Psychology - 5th Edition - by Ciccarelli - ISBN 9780134715308

5th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134715308

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Chapter 2.5 - Differentiate The Roles Of The Somatic And Autonomic Nervous SystemChapter 2.6 - Explain Why The Pituitary Gland Is Known As The "master Gland"Chapter 2.7 - Recall The Role Of Various Endocrine GlandsChapter 2.9 - Compare And Contrast Neuroimaging Techniques For Mapping The Structure And Function Of The Brain OrChapter 2.13 - Name The Parts Of The Cortex That Are Responsible For Higher Forms Of Thought, Such As LanguageChapter 2.14 - Explain How Some Brain Functions Differ Between The Left And Right HemispheresChapter 2.15 - Identify Some Potential Causes Of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity DisorderChapter 3 - Sensation And PerceptionChapter 3.3 - Explain Why Some Sensory Information Is IgnoredChapter 3.6 - Compare And Contrast Two Major Theories Of Color Vision, And Explain How Color-deficient Vision OccursChapter 3.9 - Identify Types Of Hearing Impairment And Treatment Options For EachChapter 3.11 - Explain How The Sense Of Smell WorksChapter 3.12 - Describe How We Experience The Sensations Of Touch, Pressure, Temperature, And PainChapter 3.13 - Describe The Systems That Tell Us About Balance And Position And Movement Of Our BodiesChapter 3.16 - Identify Some Common Visual Illusions And The Factors That Influence Our Perception Of ThemChapter 3.17 - Describe How The Neuroscientific Study Of Magic Can Help To Explain Visual And Cognitive IllusionsChapter 4 - ConsciousnessChapter 4.2 - Differentiate Between The Different Levels Of ConsciousnessChapter 4.6 - Differentiate Among The Various Sleep DisordersChapter 4.8 - Identify The Commonalities And Differences In The Content Of People's DreamsChapter 4.10 - Compare And Contrast Two Views Of Why Hypnosis WorksChapter 4.12 - Identify The Effects And Dangers Of Using StimulantsChapter 4.14 - Identify The Effects And Dangers Of Using HallucinogensChapter 4.15 - Describe How The Workings Of Our Consciousness Can Explain "supernatural" VisitationsChapter 5 - LearningChapter 5.3 - Apply Classical Conditioning To Examples Of Phobias, Taste Aversions, And Drug DependencyChapter 5.5 - Differentiate Between Primary And Secondary Reinforcers And Positive And Negative ReinforcementChapter 5.9 - Describe How Operant Conditioning Is Used To Change Animal And Human BehaviourChapter 5.12 - Summarize Seligman's Studies On Learned HelplessnessChapter 5.13 - Describe The Process Of Observational LearningChapter 5.14 - List The Four Elements Of Observational LearningChapter 5.15 - Describe An Example Of Conditioning In The Real WorldChapter 6 - MemoryChapter 6.2 - Explain How He Different Models Of Memory WorksChapter 6.3 - Describe The Process Of Sensory MemoryChapter 6.5 - Explain The Process Of Long-term Memory, Including Nondeclarative And Declarative FormsChapter 6.7 - Differentiate The Retrieval Processes Of Recall And RecognitionChapter 6.9 - Explain How The Constructive Processing View Of Memory Retrieval Accounts For Forgetting And Inaccuracies In MemoryChapter 6.11 - Identify Some Common Reasons People Forget ThingsChapter 6.13 - Identify The Biological Cause Of AmnesiaChapter 6.14 - Explain How Sleep, Exercise, And Diet Affect MemoryChapter 7 - Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, And LanguageChapter 7.5 - Recall Some Characteristics Of Creative, Divergent ThinkingChapter 7.8 - Identify Ways To Evaluate The Quality Of A TestChapter 7.9 - Define Intellectual Disability, Giftedness, And Emotional IntelligenceChapter 7.10 - Evaluate The Influence Of Heredity And Environment On The Development Of IntelligenceChapter 7.14 - Summarize The Research On The Ability Of Animals To Communicate And Use Their LanguageChapter 7.15 - Identify Some Methods For Improving Your Cognitive HealthChapter 8 - Development Across The Life SpanChapter 8.3 - Summarize The Role Of Chromosomes And Genes In Determining The Transmission Of Traits And The Inheritance Of DisordersChapter 8.4 - Explain The Process Of Fertilization, Including The Twinning ProcessChapter 8.5 - Describe The Three Stages Of Prenatal DevelopmentChapter 8.6 - Describe The Physical And Sensory Changes That Take Place In Infancy And ChildhoodChapter 8.8 - Identify The Development Of Personality, Relationships, And Self-concept In Infancy And ChildhoodChapter 8.11 - Describe How The Adolescent Search For Personal Identity Influences Relationships With OthersChapter 8.16 - Describe Kubler-ross's Theory Of Death And Dying, And Identify Some Criticisms Of This TheoryChapter 8.17 - Compare And Contrast Some Cross-cultural Differences In Views Of Death And DyingChapter 9 - Motivation And EmotionChapter 9.3 - Explain The Characteristics Of The Three Types Of NeedsChapter 9.5 - Describe How Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs And Self-determination Theories Explain MotivationChapter 9.7 - Recognize Some Of The Factors That Contribute To ObesityChapter 9.10 - Identify The Key Elements In The Cognitive Arousal And Cognitive-mediational Theories Of EmotionChapter 10 - Sexuality And GenderChapter 10.2 - Explain How Sex Characteristics DevelopChapter 10.3 - Identify The Psychological, Biological, Environmental, And Cultural Influences On GenderChapter 10.4 - Compare And Contrast Different Views Of How Gender Roles DevelopChapter 10.5 - Describe How Men And Women Differ In Thinking, Social Behaviour, And PersonalityChapter 10.6 - Identify The Four Stages Of A Sexual-response CycleChapter 10.8 - Identify Some Influences On The Development Of Sexual OrientationChapter 10.9 - Describe The Causes And Symptoms Of Some Common Sexually Transmitted InfectionsChapter 10.10 - Explain Why The Number Of Hiv And Aids Case In Russia Is Increasing So DramaticallyChapter 11 - Stress And HealthChapter 11.2 - Identify Three Types Of External Events That Can Cause StressChapter 11.3 - Identify Psychological Factors In StressChapter 11.9 - Identify Social And Cultural Factors That Influence Stress ReactionsChapter 11.13 - Explain How Religious Beliefs Can Affect The Ability To Cope With StressChapter 11.14 - Define Mindfulness Meditation And Describe Its Use In Coping With The Effects Of StressChapter 12 - Social PsychologyChapter 12.2 - Explain How Our Behavior Is Impacted By The Presence Of OthersChapter 12.4 - Identify Factors That Make Obedience More LikelyChapter 12.6 - Describe How Attitudes Can Be ChangedChapter 12.9 - Describe The Process Of Explaining One's Own Behaviour And The Behaviour Of OthersChapter 12.11 - Describe Theories Of How Prejudice Is Learned And How It Can Be OvercomeChapter 12.15 - Identify The Factors Influencing Why People Help OthersChapter 12.16 - Define Social NeuroscienceChapter 13 - Theories Of PersonalityChapter 13.4 - Evaluate The Influence Of Freudian Theory On Modern Personality TheoriesChapter 13.6 - Evaluate The Strengths And Limitations Of The Behavioral And Social Cognitive Learning Views Of PersonalityChapter 13.8 - Evaluate The Strengths And Limitations Of The Humanistic View Of PersonalityChapter 13.11 - Evaluate The Strengths And Limitations Of The Trait View Of PersonalityChapter 13.13 - Summarize Current Research On The Heritability Of PersonalityChapter 13.14 - Identify The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Interviews, Behavioral Assessments, And Personality Inventories To Measure PersonalityChapter 13.15 - Identify The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Projective Personality TestsChapter 13.16 - Identify Some Biological Bases Of PersonalityChapter 14 - Psychological DisordersChapter 14.1 - Explain How Our Definition Of Abnormal Behavior And Thinking Has Changed Over TimeChapter 14.3 - Describe How Psychological Disorders Are Diagnosed And ClassifiedChapter 14.6 - Identify Potential Causes Of Anxiety, Trauma, And Stress DisordersChapter 14.8 - Summarize Explanations For Dissociative DisordersChapter 14.10 - Compare And Contrast Behavioral, Social Cognitive, And Biological Explanations For Depression And Other Disorders Of MoodChapter 14.11 - Identify The Symptoms And Risk Factors Associated With Anoxeria Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, And Binge-eating DisorderChapter 14.12 - Describe Types Of Sexual Dysfunction And Explain How They May DevelopChapter 14.14 - Evaluate The Biological And Environmental Influences On SchizophreniaChapter 14.16 - Identify Potential Causes Of Personality DisordersChapter 14.17 - Identify Some Ways To Overcome Test AnxietyChapter 15 - Psychological TherapiesChapter 15.1 - Describe How The Treatment Of Psychological Disorders Has Changed Throughout HistoryChapter 15.3 - Identify The Basic Elements Of The Humanistic Therapies Known As Person-centered Therapy And Gestalt TherapyChapter 15.5 - Summarize The Goals And Basic Elements Of Cognitive-behavioral TherapiesChapter 15.7 - Identify The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Group TherapyChapter 15.9 - Identify The Factors That Influence The Effectiveness Of TherapyChapter 15.10 - Categorize Types Of Drugs Used To Treat Psychological DisordersChapter 15.12 - Identify Some Of The Newer Technologies Being Used To Treat Psychological DisordersChapter 15.13 - Describe How Virtual Reality Can Be Used In PsychotherapyChapter A - Statistics In PsychologyChapter A.1 - Explain Why Statistics Are Important To Psychologists And Psychology MajorsChapter A.4 - Identify The Types Of Statistics Used To Examine Variations In DataChapter A.6 - Explain How Statistics Are Used To Predict One Score From AnotherChapter B - Applied Psychology And Psychology CareersChapter B.1 - Define Applied PsychologyChapter B.6 - Define How Psychology Interacts With Other Career FieldsChapter B.8 - Describe How The I/o Field Has Evolved Throughout Its HistoryChapter B.9 - Identify Techniques Used By Sports PsychologistsChapter PIA - Psychology In ActionChapter PIA.1 - The Science Of PsychologyChapter PIA.2 - The Biological PerspectiveChapter PIA.3 - Sensation And PerceptionChapter PIA.4 - ConsciousnessChapter PIA.5 - LearningChapter PIA.6 - MemoryChapter PIA.7 - Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, And LearningChapter PIA.8 - Development Across The Life Span

Book Details

Throughout REVEL for Psychology , Saundra Ciccarelli and J. Noland White employ a learner-centered, assessment-driven approach that maximizes student engagement, and helps educators keep students on track. The authors draw students into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to their own lives. Clear learning objectives, based on the recommended APA undergraduate learning outcomes, guide students through the material. And assessment tied to these learning objectives lets students check their understanding, while allowing instructors to monitor class progress and intervene when necessary to bolster student performance.

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