M3.3 Team Discussion: Fact Checking Misinformation
Footage from Joe Biden's archives went viral on March 12, 2024. At that time, he had the position of a senator in the United States. According to the video, Biden is heard saying, "f Haiti—a God-awful thing to say—if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot to our interests." Reports indicate that the 1994 recording allegedly
depicts Vice President Biden participating in an interview. Towards the conclusion of his speech, an individual endeavors to interject with a query, although the video abruptly ceases before they get the opportunity to do so.
When you first considered the claim being fact checked in the article you read, were there any warning signs that made you suspicious of the claim? If so, what were they?
No, the article was fact-checked, but it was shown however that a critical missing piece of the statement needed to be included, changing the message and meaning of what was said.
How did Snopes evaluate the truth of the claim you examined? What evidence did they use to confirm or debunk it?
The recordings and transcripts were analyzed. And again did show that the words he was said to have said were true but only a cut of the whole speech to form a narrative.
What (if any) concepts from this class could you use to evaluate the truth of the claim?
Utilize the collection of resources as well as websites that investigate the facts about the situation. Additionally, to conduct research on the author, the
internet and social media platforms are utilized.
Ibrahim, N. (2024, March 15).
Did Biden say, “if Haiti quietly sunk into Caribbean” it wouldn’t matter to US interests?
Snopes. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-haiti-sunk-caribbean/