IHI PS 104 Module - Part 2
1-To boost communication technique: Instrument systematize connection tools such as SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) To make sure to have a comprehensible, incisive direction to communicate with all medical professionals.
-Increase unity and alliance: motivate workers to work as a team by helping each other to reach the main goal which is patients’ satisfaction with their healthcare. 2-In my nursing profession, I will use the two-challenge plan by effective communication with my coworkers. If I observe any issues that can affect my client's safety, I will speak up and convey my worry, to ensure that my worry about my patient is heard and addressed to a higher level. -Another way is to continue my education through my career to keep updated with new technology. I would like to have a training course every year also to meet my colleagues in a different location and discuss any new technology used
to get a better understanding.
3-One approach is to engage clients by educating patients about any healthcare
plan and letting them know their disease and plan of care and how they can prevent the development or increase the risk factors. Also, we should encourage
patients to ask questions if they are not sure about their health and use feedback techniques.