively with one another. Your capacity to function successfully in business is being hampered by poor communication skills. There is an attitude barrier. Organizati on al behavior workshop s have been scheduled. 30/06/2022 Improve your communica tion abilities. 30/06/2022 Improve your communic ation abilities
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Task 3.1 Review Communication Practices ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. Locate the following found within this workbook: Communication Log You will use this to record feedback from on communication practices. Continuous Improvement Log This will be used to document areas of improvement in communication practices Review these templates and the instructions that follow before conducting the task. 2. Seek assistance from your supervisor to identify EITHER of the following relevant to communication goals identified in Task 1.1: At least two organisational communication practices , which must include at least one practice relevant to negotiations OR At least two team communication practices , which must include at least one practice relevant to negotiations You must secure at least one proof of your correspondence with relevant personnel in identifying the organisational/team practices. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: Email Meeting Minutes I n t e r v i e w n o t e s BSBXCM501 49
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3. Seek feedback on your identified communication practices to manage outcomes of communications and negotiations from at least three relevant stakeholders. Relevant stakeholders refer to people you have communicated with using your identified organisational/team communication practices. These include, but are not limited to the following: Past clients who you negotiated with Work team members Line supervisors Feedback includes, but is not limited to the following: I d e n t i f y i n g i ss u e s t h a t m a k e i t d i ff i c u l t t o c o mm u n i c a t e I d e n t i f y i n g s t r e n g t h s a n d w e a k n e ss o f c u rr e n t p r a c t i c e s b a s e d o n experience Discussing areas improvements to current practices Record feedback from each source on your Communication Log . You must use one entry for each source. Each entry must contain the following information: Stakeholder Name Position Date of communication Feedback on communication practice/s The content of the feedback you receive will depend on the needs of your organisation. However, you must ensure that your Communication Log includes each of the following: o At least one feedback on your negotiation practice o At least one feedback on your communication practice You must secure at least one proof of correspondence with each source, which includes date communication was conducted. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: Email Meeting Minutes n t e r v e w n o t e s Dates on your evidence must correspond to the dates and information provide in your Communication Log. BSBXCM501 50
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4. Based on the feedback received, record the following on the Continuous Improvement Log : I d e n t i f i e d o r g a n i s a t i o n a l / t e a m c o mm u n i c a t i o n p r a c t i c e s This must be same practices identified in Step 3. At least one area of improvement for each communication practice identified I n f o r m a t i o n m u s t be b a s e d o n f ee d b a c k g a t h e r e d f r o m r e l e v a n t stakeholders as outlined in your Communication Log . At least one action item for each area of improvement identified For each action item identified, identify the following: o Anticipated implementation date o Anticipated result You are to leave the ‘Actual Date,’ ‘Actual Result,’ and ‘Signature’ columns blank. These will be completed in a succeeding task. 5. Submit the following to your assessor: Completed Communication Log Partially completed Continuous Improvement Log Supplementary Evidence, which must include the following: o At least two as proof assistance provided by supervisor to identify organisational/team communication practices o At least three as proof of feedback from relevant stakeholders, one from each stakeholder BSBXCM501 51
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Communication Log Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness Communication Practices Communication Practice Everyone's collaboration Negotiation Practice Dialogue between all those involved Stakeholder Name Position Date Feedback Stuart Gibson Marketing team 27/05/2022 The team's communication needs to be better organized. Phillip Polppe Marketing team 27/05/2022 The team's ability to communicate should be improved. Vivian Gutierrez Customer service team 27/05/2022 The importance of active listening among team members should be emphasized. BSBXCM501 52
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Continuous Improvement Log Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Organisation/Wo rkplace Bounce Fitness ORGANISATIONA L/TEAM AREA OF IMPROVE ACTI ON ANTICIP ATED ANTICIP ATED ACTU AL ACTU AL SIGNAT URE COMMUNICATIO MENT ITEM DATE RESULT DATE RESU N PRACTICE LT Improve your communication abilities. Team communication Mentorin g and training 31/05/2022 The team is now able to interact and collaborate more easily Boost cooperation. Team communication Mentorin g and training 05/06/2022 The team is now able to interact and collaborate more easily Enhance your active listening abilities Team communication Mentorin g and training 10/06/2022 The team is now able to interact and collaborate more easily BSBXCM501 53
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Task 3.2 Implement Improvements to Communication Practices ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To complete this task, you must implement the action items identified in your Continuous Improvement Log from Task 3.1. 2. I m p l e m e n t e a c h a c t i o n i t e m t o i m p r o v e c o mm u n i c a t i o n p r a c t i c e i d e n t i f i e d i n y o u r Continuous Improvement Log. You must secure at least one proof that you have sufficiently implemented each action item in your Continuous Improvement Log . This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: Emails Meeting Minutes Memos 3. Update your Continuous Improvement Log with the following information for each action item implemented: Actual date Actual result 4. Have your supervisor sign on the ‘Signature’ column of your Continuous Improvement Log for each action item implemented. This is to ensure that all responses are accurate and factual. 5. Submit the following to your assessor: Completed Continuous Improvement Log At least two pieces of supplementary evidence of your implementation of each action item, one for each action item EMAIL To: Team communication Subject: Mentoring and Training Program
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Good morning Team. We invite everyone to participate next Friday in the new Training and Mentoring program. We will welcome Mr. Phillip Jones, a renowned speaker who will report to us and address all the necessary content for the improvement of our internal communication. We are all waiting. Yours sincerely BSBXCM501 54
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Task 3.3 Mentor Team ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To complete this task, you must mentor your team on improved organisation/team communication practices implemented in Task 3.2. 2. Locate the Mentoring Plan template found within this workbook. This outlines all the information required to complete this task. Review this and the instructions that follow before conducting this task. 3. Organise a meeting with the two team members you met with in Task 2.1 to identify learning needs relevant to your communication process. 4. Conduct the meeting with your team members. During your meeting you must: I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t o n e c o mm u n i c a t i o n go a l i d e n t i f i e d i n T a s k 1 . 1 e a c h t e a m member needs assistance in achieving. I d e n t i f y a t l e a s t o n e l e a r n i n g n ee d r eq u i r e d t o a c h i e v e t h e t e a m m e m be r s identified learning goal. For each learning need, identify the following: o Mentoring activity Mentoring activities include, but are not limited to the following: Job shadowing Role play activities Coaching o For each mentoring activity, identify the following Anticipated date of implementation of mentoring activity Anticipated result of mentoring activity You must secure at least one proof that you have met with each team member. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: Emails Meeting Minutes Memos You are to leave the ‘Actual Date,’ Actual Result,’ and ‘Signature’ columns blank. This will be completed in the following steps. BSBXCM501 55
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5. Conduct mentoring activities for each team member as outlined in your Mentoring Plan . Throughout your implementation, you must secure at least one proof of implementation of each mentoring activity. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of this task. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Meeting Minutes I n t e r v i e w N o t e s Video recording of role play activities If recording using a video, ensure to obtain permission first from persons involved before doing so. Update your Mentoring Plan with the following information for each mentoring a c t i v i t y c o n d u c t e d : Actual date of implementation Actual outcome of implementation 6. After providing mentoring, have each team member sign on ‘Signature’ section of the Mentoring Plan . This is to ensure that the mentoring has been sufficiently provided. All signatures must be handwritten. 7. Submit the following to your assessor: Completed Mentoring Plan Supplementary evidence for each of the following: o At least one as proof that you have met with at least two team members o At least two as proof of providing mentoring to each team member—one for each team member mentored BSBXCM501 56
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Mentoring Plan Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Organisation/ Workplace Bounce Fitness TEAM MEMBER COMMUNI CATION GOAL LEAR NING NEED MENTO RING ACTIVIT Y ANTICP ATED DATE ANTICIP ATED RESULT ACT UAL DAT E ACT UAL RES ULT SIGNA TURE Phillip Polppe Improve your active listening skills Wait a few minutes longer and listen to what other people are saying.. Practice active listening 31/05/2022 It is now much easier for the team to communi cate and collaborate. 31/05/20 22 When performi ng an action/ac tivi ty, think about what others are saying. Phillip Polppe Vivian Gutierrez Improve your ability to work together Developin g the ability to work in a group and respecting others' perspectiv es Participate in group activities 05/06/2022 The team can now interact and collaborate more easily 05/06/20 22 Accept and incorpor ate suggesti ons from others when performi ng an undertak ing or activity. Vivian Gutierrez
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This assessment will require you to present and negotiate persuasively The assessment is divided into one part: 1. Case Study Assessment Part IV Present and Negotiate Persuasively This section includes hypothetical situations based on the simulated business, Bounce F i t n e ss < h tt p s : // b o u n c e f i t n e ss . p r e c i s i o n g r o u p . c o m . a u/ > . Username: albrightlearner Password: albright@123 Forms and Templates Assessment forms and templates are provided in each task in this Case Study Assessment, unless otherwise specified. You may use similar forms and templates you’re familiar with to complete the assessment. However, all requirements specified in the task must be included in your submissions. Part B: Case Study BSBXCM501 58
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Present and Negotiate Persuasively Task Overview T h i s p a r t o f t h e p r o j e c t r eq u i r e s y o u t o p r e s e n t a n d n e go t i a t e pe r s u a s i v e l y . S pe c i f i c a ll y , y o u are required to: I d e n t i f y a n d u s e a v a r i e t y o f c o mm u n i c a t i o n s t y l e s r e l e v a n t t o v a r y i n g a u d i e n c e s Present information in a succinct, clear and persuasive manner Evaluate differences in perspective and critically examine outcomes Negotiate towards a final outcome with a focus on key outcomes Confirm and implement outcomes of negotiation or communication using appropriate methods Resources Required: T o c o m p l e t e t h i s p r o j e c t , y o u w ill n ee d a cc e ss t o t h e f o ll o w i n g : A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to: o V o l u n t ee r s t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n a ss e ss m e n t a c t i v i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g : At least two to play fitness instructors At least two to play clients At least two to play staff members Video camera or a mobile phone with video recording capabilities A safe environment to conduct the role play activity BSBXCM501 59
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P a r t B : C a s e S tu d y O v e r v i e w Time for a Change You are currently working as a Centre Manager in Bounce Fitness. Management plans to register Bounce Fitness to Fitness Australia. This requires a number of c h a n g e s t o be i m p l e m e n t e d i n t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n . S o m e o f w h i c h i n c l u d e : Having all fitness instructors currently employed to undergo training for a Certificate IV in Fitness to continue working under Bounce Fitness. An upgrade to current facilities to follow current standards I n c r e a s i n g o v e r a ll m e m be r s h i p p r i c e t o a cc o mm o d a t e t h e u p g r a d e s t o s e r v i c e s a n d facilities Management wants to limit the negative effects of undergoing such a drastic change. They have instructed all centre managers to communicate the details of the change to their fitness instructors and clients. Management needs centre mangers to relay changes that will happen in the upcoming months, as well as convince all relevant stakeholders of the benefits of the upgrades. Review this and the case study scenarios outlined below before starting Task 4.1. Class is in Session Two of your fitness instructors are not pleased with the current situation. Their chief complaint is that they don’t have enough time to complete all the requirements of the required certification. They do not know how they will be able to manage their current workload with the additional requirements from the course work, while also balancing personal matters. If things went their way, they would want to be able to use some of their current work hours for their additional training. Additionally, they don’t want to be heavily restricted to less than four months. The only thing they are firmly against is being forced to complete the course w o r k i n t w o m o n t h s . I t s t oo s t r a i n i n g o n t h e m . Management understands the viewpoint of the fitness instructors and wants you to communicate the following information to them: T h e o r g a n i s a t i o n w ill c o v e r a ll e x pe n s e f o r t h e t r a i n i n g , t h i s i n c l u d e s : o Full tuition o Transportation expenses o Food expenses Fitness instructors will be able to choose if they will want to apply for a Recognition of Prior Learning or take the full unit of competency. Fitness instructors can determine the schedule of their training based on their individual needs, so long as they are able to complete their assessments within a 3- Month period. Extensions can be negotiated. BSBXCM501 60
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From the negotiation, management would want to have all fitness instructors to agree to their set requirements. However, they can adjust some details such as the assessment period. The only thing management cannot agree to is having fitness instructors use work hours for their individual training. According to management, majority of the fitness instructors relate more to end goals, rather than to the step-by-step procedures. They are more big-picture thinkers, so it will make it easier to concentrate on the overall benefits of the new requirements on their own personal goals. Access the character brief required for this case study scenario from the link provided below: Class is in Session Character Brief h tt p s : // b o u n c e f i t n e ss . p r e c i s i o n g r o u p . c o m . a u/ s u pp l e m e n t a r y - f il e s / c r o ss - s e c t o r - bsbxcm501/ Provide your volunteers a copy of the character brief before conducting your role play activity. Flexing with Clients Part of the change required by Bounce Fitness is communicating with clients the modifications made to the organisation. You must hold a focus group discussion (FGD) with one of the groups Management plans to impose the following changes to its processes that you will need to c o n s u l t w i t h t h e c li e n t s : Bounce will impose a $50 increase to the membership fee that can be paid in instalments based on current payment plan. This is to compensate to the improvements to be done to the facilities Bounce will have less workforce for the next few months to accommodate to the training that each fitness instructor must undergo Some areas of the centres might be unavailable due to upgrades to facilities Though Bounce Fitness will be undergoing some changes for the coming months, it is so that Bounce Fitness can provide the highest quality of service to the customers. From previous market research, the current clients are sensitive to price changes, so large changes to the membership fees might turn them off. However, if the change in prices are reasonable and you provide them with a flexible payment plan, the clients might accommodate the change in fees. Current clients are very concerned with the quality of service and value for their money spent on the fitness centre, so it is important to be very explicit on how Bounce Fitness aims to improve overall customer experience with the changes. From past FGDs, current customers are more process-oriented. If you can communicate the steps required to reach the desired outcome, customers will respond more positively. It is suggested that you be more specific with what’s currently happening and why it’s happening so that customers gain more clarity and understanding on how the changes are still focused on them. BSBXCM501 61
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Management’s ideal situation is to be able to transition with the change without having to lower down price increase. However, if the clients feel that the price increase is too steep, management will be able to decrease total price increase. Management cannot, however, accept a situation wherein the prices are not increased at all. Access the character brief required for this case study scenario from the link provided below: Flexing with Clients h tt p s : // b o u n c e f i t n e ss . p r e c i s i o n g r o u p . c o m . a u/ s u pp l e m e n t a r y - f il e s / c r o ss - s e c t o r - bsbxcm501/ Provide your volunteers a copy of the character brief before conducting your role play activity. Shifting the Weight There’s a minor conflict between your fitness instructor and a receptionist. The dispute is due to a miscommunication about the fitness instructor’s shift schedule and external training. You need to resolve the conflict between the two and provide action items, before reporting to management. Management needs you to communicate the following information: Employees will be suspended for a week to reflect on their actions Management will discuss this case to determine the next steps to take for the fitness instructor From initial reports, the receptionist accidentally recorded the schedule incorrectly, resulting in the fitness instructor’s shift and training getting scheduled on the same time. This led to the fight between the two. I d e a ll y , m a n a g e m e n t w a n t s y o u t o d e f u s e t h e s i t u a t i o n a n d h a v e t h e t w o o n w o r k i n g t e r m s after sorting out their issues. However, if this isn’t possible, management can set up schedules so that the two can avoid interacting with each other. Management cannot promise that t h e t w o w ill n e v e r i n t e r a c t ; c u rr e n t s t a ff i n g c a p a c i t y w ill n o t a ll o w t h i s . From what you gathered, the two are very resistant reconciling. They would like to be placed on separate shifts so that they don’t have to work with each other. Both are very clear that they will approve of any other situation except their current working situation, which requires both of them to work with each other their entire shift. Despite being on opposite ends of the dispute, the two share very similar ways of communicating. Both are very facts driven. They are both very meticulous with their work and very logical when they are explaining situations. However, you have noticed that they both get very frustrated when something does not follow their own logic. This issue should influence how the meeting with the two should pan out. Access the character brief required for this case study scenario from the link provided below: Shifting the Weight Character Brief BSBXCM501 62
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h tt p s : // b o u n c e f i t n e ss . p r e c i s i o n g r o u p . c o m . a u/ s u pp l e m e n t a r y - f il e s / c r o ss - s e c t o r - bsbxcm501/ Provide your volunteers a copy of the character brief before conducting your role play activity. BSBXCM501 63
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Task 1: Communicate and Negotiate Effectively ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To complete this task, you must conduct a role play activity for each case study scenario outlined above. The following instructions equally apply to all scenarios. 2. Locate the following found within this workbook: Meeting Brief Meeting Minutes Template Action Plan Observation Form This outlines all the skills you must demonstrate throughout this task. Read this and the instructions that follow before conducting your role play activity. You must prepare a set of the outlined template for each role play activity conducted. 3. Complete the Meeting Brief to prepare for the role play activity. Provide the f o ll o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n b a s e d o n t h e c o rr e s p o n d i n g c a s e s t u d y s c e n a r i o : Name of selected case study Type of communication to be undertaken Target audience of your communication Communication style appropriate to your audience You must identify a different communication style for each role play activity conducted. BSBXCM501 64
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I n f o r m a t i o n t h a t y o u m u s t p r e s e n t t o t h e a u d i e n c e Management’s perspective, which must include at least one of each of the following: o Need The need is required outcome of the party from the communication/negotiation. o Want The want is the most favourable outcome most ideal outcome of the party from the communication/negotiation o Fear Fears are circumstances or requirements that will lead to the party withdrawing from the communication/negotiation. Audience’s perspective, which must include at least one of each of the following: o Need o Want o Fear Evaluate the difference between management’s perspective and audience’s perspective Evaluation includes, but is not limited to the following: I d e n t i f y i n g w h e r e p o r t i o n s o f m a n a g e m e n t s pe r s pe c t i v e a n d audience’s perspective intersect Relate management’s needs with needs of audience I d e n t i f y a r e a s w h e r e a u d i e n c e a n d m a n a g e m e n t s pe r s pe c t i v e clashes Based on your evaluation, identify at least one key outcome of the communication/negotiation that would appeal to both management and audience. You must complete the Meeting Brief and provide a copy to your assessor before conducting each role play activity. Your assessor will use this to assist in completing the Observation Form . 4. Arrange a time with your assessor to observe you in conducting the meeting. Provide them a copy of the Observation Form before conducting your meeting. If direct observation is not possible, record the training in a video. Ensure to obtain permissions first from the organisation and persons involved before doing so. BSBXCM501 65
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5. Conduct a role play activity. During each role play you must: Present the information as outlined in your Meeting Brief Negotiate towards an outcome based on key outcome you have identified in your Meeting Brief. I d e n t i f y o u t c o m e o f y o u r m ee t i n g Confirm the outcome of your meeting I d e n t i f y t h e f o ll o w i n g b a s e d o n t h e o u t c o m e i d e n t i f i e d : At least one action item to implement agreed outcome Your identified action item must be appropriate to the outcomes of your negotiation or communication from Task 4.1 You must ensure that you are able to implement each action item identified. For each action item, identify the following Anticipated date of implementation Anticipated result Record discussion in the Meeting Minutes 6. Have each participant of your meeting sign the ‘Attendees’ section of the Meeting Minute . All signatures must be handwritten. 7. Submit the following to your assessor: Three Meeting Briefs – one for each role play activity conduced Three Meeting Minutes template – one for each role play activity conducted Secure a copy of each of your completed Meeting Minutes . This will be used to assist you in completing the next task. BSBXCM501 66
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Meeting Brief To the assessor: Learner must submit at least three copies of the Meeting Brief —one for each role play activity conducted. Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Organisation/Workplace Bounce Fitness Date 25/05/2022 Case Study Selected Class is in Session Type of Communication Verbal Target Audience Staff members at the bounce health and fitness club Communication Style Proudly assertive Information to be Presented The relevance of the new credentials and courses, in addition to the influence that obtaining those certifications and courses would have on their profile and career. BSBXCM501 67
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Management Perspective Need The needs of employees Want Employees' trepidation Fear Employee retention is important. Audience Perspective Need The policies of management Want Personal schedules Fear Missing out on a chance Evaluation By taking into consideration all of the possible outcome. Key Outcome Must make adjustments to the management of time by both personnel in such a way that neither their training nor their jobs are put in jeopardy. Alterations were made to the shift schedule and the duty hours. BSBXCM501 68
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Meeting Minutes Date: : 31/05/2022 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Meeting Room 1 Case Study Selected Class is in session Purpose of the meeting Two different individuals needed to figure out how to better manage their time Learner Name Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Attendees Please sign beside your name after the meeting. Phillip Polppe Vivian Gutierrez Agenda Item 1 Discussion During the course of the shift, adjustments are performed. in order to guarantee that nobody at the organization will be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the recently introduced certification training. To be of assistance to them, their managers have consented to rearranging their work schedules and paying for their own schooling, which will allow them to receive additional instruction. BSBXCM501 69
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Observation Form (For Assessor’s Use Only) L e a r n e r N a m e : Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Name of Workplace/ O r g a n i s a t i o n : Bounce Fitness Task Title Refer to task title. Communicate and Negotiate Effectively Case Study Scenario D a te o f O b s e r v a t i o n : 19/05/2023 Did the learner demonstrate the following during their role play activity? Yes No Comments 1. Use the communication style as outlined in their Meeting Brief Yes 2. Present the information consistent with their response in the ‘Information to Present’ of their Meeting Brief Yes 3. Present information in a clear and succinct manner. D i d t h e l e a r n e r : Provides information in clear and logical manner Use specific communication methods that suit communication style (e.g. using statistics for the functional style or focusing on overall goals for intuitive style) Keep discussion around identified key points. Yes Yes Yes BSBXCM501 70
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4. Use appropriate negotiation techniques towards a final outcome with a focus on the key outcome identified in their Meeting Brief D i d t h e l e a r n e r : Use active listening skills (e.g. Apply an open posture, nod to signal understanding, paraphrasing to clarify understanding.) Relate to audience’s emotions to persuade them to agree to your proposal Exhibit confidence to show audience that the key outcome they propose is the best choice. Yes Yes Yes 5. Present information in a persuasive and professional manner D i d t h e l e a r n e r : Establishes and maintains rapport with audience (e.g. relating to audience, giving praise, celebrating success, etc.) Explaining benefits of protocols for the target audience Providing counterpoints to objections, if any Ask audience for any clarifications, enquiries or issues regarding information presented Use positive body language (e.g. using an open stance, maintaining appropriate eye contact with audience, etc.) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes OVERALL FEEDBACK TO LEARNER BSBXCM501 71
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. Task 2: Implement Negotiated Outcomes ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. To complete this task, you need to implement the negotiated outcome of each role play activity conducted in Task 3.1. 2. Locate the Action Plan template found within this workbook. This outlines all the information you need to complete this assessment. 3. Review each of the Meeting Minutes completed for each role play conducted in Task 3.1. Use the information here to complete your Action Plan template. 4. Record the following on the Action Plan template based on the information from each Meeting Minutes reviewed: Final outcome of each reviewed Meeting Minutes At least on action item for each final outcome identified that you can implement as outlined in Task 4.1. Your identified action item must be appropriate to the outcomes of your negotiation or communication from Task 4.1 You must record at least three action items, one for each of the case study scenarios outlined in Task 4.1 Anticipated date of implementation for each action item Anticipated result of each action item L e a v e t h e A c t u a l D a t e o f I m p l e m e n t a t i o n , A c t u a l R e s u l t , a n d Si g n a t u r e , columns blank. This will be completed in the following step. 5. Simulate the implementation each action item outlined in your Action Plan. Simulation of implementation includes, but is not limited to the following: Role play activity of training or a coaching activity Simulated email to arrange a meeting or conference BSBXCM501 72
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During the implementation, you must secure at least one proof of your implementation. This will be submitted as supplementary evidence at the end of the task. Evidence includes, but is not limited to the following: A video recording of your role play activity Email correspondence of arranging your meeting or conference Discuss with your supervisor the appropriate evidence for each of your action items identified. Update the following columns on your Action Plan based on each action item implemented: Actual date of implementation Actual Result 6. Have your supervisor sign on the ‘Signature’ column of your Action Plan for each action item implemented. This is to ensure that all responses are accurate and factual. 7. Submit the following to your assessor: Completed Action Plan At least three pieces of supplementary evidence of implementation—one for each action item. BSBXCM501 73
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Action Plan Completed by Noor Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Workplace/Organisation Bounce Fitness FINAL OUTCOME ACTION ITEM ANTICIPATED DATE ANTICIPATED RESULT ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL RESULT SIGNATURE Make some adjustments to the shift schedule. Make roster adjustme nts. 25/06/202 3 Enhance both your knowledge and your abilities. 25/05/2 023 Enhanc e both your knowle dge and your abilitie s. Noor Mohamamd Kamrul Hasan
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