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Civil Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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California State University, Fresno Civil and Geomatics Engineering Department Activity Assignment 5 CE 80 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering Dr. Julio Roa Prepared by: Daniel Llanez William Utleg Date: February 22, 2024 “This assignment is my own work and in my own words. I acknowledge that all extracts from existing work, published or unpublished, have been identified by quotation marks. All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged. I understand and agree that plagiarism detection software may be used on my assignment and accept the consequences that may result from plagiarizing work.” Name: Daniel Llanez, William Utleg Date: February 22, 2024 E-Signature: Daniel Llanez, William Utleg
Summarize Objective This assignment allows us to watch, follow, and implement the work Dr. Roa instructs us on the video file on Large Datasets. We are to use this information and apply it to our datasets we plan to use on the final. By understanding the tasks presented, we can enhance the work we do to be more effective and efficient on how we manipulate data through the use of Excel. Once we present solutions to how we present the data in a way that is presentable and readable, we will create technical improvements to the video and clarify the explanations we will be using on our own datasets. In Excel, copy and paste has many different opportunities to be used effectively. To copy and paste efficiently, using the key bindings, control and the key ‘C’, whatever is being highlighted by mouse or the use of shift and the arrow keys on the keyboard, we can store the data using this function made for computers on Windows. On Mac; however, although they have a control key, all the functions used on that computer are used by the command key. I am switching between my Windows computer and a Macbook due to technical difficulties on the Windows computer. Figure A. Highlighted Area on the Dataset Figure A shows the highlighted field through the outline along the right side of column ‘J’ and the section number 15. The dataset is now stored through Excel and the size of the dataset will replicate itself whenever we decide to use the paste option. There is one key distinction to note here that wherever you decide to place the indicated area through hovering and clicking on the cell you decide to replicate, the dataset will not just be stuck on one cell, but as I mentioned earlier will be replicated as the exact size of
the dataset that was copied. Once the dataset is pasted, the selected cell will indicate the top left box of the original dataset making copying and pasting flawless. Figure B. Hovering and Clicking Area to Paste the Copied Dataset Here you can see in Figure B that the cell I highlighted falls under column A section 17. This is the indicated cell I plan to paste the exact same dataset in Figure A. What I find very interesting is that when playing around with Excel copy and paste function, whenever copying and pasting data over existing data, there are no mishaps, it will entirely replace the cells that are being passed over. There are no overlaps nor mistakes; however, I find this intuitive as if data is being copied and pasted over existing data, there is most likely an indication of a problem or mistake in the dataset. So understanding how functions work on Excel and trying to make use of the functions that take priority over the other is a filesheet that will be easy to understand, professional, and usable in the real world. Finally under Figure C, we are pasting the dataset one section under the highlighted area to make sure we understand how the functions work. What I find interesting about the function paste is that even the functions that are highlighted in the data sets are being copied over as the function solutions and not as the function itself. For example, in figure C, under columns H and I the average of the precipitation and wind speed are listed at the bottom. The function itself is =AVG(indicated cells)
When copying and pasting the indicated fields, it does not show up as the function itself, but presents itself as the solution data to the functions I used and uses the indicated field in relevance to the dataset I copied and pasted. As for the initial dataset I copied, the functions I used specifically were made to use the cells under H and I from sections 2 to 14. This then was created for the dataset I specifically pasted to work the sections 18 to 30 under the same columns. Figure C. Pasting Dataset underneath Highlighted Dataset Printing is another step that was specified in the video as an important means to communicate data through paper instead of dataset shared online and through Excel. One important step I noted while watching the video is how the information is going to be relayed to whoever the information is being presented to. Readability is very important when the accessibility is limited. For example, if information on Excel is being printed onto paper, the way it is being conveyed is very important. They cannot simply zoom in on Excel or highlight the respective fields that they want to view, select, or find. This is why how we plan to present information is important in the professional world.
Figure D. Data in Landscape Mode in the Printing Setting as 2 Pages There are many different ways to orient your data that are effective at communicating the data that is being presented. In Figure D, you can see at the very bottom that there are exactly two pages that relay the same information that spans horizontally. Here we decide to use a dataset that will be divided into two different pages of work. I find this the easiest way to fit information as well as making it professional, easy to read, and easy to manipulate. It is easy to manipulate specific sets of data by using the printing section to meet the needs of the employer or whoever is in charge to see the data. For example, if our employer decides to ask for the work in upright or portrait mode, we can easily do that. That will increase the amount of paper that will be used to relay the information that will be able to fit on each page. Under Figure E; however, I was able to relay the data that was horizontal underneath one another. By copying and pasting the information that would’ve been columns further away from the original set of data, we are able to fit and relay the information right underneath the given point of the dataset. I find this interesting because just by using the printing settings, I was not able to replicate this exact page without
going back into Excel and fixing it myself. This will be very handy to use while printing whist in the workplace to have information all on one sheet of paper that is neat and orderly. Figure E. Data in the Printing Setting as 1 Page
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