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Civil Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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California State University, Fresno Civil and Geomatics Engineering Department Activity Assignment 4 CE 80 Computer Applications in Civil Engineering Dr. Julio Roa Prepared by: Carlos Moreno Daniel Llanez William Utleg Date: Feb 15, 2024 “This assignment is my work and in my own words. I acknowledge that all extracts from existing work, published or unpublished, have been identified by quotation marks. All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged. I understand and agree that plagiarism detection software may be used on my assignment and accept the consequences that may result from plagiarizing work.” Name: Carlos Moreno, Daniel Llanez, William Utleg Date: February 15, 2024 E-signature: Carlos Moreno, Daniel Llanez, William Utleg
Summarize Objective: This assignment offers us the opportunity to review the final project in detail in order to research, discuss, and document solutions to problems we deem interesting and complex. Throughout the activity, we will understand the importance of computer applications in the engineering discipline. We must develop the ability to function effectively on a team whose members create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and objectives. This presentation is a way to express the work you create that resonates with you, as well as the audience. a) Names of team members 1. Carlos Moreno 2. Daniel Llanez 3. William Utleg b) Potential topics Carlos Moreno - Analyzing Data for Common Childhood Illnesses Daniel Llanez - Analyzing Data for Traffic Pattern Analysis for City Planning/ Infrastructure William Utleg - Data Analysis on human behavior through evolving technology.
c) Problem statement Carlos Moreno - Children through their childhood develop so many illnesses. Whether it's a small flue, sore throat, or influence. Although most of this sickness is very common in children and in adults, children have it more difficult. There are so many factors that can cause children to get sick easily. They can have an undeveloped immune system and not have the right nutrients. Have higher exposure to germs outside of home. The problems proposed with this topic are multiple as there are many ways for children to encounter sickness. Though the main reasons for a child’s sickness is being exposed to germs or more viruses. Daniel Llanez - While there is plenty of data available in the public transportation sector, it can all be utilized and assessed to help with the flow of traffic and minimize travel times. Problems with transportation in the United States arise from congestion and improper infrastructure maintenance. In cities such as Los Angeles, travel times can skyrocket to an hour or more when traversing even small distances. Furthermore, more time spent commuting and waiting through traffic adds to an already serious climate crisis. Air pollution from cities can be namely be attributed to vehicle emissions. Databases have no shortage of information on pollution and emissions. We can also use data available from transportation agencies and traffic monitoring organizations to identify when peak traffic hours occur, and analyze trends to better understand when congestion is the highest for these affected areas. William Utleg - Human interaction is influenced through socialization. Through the internet, online interaction stretches far and wide and is not limited to the influence of humans, but the technology it influences. The importance of understanding how technology influences interactions between people through transportation, how we manipulate social interactions, and the use of artificial intelligence, will determine how our future depends on technology or helps assist our work.
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