HERAT_LAB 2_30221483



University of Calgary *

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Civil Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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NAME : HERAT BAKULKUMAR GAUDANI COURSE : 602 SUSTAINABILITY CONCEPTS FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING UCID : 30221483 LAB : 2 DATE OF SUBMISSION : 28/09/2023 EXERCISE 1( G ) Based on the provided parameters, we were able to determine the values of A and T for 8 different countries. Using population data until 2050, we created a time vs. population graph and observed that France, Canada, Madagascar, Brazil, and the US are expected to experience a minor increase in population, while Nigeria and India project a significant increase. China's population will increase until 2022 before decreasing. To estimate the values of A and T, we calculated the slope and intercept of the graph, using the trendline to predict future trends for each country. From these values, we calculated I and created additional graphs for affluence vs. time, CO2 emission technology vs. time, and total CO2 emission vs. time. Our findings indicate that the value of "I" is anticipated to decrease significantly in China and the US, while India is projected to experience an increase. For the other countries, total CO2 emissions are expected to remain constant. However, it is important to keep in mind that this equation is not entirely accurate as it involves various factors such as population, which is subject to constant change over time, making predictions challenging.
EXERCISE 2 TABLE:1 Title of the Project Affordable, Replicable, and Marketable Net Zero Ready Multiple Unit Residential Buildings Total Cost $5,677,320 Location Southeast Edmonton Brief Description of Project Objective The objectives of this project are: 1) Delivering a wide range of housing to the residents according to their budget. 2) Designing houses to reduce carbon emissions and use more renewable energy. 3) To increase construction productivity by delivering projects on time and with superior quality. 4) Decreasing construction schedule. Expected Results The future objectives of this project are to offer: 1) Economical housing alternatives. 2) Reduce overall energy usage, resulting in more reasonable electricity costs for dwellers. 3) Establish welcoming living quarters. 4) Providing a pleasant ambiance for occupants to reside. 5) Creating homes with a minimal environmental footprint. 6) Quieter home with minimal noise from outside.
TABLE 2: Title Alberta Zero Emissions Truck Electrification Collaboration Total Cost $9,278,733 Location Edmonton and Calgary Brief Description of Project Objective The objectives of this project are: 1) Setting up the hydrogen fuel station as an alternative for heavy-duty vehicles that will operate in ideal-world conditions. 2) Manufacturing two long-range trucks to test in real-world scenarios and providing the necessary infrastructure for refueling them between CGY and EDM. 3) The tests to be carried out are refueling within 20-45 mins under -30 °C to 30°C considering safe and reliable operation and the ability to provide pure SAE J2719 hydrogen from the station while managing the hydrogen station pumps at all times. Expected Results The aims of this project for the future are to offer: 1) Boost in economy of Canada by producing hydrogen and exporting it. 2) Cheaper, environment friendly and a better alternative form of non-renewable source of fuel. 3) Reducing the carbon footprint on a large scale since freight transportation is one of the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases in Canada and doing this will reduce the emission of harmful gases into the environment. 4) More employment opportunities for the people in the manufacturing, installation of pumps, maintenance, and delivery sectors.
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