COMPLETED Razo and Jackson



Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City *

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Jun 4, 2024





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Name: Joy Pierce Date: May 29, 2024 Communication – Razo and Jackson 1. When questioning students, it is important for teachers to use “wait time” for student responses. Describe how Ms. Razo uses wait time to assist students communicate their understanding. “Wait time” in teaching is referring to the intentional pause that a teacher will give after asking their students a question. This pause allows the students to have time to think and formulate their answers / responses before expecting an answer. Utilizing “wait time” is important for several reasons. It encourages the students to use their critical thinking, it increases participation, it helps the students build confidence, and enhances the students overall learning. In the video, you can see Ms. Razo utilizes “wait time” to help assist her students in communicating their understanding by giving them a few moments to fully formulate and process their thoughts over the information before having them respond. This also helps and allows her students to express themselves more clearly and confidently. Ms. Razo is able to help encourage her students to engage on a deeper level with the material as well as think more critically about the questions that they were being asked. 2. Ms. Jackson uses strategies to provoke and guide discussions with her students. Share at least two examples of how she uses former learning to guide her students into new learning. Ms. Jackson is shown in the video utilizing different strategies with her students to provoke and guide them through discussions. Two examples of Ms. Jackson using her former learning to help guide her students into new learning are: 1. Ms. Jackson utilizes the strategy of using open ended questions as a teaching method. Ms. Jackson selects questions that correlate the students’ daily lives. By doing this, it prompts her students to start expressing their thoughts and opinions. In return, it encourages deeper thinking in her students which then allows for diverse responses. By utilizing this strategy, it helps enrich her students’ overall understanding of the material. It also helps strengthen her students ability to apply accounting terms into more practical situations. Ms. Jackson's method of teaching facilitates both comprehension of terms as well as gives her students the ability to effectively apply them in real life situations. 2. Ms. Jackson is also shown utilizing the strategy of integrating real life experiences to introduce the new learning objectives in her lessons to her students. She will first start off by selecting a variety of daily life topics that will encourage the students to share their different thoughts and opinions which leads to the review and / or introduction of terms that are related to the lesson’s goals. Rather than Ms. Jakson just directly teaches her students the terms for the lesson, she instead prompts her students to connect them to their own personal experiences. By being able to link the students' everyday lives to their lessons, she is able to foster a deeper engagement within her students as well as enhancing her students overall comprehension on the subject matter.
3. Ms. Jackson uses a variety of ways to have students communicate what they have learned. Describe at least two examples in detail. There are a variety of ways that teachers can use to help their students communicate what they have learned. In the video, Ms. Jackson seems to take on a more interactive approach when it comes to guiding her students towards the correct answers. Ms. Jackson can be seen engaging her students with thought provoking discussions. By doing that, it helps encourage the students to think about the subject matter on a deeper level. In the video, Ms. Jackson also utilizes her well-crafted questions to help her students reflect on the bias and preconceptions. This leads her student to have a more insightful interpretation on the topic. By doing this, it fosters critical thinking skills because the students are encouraged to consider the different viewpoints as well as analyze all of the different perspectives. Ms. Jackson is also seen in the video asking her students for the questions opposed to her giving her students the questions. By taking this approach, Ms. Jackson is making sure that the students are listening and are able to show their understanding. Ms. Jackson also is seen in the video helping her students walk through the lesson by asking then different questions throughout. This helps Ms. Jackson to make sure that her students have step by step understanding of the material in the lesson. 4. Ms. Razo and Ms. Jackson both use effective communication strategies to assist students to arrive at the correct answer, without outwardly giving the correct answer. Give specific examples from each classroom and explain how each promotes student learning. In the video, both Ms. Razo as well as Ms. Jackson is seen using effective communication strategies to assist their students in arriving at the correct answer instead of just outwardly giving them the correct answer. Ms. Jackson is shown using effective communication in her classroom by introducing new learning objectives to her students by integrating real life experiences into her lessons. In the video, is shows Ms. Jackson selected a variety of daily life topics in order to encourage her students to share their different thoughts and views on the subject matter. By doing this, it helps facilitate the review / introduction of the different terms that are related to the lesson’s goals. While Ms. Razo chooses to utilize a different strategy in her classroom. Ms. Razo uses different questions to communicate with her students. Ms. Razo in the videos shown asking her students multiple questions in different ways to ensure that her students have full understanding. Ms. Razo is also shown using the “wait time” strategy within her classroom. After Ms. Razo asks her students a question, it shows Ms. Razo patiently waited for her student to start responding. If one of her students struggles when answering a question, Ms. Razo is shown in the video rephrasing the same question for the student, by doing this, it helps encourage deeper thinking within her students. This method allows students to learn how to apply both their problem solving as well as their analytical skills.
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