After reading this chapter, can you list other myths or misconceptions about technology?
Myth Technology can hamper learning.
Myth Technology can replace (Good) Teachers.
Myth Using Technology is Difficult.
During your field hours, what are some innovative uses of either high-tech or low technologies that you have either observed or utilized?
During my field hours I found myself in a preschool and a MD unit both vastly different classrooms, both rooms use high- and low-tech technologies, they use smart boards, laptops. In the MD unit they use a iPad speech device so one of the students can type to speak with what they need.
Search YouTube for a person(s) / teacher(s) using assistive technology. Link and describe the video.
The teacher is working with her student on a text to speech program, she is showing them
how to highlight words and put the text in the box, so it will read to them. They are also using headphones so they can hear what is being read to them and won’t interrupt the whole class with headphones on.