Solutions for Introductory Statistics
Problem 6.1TI:
What is the z-score of x, when x = 1 and X~N(12,3)?Problem 6.2TI:
Fill In the blanks. Jerome averages 16 points a game with a standard deviation of four points. X —...Problem 6.3TI:
Use the Information in Example 6.3 to answer the following questions. a. Suppose a 15 to 18-year-old...Problem 6.4TI:
In 2012, 1,664,479 students took the SAT exam. The distribution of scores in the verbal section of...Problem 6.5TI:
Suppose X has a normal distribution with mean 25 and standard deviation five. Between what values of...Problem 6.6TI:
The scores on a college entrance exam have an approximate normal distribution with mean, =52 points...Problem 6.8TI:
The golf scores for a school team were normally distributed with a mean of 68 and a standard...Problem 6.9TI:
The golf scores for a school team were normally distributed with a mean of 68 and a standard...Problem 6.10TI:
Use the Information in Example 6.10 to answer the following questions. a. Find the 30th percentile,...Problem 6.11TI:
Two thousand students took an exam. The scores on the exam have an approximate normal distribution...Problem 6.12TI:
Using the information from Example 6.12, answer the following: a. The middle 40% of mandarin oranges...Problem 1P:
A bottle of water contains 12.05 fluid ounces with a standard deviation of 0.01 ounces. Define the...Problem 2P:
A normal distribution has a mean of 61 and a standard deviation of 15. What is the median?Problem 3P:
X~N(1,2)=Problem 4P:
A company manufactures rubber balls. The mean diameter of a ball is 12 cm with a standard deviation...Problem 5P:
X~N(-4, 1) What is the median?Problem 6P:
X~N(3,5)=Problem 7P:
X~N(2,1)=Problem 8P:
What does a z-score measure?Problem 11P:
What is the z-score of x = 12, if it is two standard deviations to the right of the mean?Problem 12P:
What is the z-score of x = 9, if it is 1.5 standard deviations to the left of the mean?Problem 13P:
What is the z-score of x = —2, if it is 2.78 standard deviations to the right of the mean?Problem 14P:
What is the z-score of x = 7, if it is 0.133 standard deviations to the left of the mean?Problem 19P:
Suppose X ~N(4, 2). What value of x is 1.5 standard deviations to the left of the mean?Problem 20P:
Suppose X ~N(4, 2). What value of x is two standard deviations to the right of the mean?Problem 21P:
Suppose X ~N(8, 9). What value of x is 0.67 standard deviations to the left of the mean?Problem 22P:
Suppose X ~N(—1, 2). What is the z-score of x = 2?Problem 23P:
Suppose X ~N( 12, 6). What is the z-score of x = 2?Problem 24P:
Suppose X ~N(9, 3). What is the z-score of x = 9?Problem 25P:
Suppose a normal distribution has a mean of six and a standard deviation of 1.5. What is the z-score...Problem 26P:
In a normal distribution, x = 5 and z = —1.25. This tells you that x = 5 is ____ standard deviations...Problem 27P:
In a normal distribution, x = 3 and z = 0.67. This tells you that x = 3 is ____ standard deviations...Problem 28P:
In a normal distribution, x = —2 and z = 6. This tells you that x = —2 is ____ standard deviations...Problem 29P:
In a normal distribution, x = —5 and z = —3.14. This tells you that x = —5 is ____ standard...Problem 30P:
In a normal distribution, x= 6 and z —1.7. This tells you that x 6 is ____ standard deviations to...Problem 31P:
About what percent of x values from a normal distribution lie within one standard deviation (left...Problem 32P:
About what percent of the x values from a normal distribution lie within two standard deviations...Problem 33P:
About what percent of x values lie between the second and third standard deviations (both sides)?Problem 34P:
Suppose X N( 15, 3). Between what x values does 68.27% of the data lie? The range of x values is...Problem 35P:
Suppose X~ N(—3, 1). Between what x values does 95.35% of the data lie? The range of x values Is...Problem 39P:
About what percent of x values lie between the first and second standard deviation from the mean...Problem 40P:
About what percent of x values lie between the first and third standard deviations(both sides)?Problem 41P:
Use the following information to answer the next t exercises: The life of Sunshine CD players Is...Problem 42P:
Use the following information to answer the next t exercises: The life of Sunshine CD players Is...Problem 43P:
How would you represent the area to the left of one in a probability statement? Figure 6.12Problem 44P:
What is the area to the right of one? Figure 6.13Problem 45P:
Is P(x < 1) equal to P(x1) ? ‘by?Problem 46P:
How would you represent the area to the left of three in a probability statement? Figure 6.14Problem 47P:
What is the area to the right of three? Figure 6.15Problem 48P:
If the area to the left of x in a normal distribution is 0.123, what is the area to the right of x?Problem 49P:
If the area to the tight of x in a normal distribution is 0.543, what is the area to the left of x?Problem 50P:
Use the following information to answer the next four exercises: X~N(54, 8) 50. Find the probability...Problem 51P:
Use the following information to answer the next four exercises: X~N(54, 8) 51. Find the probability...Problem 52P:
Use the following information to answer the next four exercises: X~N(54, 8) Find the 80th...Problem 53P:
Use the following information to answer the next four exercises: X~N(54, 8) 53. Find the 60th...Problem 57P:
Use the following information to answer the next three exercise: The life of Sunshine CD players is...Problem 58P:
Find the probability that a CD player will last between 2.8 and six years. a. Sketch the situation....Problem 59P:
Find the 70th percentile of the distribution for the time a CD player lasts. a. Sketch the...Problem 60H:
Use the following information to answer the next r exercises The patient recovery time from a...Problem 61H:
Use the following information to answer the next r exercises The patient recovery time from a...Problem 62H:
The length of time to find it takes to find a parking space at 9 AM, follows a normal distribution...Problem 63H:
The heights of the 430 National Basketball Association players were listed on team rosters at the...Problem 64H:
The systolic blood pressure (given In millimeters) of males has an approximately normal distribution...Problem 65H:
Kyle’s doctor told him that the z-score for his systolic blood pressure is 1.75. Which of the...Problem 66H:
Height and weight are two measurements used to track a childs development. The World Health...Problem 67H:
In 2005, 1,475,623 students heading to college took the SAT. The distribution of scores In the math...Problem 68H:
Use the following information (0 answer the next tv exercises: The patient recovery nine from a...Problem 69H:
Use the following information (0 answer the next tv exercises: The patient recovery nine from a...Problem 70H:
Use the following information to answer the next three exercises: The length of time it takes to...Problem 71H:
Use the following information to answer the next three exercises: The length of time it takes to...Problem 72H:
Use the following information to answer the next three exercises: The length of time it takes to...Problem 73H:
According to a study done by De Anza students, the height for Asian adult males is normally...Problem 74H:
IQ is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Suppose one Individual...Problem 75H:
The percent of fat calories that a person In America consumes each day is normally distributed with...Problem 76H:
Suppose that the distance of fly balls hit to the outfield (In baseball) Is normally dlsuibued with...Problem 77H:
In China, four-ear-olds average three bows a day unsupervised. Most of the unsupervised children...Problem 78H:
In the 1992 presidential election, Alaska's 40 election districts averaged 1,956.8 votes per...Problem 79H:
Suppose that the duration of a particular type of criminal trial is known to be normally distributed...Problem 80H:
Tern Vogel, an amateur motorcycle racer, averages 129.71 seconds per 2.5 mile lap (in a seven-lap...Problem 81H:
Thuy Dau, Ngoc Bui, Sam Su, and Lan Voung conducted a survey as to how long customers at Lucky...Problem 82H:
Suppose that Ricardo and Anita attend different colleges. Ricardo’s GPA is the same as the average...Problem 83H:
Table 6.4 shows a sample of the maximum capacity (maximum number of spectators) of sports stadiums....Problem 84H:
An expert witness for a paternity lawsuit testifies that the length of a pregnancy is normally...Problem 85H:
A NUMMI assembly Line, which has been operating since 1984, has built an average of 6.000 cars and...Problem 86H:
We flip a coin 100 times (n = 100) and note that It only comes up heads 20% (p 0.20) of the time....Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Sampling And DataChapter 2 - Descriptive StatisticsChapter 3 - Probability TopicsChapter 4 - Discrete Random VariablesChapter 5 - Continuous Random VariablesChapter 6 - The Normal DistributionChapter 7 - The Central Limit TheoremChapter 8 - Confidence IntervalsChapter 9 - Hypothesis Testing With One SampleChapter 10 - Hypothesis Testing With Two Samples
Book Details
Introductory Statistics follows the scope and sequence of a one-semester, introduction to statistics course and is geared toward students majoring in fields other than math or engineering. This text assumes students have been exposed to intermediate algebra, and it focuses on the applications of statistical knowledge rather than the theory behind it. The foundation of this textbook is Collaborative Statistics, by Barbara Illowsky and Susan Dean, which has been widely adopted. Introductory Statistics includes innovations in art, terminology, and practical applications, all with a goal of increasing relevance and accessibility for students. We strove to make the discipline meaningful and memorable, so that students can draw a working knowledge from it that will enrich their future studies and help them make sense of the world around them. The text also includes Collaborative Exercises, integration with TI-83,83+,84+ Calculators, technology integration problems, and statistics labs.
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More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
13th Edition
ISBN: 2810015182961
Introductory Statistics
16th Edition
ISBN: 9781948847001
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