Solutions for Physical Science
Problem 1AC:
1. The mass of the Sun is how much larger than all of the other planets, asteroids, and other...Problem 3AC:
3. What type of planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars?
a. Early planets
b. Terrestrial...Problem 4AC:
4. Which of the following is most likely found on Jupiter
a. Hydrogen
b. Argon
c. Nickel
d. Carbon...Problem 9AC:
9. Mars has distinct surface feature-related regions. Which of the following is not such a...Problem 11AC:
11. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
a. Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Saturn
d. Earth
Problem 12AC:
12. Callisto, Europa, Ganymede, and Io are
a. Galilean moons.
b. volcanoes on Jupiter.
c. red...Problem 13AC:
13. The density of Jupiter is
a. 50 percent greater than that of Earth.
b. 50 percent that of the...Problem 15AC:
15. Saturn’s rings are thought to be
a. composed of thousands of particles of various sizes.
b. the...Problem 16AC:
16. The planet with the lowest average density, which is less than that of liquid water,...Problem 18AC:
18. What planets are considered “twins”?
a. Saturn and Jupiter
b. Mercury and Pluto
c. Neptune and...Problem 19AC:
19. Area of the solar system where long-period comets originate is the
a. asteroid belt.
b. Oort...Problem 20AC:
20. Short-period comets have orbital periods of
a. less than 200 years.
b. more than 200...Problem 24AC:
24. The belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter is probably
a. the remains of a planet that...Problem 25AC:
25. Which of the following planets would be mostly composed of hydrogen, helium, and methane and...Problem 27AC:
27. Venus appears the brightest when it is in the
a. full phase.
b. half phase.
c. quarter...Problem 28AC:
28. The small body with a composition and structure closest to the materials that condensed from...Problem 30AC:
30. Planets in our solar system are classified according to all of the following characteristics...Problem 31AC:
31. What separates the terrestrial planets from the giant planets?
a. Mars
b. Asteroid...Problem 33AC:
33. What planet is called the morning star and the evening star, depending on its position with...Problem 34AC:
34. Venus “shines” because it is
a. composed of rocky materials.
b. covered with metallic iron and...Problem 35AC:
35. On Venus, the sun rises in the west. This is so because
a. the Venus day is very long.
b. Venus...Problem 37AC:
37. What feature on Mars was considered by some to be evidence of life on Mars?
a. Ice caps
b. Red...Problem 38AC:
38. Jupiter radiates twice as much energy as it receives from the Sun because of
a. internal fusion...Problem 39AC:
39. The Great Red Spot is thought to be
a. a low-pressure region with stagnant clouds.
b. a...Problem 40AC:
40. The metallic hydrogen that surrounds the core of Jupiter is not
a. a liquid.
b. under...Problem 1QFT:
1. Describe the protoplanet nebular model of the origin of the solar system. Which part or parts of...Problem 2QFT:
2. What are the basic differences between the terrestrial planets and the giant planets? Describe...Problem 4QFT:
4. What evidence exists that Mars at one time had abundant liquid water? If Mars did have liquid...Problem 6QFT:
6. What are the rings of Saturn?
Problem 9QFT:
9. Give one idea about why the Great Red Spot exists on Jupiter. Does the existence of a similar...Problem 11QFT:
11. What evidence exists today that the number of rocks and rock particles floating around in the...Problem 12QFT:
12. Using the properties of the planets other than Earth, discuss the possibilities of life on each...Problem 14QFT:
14. What is an asteroid? What evidence indicates that asteroids are parts of a broken-up planet?...Problem 15QFT:
15. Where do comets come from? Why are astronomers so interested in studying the physical and...Problem 18QFT:
18. Technically speaking, what is wrong with calling a rock that strikes the surface of the Moon a...Problem 1FFA:
1. What are the significant similarities and differences between the terrestrial and giant planets?...Problem 5FFA:
5. Provide arguments that Pluto should be considered a planet. Counter this argument with evidence...Problem 1PEB:
1. Based on the density and diameter in km presented in Table 15.1, what is the volume of Jupiter...Problem 3PEB:
3. A scale model of the solar system is being constructed where 25 cm of the model represents 1 x...Problem 5PEB:
5. An elementary school class is building a scale model of the solar system in the gymnasium that...Problem 6PEB:
6. A class is building scale models of the planets based on the model of Mercury having a radius of...Problem 8PEB:
8. A 1 cm thick piece of lead with a surface area of 160 cm2 is placed on the surface of Mercury...Problem 9PEB:
9. Assume an astronaut at a space station on Mars places a 1 cm thick aluminum griddle with a...Problem 10PEB:
10. What is the mass of the Sun, in kilograms, based on the orbital period and distance from...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - What Is Science?Chapter 2 - MotionChapter 3 - EnergyChapter 4 - Heat And TemperatureChapter 5 - Wave Motions And SoundChapter 6 - ElectricityChapter 7 - LightChapter 8 - Atoms And Periodic PropertiesChapter 9 - Chemical BondsChapter 10 - Chemical Reactions
Chapter 11 - Water And SolutionsChapter 12 - Organic ChemistryChapter 13 - Nuclear ReactionsChapter 14 - The UniverseChapter 15 - The Solar SystemChapter 16 - Earth In SpaceChapter 17 - Rocks And MineralsChapter 18 - Plate TectonicsChapter 19 - Building Earth’s SurfaceChapter 20 - Shaping Earth’s SurfaceChapter 21 - Geologic TimeChapter 22 - The Atmosphere Of EarthChapter 23 - Weather And ClimateChapter 24 - Earth’s Waters
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for Physical Science homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1ACChapter 2, Problem 1ACChapter 2, Problem 17PEBChapter 3, Problem 1ACChapter 3, Problem 2ACChapter 4, Problem 1ACReason for the correct options: The term vibration is used for the motion of a particle which...Chapter 5, Problem 9PEBChapter 5, Problem 15PEB
Chapter 5, Problem 16PEBChapter 5, Problem 18PEBChapter 6, Problem 1ACChapter 6, Problem 15PEBChapter 6, Problem 16PEBChapter 7, Problem 1ACIntroduction: J.J Thomson performed an experiment of cathode rays and observed the green...Given data: The symbol of an isotope is C612. Formula used: The formula for mass number is as...Introduction: The charge on an ion is equal to the valency of an atom and positive charge represents...Introduction: The vertical columns in the periodic table is called family. There are 18 families in...Introduction: The chemical substances which are composed of two or more atoms of different elements...Introduction: Ionic compounds are formed by the combinations of metals and non-metals so that...Introduction: There are a number of compounds in this world. In order to simplify the name of each...Given data: Atomic mass ofK = 39.1 u. Atomic mass ofC = 12 u. Atomic mass of O = 16 u. Formula used:...Introduction: A chemical equation is a way of depicting a chemical reaction using chemical symbols...Introduction: Ion exchange reaction: When ions of two different chemical compounds react with each...Introduction: A chemical equation is a way of depicting a chemical reaction using chemical symbols...Introduction: A decomposition reaction, as the term states, is the one in which a single compound is...Introduction: When an atom or ion is replaced or substituted by another atom or ion in a chemical...Introduction: When ions of two different chemical compounds react with each other forming either a...Chapter 11, Problem 1ACGiven: The blood of the average American contained 0.25 ppm lead. The danger level of lead poisoning...Introduction: A class of compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen is known as hydrocarbons....Introduction: Radioactivity refers to the disintegration or the breaking of the unstable nucleus of...Introduction: In beta decay process, the atomic number increases by one while there is no effect on...Introduction: In alpha decay process, the atomic number decreases by two units while mass number...Chapter 14, Problem 1ACIntroduction: All stars go through different stages of life. The journey of their life begins with...Chapter 15, Problem 1ACChapter 15, Problem 8PEBChapter 15, Problem 9PEBChapter 16, Problem 1ACChapter 17, Problem 1ACChapter 17, Problem 6PEBChapter 17, Problem 8PEBChapter 17, Problem 9PEBChapter 17, Problem 10PEBChapter 17, Problem 14PEBChapter 18, Problem 1ACChapter 18, Problem 8PEBChapter 18, Problem 9PEBChapter 18, Problem 14PEBChapter 19, Problem 1ACChapter 20, Problem 1ACChapter 20, Problem 2PEBGiven data: The statues must be straightened when the displacement reaches 15 cm to prevent...Chapter 21, Problem 1ACGiven data: Mass of carbon-14 in the wood mass=240 g. Half-life of carbon-14 half−life=5730 yr. Age...Chapter 22, Problem 1ACChapter 22, Problem 12PEBChapter 22, Problem 13PEBChapter 22, Problem 14PEBChapter 23, Problem 1ACChapter 23, Problem 4PEBChapter 24, Problem 1ACChapter 24, Problem 3PEB
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