David Alexander Lara Externship #2 Date 03/14/2023 57612260 Skill # 18 A description written
in your own words of the indications or reasons for performing Schirmer tear tests, fluorescein stains, and tonometry. Note the order in which these tests should be performed and why. Note normal values or ranges. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format. o Schirmer Tear Test: This
test uses a wicking paper to measure the amount of tear film produced in one minute. According
to Hunter, the Schirmer Tear Test is performed to check for Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS); also known as “dry eye.” A normal Schirmer Tear Test will have values around 5-25mm/minute. Whereas a Schirmer Tear Test with values around 6-10mm/min is conclusive for moderate KCS
according to Whittaker and associates (2007). o Tonometry: Tonometry is used to check our patient’s fluid pressures inside their eyes. This fluids is called aqueous humor; similar to plasma.
The use of an instrument called the iCare TONOVET or the iCare TONOPEN allows us to measure the aqueous fluids pressure. We gently tap the device the eye to collect an average pressure; normally 3 separate readings. According to Veterinarians, stable pressure inside the eye of 15 to 20 mmHg, (2015). o Fluorescein Stain Test: This test uses fluorescein stain on the eye to check for scratches or ulcers to the Cornea. If there is a stain up-take; patients cannot be
placed on eye medications with a steroid; will make the defect worse. For an eye work-up; you will want to perform the Schirmer Tear Test first, followed by Tonometry, followed by the Fluorescein Stain Test. If your doctors wants eye numbing drops; they will be administered after
the Schirmer Tear Test and the Tonometry Test have been performed; prior to the Fluorescein Stain Test. Work Cited Cameron Whittaker, BVSc, DVCS, DACVO; Robin G. Stanley, BVSc, FACVSc. (2007). Dry Eye in veterinary ophthalmology - WSAVA2007 - Vin. Powered By VIN. Retrieved January This study source was downloaded by 100000839385687 from CourseHero.com on 01-03-2024 19:04:48 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/197112434/David-Alexander-Lara-ID-57612260-Externship-2-
Skill-18-Eye-Test-Logbook-Writeupdocx/ 2, 2023, from https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx? id=3860883&pid=11242& Hunter, T, DVM., & Ward, E, DVM. (n.d.). Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) or Dry Eye in dogs: VCA Animal Hospital. Vca. Retrieved December 28, 2022, from https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-
pet/keratoconjunctivitis-sicca-kcs-or-dry-eye-in-dogs Veterinarians, P. P. (2015, August 2). Tonometry (eye pressure testing) in dogs. RSS. Retrieved December 28, 2022, from https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/pet-health/tonometryeye-pressure-testing-in-dogs/ Logbook of two performances of each of these three tests including date, patient name, signalment, and results. Procedures should be performed on awake patients, and more than one procedure may be performed on a single patient as long as procedures are performed in the correct order. 1. “Leon” Johnson a 1yr 3mo Male/Intact Canine – French Bulldog – 16.8kg; presented on 03/10/2023 for rubbing his face; OD red/swollen. IOP: OD: 41, 42, 41 = ~ 41mmHg OS: 29, 27, 28 = ~ 28mmHg FDS: OD: No stain uptake OS: No stain uptake STT: OD:
13mm OS: 15mm o Glaucoma bilaterally, mild in OS, moderate OD, recommend treatment with Dorolamide/Timolol and follow up with ophthalmologist per DVM. 2. “Caca” Dang a 7yr 1mo Female/Spayed Feline – DSH – 2.78kg; presented on 03/13/2023 for not acting herself; OD crusted shut. IOP: OD: 8, 7, 9 = ~ 8mmHg OS: 14, 15, 13 = ~ 14mmHg FDS: OD: No stain uptake OS: No stain uptake STT: OD: 18mm OS: 20mm o Conjunctivitis, recommend treatment with NeoPolyDexamethasone; recheck with rDVM in 7 days with rDVM per DVM. This study source was downloaded by 100000839385687 from CourseHero.com on 01-03-2024 19:04:48