AGE3702 2024_Assessment 3_Short Questions_661974f99c3cb499cd591fc4d0905418



University of South Africa *

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Jun 1, 2024





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AGE3702-2024 Assessment 3 1 AGE3702-2024 Assessment 3: Short Questions Assessment Criteria Assessment 3 consists of two (2) parts: Part 1 and Part 2 . Each part contains a series of short questions. There are 15 questions in total. Please read each question carefully. Part 1 of this assessment requires you to remember and understand what you have learnt in Learning Unit 5. Part 2 of this assessment requires you to apply what you have learnt in Learning Unit 5. Assessment Plan To complete Assessment 3, you are required to submit your answers for all short questions in Part 1 and Part 2. Attach the signed Plagiarism Declaration to your document. The Plagiarism Declaration template is available in Additional Resources – Assessment 3 on the AGE3702-2024 myUnisa site. Only PDF submissions are allowed for this assessment. Save your Word document as a PDF for the final submission. Your final submission must be made on the AGE3702-2024 myUnisa module site. Assessment 3 is worth 50 points. Assessment 3 contributes 20% to your final mark for AGE3702-2024 and it is due on 7 June 2024 at 8pm .
AGE3702-2024 Assessment 3 2 Learning material Assessment 3 draws on Learning Unit 5: Archaeological Heritage Management. Assessment 3 also draws on the following journal article: Bradfield, J., Cleminson, E., Hodgson, C., Naude, R., Senyane, L., Spruit, B., Taylor, N., Tsakatsi, L., Woodborne, S. & Lotter, M.G. 2022. The remediation of Kruger Cave: A Later Stone Age and living heritage site in the western Magaliesberg. Southern African Field Archaeology 17(1361): 1-25. Technical specifications and other guidelines To complete this assessment, you must answer all questions. Take note of the mark allocation for each question. Prepare your assessment in Microsoft Word (or any other word processing program). Include a cover page with your full name and surname, student number, module code, and assessment number. All questions must be answered in your Word document and numbered correctly. Attach the signed Plagiarism Declaration to your document. Once you are done, kindly convert your document to PDF.
AGE3702-2024 Assessment 3 3 Preparing for the assessment 1. Read and study Learning Unit 5 and focus on what is needed to practice sound archaeological heritage management. 2. Next, locate and download the *article below either from the Unisa Library or from Google Scholar (watch the video tutorial on accessing journal articles, this video is available in Additional Resources – Assessment 3 ). *Please do not request this article from your lecturer. *The Article Bradfield, J., Cleminson, E., Hodgson, C., Naudé, R., Senyane, L., Spruit, B., Taylor, N., Tsakatsi, L., Woodborne, S. & Lotter, M.G. 2022. The remediation of Kruger Cave: A Later Stone Age and living heritage site in the western Magaliesberg. Southern African Field Archaeology 17: 1-25. 3. After you have downloaded the article, read the article, and think about what remedial actions and steps have been taken at the site over the last 40 years. 4. Reread the article again and make notes as you go. 5. In your reading, focus on what remedies have been put in place at Kruger Cave to ensure the conservation and protection of the site. Make brief notes on these remedies. 6. You are now ready to complete the Assessment 3 short questions. Lecturer consultation times I am available online (email, telephone, myUnisa) during my consultation times on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 12pm. Lecturer Contact Details: Email: Tel.: 012 429 6359 Good luck!
AGE3702-2024 Assessment 3 4 Part 1 Part 1 of this assessment requires you to remember and understand what you have learnt in Learning Unit 5. Question 1 [3 points] What are the learning outcomes for Learning Unit 5? Mark allocation Each learning outcome carries 1 point for a possible total of 3 points. Question 2 [5 points] What are the five knowledge bases needed to practice archaeological heritage management? Mark allocation Each knowledge base carries 1 point for a possible total of 5 points. Question 3 [4 points) Using any four (4) of the descriptors provided below, briefly define archaeological heritage management. Take note of the mark allocation. Descriptors archaeological heritage, artefacts, community, conservation, culture, destruction, development, education, excavating, heritage management, legislation, presentation, protection, sites, standards, recording, tourist plans Mark allocation Each relevant descriptor carries 1 point for a possible total of 4 points.
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