Solutions for Fundamentals Of Thermodynamics
Problem 3.4P:
If a process in a control mass increases energy E2E10 , can you say anything about the sign for 1Q2...Problem 3.5P:
Assume a physical setup as in Fig. P3.6(a). We now heat the cylinder. What happens to P, T, and v...Problem 3.6P:
Figure P3.6 shows three physical situations. Show the possible process in a Pv diagram.Problem 3.7P:
For the indicated physical setup in (a), (b), and (c) in Fig. P3.6, write a process equation and the...Problem 3.8P:
Assume the physical situation in Fig. P3.6b; what is the work term a, b, c, or d? a. w21=P1(v2v1) b....Problem 3.9P:
Figure P3.9 shows three physical situations; show the possible process in a Pv diagram.Problem 3.10P:
That can you say about the beginning state of the R410A in Fig.P3.6c versus that in Fig. P3.9c for...Problem 3.11P:
A thermopane window traps some gas between the two glass panes. Why is this beneficial?Problem 3.19P:
You mix 20C water with 50C water in an open container. What do you need to know to determine the...Problem 3.20P:
A piston motion moves a 25kg hammerhead vertically 1m from rest to a ve1oci of 50m/s in a stamping...Problem 3.21P:
A pump pushes 1000m3 of liquid water at 15C up to a reservoir at 200m higher elevation. How much...Problem 3.22P:
A 1200kg car accelerates from zero to 100km/h over a distance of 400m . The road at the end of the...Problem 3.23P:
A hydraulic hoist raises a 1750kg car 1.8m in an auto repair shop. The hydraulic pump has a constant...Problem 3.25P:
A hydraulic cylinder of area 0.01m2 must push a 1000kg arm and shovel 0.5m straight up. What...Problem 3.26P:
A hydraulic cylinder has a piston cross-sectional area of 10cm2 and a fluid pressure of 2MPa . If...Problem 3.27P:
A bulldozer pushes 800kg of din l00m with a force of 1500N . It then lifts the din 3m up to put it...Problem 3.28P:
Two hydraulic cylinders maintain a pressure of 1200kPa One has a cross-sectional area of 0.01m2 the...Problem 3.29P:
A motor delivers 50hp on a drive shaft at 1800rpm . What are the angular velocity and the torque on...Problem 3.30P:
Solve Problem 3.24, but assume that the steam pressure in the cylinder starts at 1000kPa , dropping...Problem 3.31P:
The R4l0A in Problem 3.1 2c is at 1000kPa,50C with a mass of 0.1kg . It is cooled so that the volume...Problem 3.32P:
A 400L tank, A (see Fig. P3.32), contains argon gas at 250kPa and 30C . Cylinder B, having a...Problem 3.33P:
A piston/cylinder assembly contains 2kg of liquid water at 20C and 300kPa , as shown in Fig. P3.33....Problem 3.34P:
Heat transfer to a 1.5kg block of ice at -10C melts it to liquid at 10C in a kitchen. How much work...Problem 3.35P:
A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 5kg of superheated R134a vapor at 1000kPa and...Problem 3.36P:
A piston cylinder contains 2kg of water at 20C with a volume of 0.1m3 . By mistake someone locks the...Problem 3.37P:
A nitrogen gas goes through a polytropic process with n=1.2 in a piston/cylinder. It starts out at...Problem 3.38P:
Helium gas expands from 125kPa,350K and 0.25m3 to l00kPa in a polytropic process with n=1.667 . How...Problem 3.39P:
A balloon behaves so that the pressure is P=C2V1/3 and C2=l00kPa/m . The balloon is blown up with...Problem 3.40P:
A 15cm thick concrete wall, k=1.28W/mK , has a temperature difference between the two sides of 20C ....Problem 3.41P:
The brake shoe and steel drum of a car continuously absorb 75W as the car slows down. Assume a total...Problem 3.43P:
A power plant condenser (heat exchanger) transfers l00MW from steam running in a pipe to seawater...Problem 3.45P:
A steel Pot, with conductivity of 15W/m and a 50mm thick boom, is filled with 15CC liquid water. The...Problem 3.46P:
A wall surface on a house is 30C with an emissivity of =0.7 . The surroundings are at 15C with an...Problem 3.47P:
A radiant heat lamp is a rod, tong and in diameter through which of electric energy is deposited...Problem 3.48P:
A radiant beating lamp has a surface temperature of 1000K with =0.8 . How large a surface area is...Problem 3.49P:
Determine the phase of the following substances and find the values of the unknown quantities a....Problem 3.50P:
Find the phase and the missing properties of P, T, v, u, and x for water at a. 500kPa,100C b....Problem 3.51P:
Indicate the location of the four states in Problem 3.50 as points in both the Pv and Tv diagrams.Problem 3.52P:
Find the missing property of P, T, y, u, h, and x and indicate the states in a Pv and a Tv diagram...Problem 3.53P:
Find the missing properties for carbon dioxide at a. 20C,2MPa:v=?andh=? b. 10C,x=0.5:T=?,u=? c....Problem 3.54P:
Find the missing property of P, T, y, u, h, and x and indicate the states in a Pv and a Tv diagram...Problem 3.55P:
Saturated liquid water at 20C is compressed to a higher pressure with constant temperature Find the...Problem 3.56P:
Consider a steel bottle as a CV. It contains carbon dioxide at 20C , quality 20 . It has a safety...Problem 3.57P:
A piston cylinder contains water with quality 75 at 200kPa . Slow expansion is performed while there...Problem 3.59P:
Problem 3.137 and write the left-hand side (storage change) of the conservation equations for mass...Problem 3.60P:
Saturated vapor R410A at 0C in a rigid tank is cooled to 20C . Find the specific heat transfer.Problem 3.61P:
A constant-pressure piston/cylinder assembly contains 0.2kg of water as saturated vapor at 400kPa ....Problem 3.62P:
A container is split in two equal volumes by a stiff membrane. One part is evacuated and the other...Problem 3.63P:
A cylinder fined with a frictionless piston contains 2kg of superheated refrigerant R134a vapor as...Problem 3.64P:
A piston/cylinder contains 1.5kg of water at 200kPa,150C . It is now heated by a process in which...Problem 3.65P:
Ammonia (0.5kg) in a piston cy1tnde at 200kPa,10C is heated by a process in which pressure vanes...Problem 3.66P:
A water-filled reactor with a volume of 1m3 is at 20 MPa and 360°C and is placed inside a...Problem 3.67P:
A rigid 1kg steel tank holds 0.75kg ammonia at 70C as saturated vapor. The tank and content is now...Problem 3.69P:
A piston/cylinder arrangement with a linear spring similar to Fig. P3.33 contains R-134a at...Problem 3.71P:
Assume the same setup as in Problem 3.66. but the room has a volume of 100m3 . Show that the final...Problem 3.72P:
A rigid steel tank contains 0.5kgR410A at 0°C with a specific volume of 0.01m3/kg . The whole system...Problem 3.73P:
Redo the previous problem when you also consider the tank to be 2kg of steel with the same T as the...Problem 3.75P:
Supetheated refrigerant R-134a at 20°C and 100 kPa is cooled in a piston cylinder arrangement at...Problem 3.76P:
In a sink, 5 L of water at 70°C is combined with 1 kg of aluminum pots, 1 kg of silverware (steel),...Problem 3.78P:
A copper block of volume 1 L s heat treated at 500°C and now cooled in a 200-L oil bath small at...Problem 3.79P:
A car with mass 1275 kg is driven at 60 km h when the brakes are applied quickly to decrease its...Problem 3.80P:
A piston cylinder (0.5 kg steel altogether) maintaining a constant pressure has 0.2kgR134a as...Problem 3.81P:
An engine, shown in Fig P3.81, consists of a 100kg cast iron block with a 20kg aluminum head, 20kg...Problem 3.82P:
Use the ideal gas air A.7 to evaluate the specific heat Cp at 300 K as a slope of the curve h(T) by...Problem 3.83P:
Estimate the constant specific heats for R-134a from Table B.52 at l00 kPa and 125°C. Compare this...Problem 3.84P:
Find the change in u for carbon dioxide between 600 K and 1200 K using (a) Table A.5. (b) Table A.6...Problem 3.85P:
Nitrogen at 300 K. 3 MPa is heated to 500 K Find the change in enthalpy using (a) Table B.2.1. (b)...Problem 3.86P:
Repeat Problem 3.84 for nitrogen gas.Problem 3.87P:
Find the change in enthalpy for carbon dioxide going from 500 to 1500 K by integrating the equation...Problem 3.88P:
Water at 20°C and 100 kPa is brought to l00 kPa and 1500°C. Find the change in the specific internal...Problem 3.90P:
A rigid container has 2 kg of oxygen gas at l00 kPa and 1200 K that is heated to 1400 K. Solve for...Problem 3.91P:
Air (3kg) is in a piston cylinder similar to Fig.P3.6(a) at 27C,300kPa , It is now heated to 500 K...Problem 3.92P:
A 10-m-high cylinder. with a cross-sectional area of 0.1m2 , has a massless piston at the bottom...Problem 3.93P:
A cylinder with a piston restrained by a linear spring contains 2 kg of carbon dioxide at 500 kPa...Problem 3.94P:
A constant pressure container is filled with 1 kg of stainless steel and 0.5 kg of PVC (polyvinyl...Problem 3.95P:
A spring-loaded piston cylinder contains 1.5kg of air at 27°C and 160 kPaIt is now heated to 900 K...Problem 3.96P:
An insulated cylinder is divided into two pans of 1 m3 each by an initially locked piston, as shown...Problem 3.97P:
Helium gas expands from 125 kPa, 350 K and 0.25m3 to l00 kPa in a polytropic process with n=1.667 ....Problem 3.98P:
A piston cylinder device contains 0.1 kg of air at 300 K and 100 kPa. The air is now slowly...Problem 3.99P:
A gasoline engine has a piston/cylinder with 0.1 kg air at 4MPa,1527C after combustion, and this is...Problem 3.100P:
Solve the previous problem using Table A.7.Problem 3.101P:
A piston/cylinder has nitrogen gas at 750 K and 1500 kPa, as shown in Fig P3.101. Now it is expanded...Problem 3.102P:
A piston/cylinder assembly has 1 kg of propane gas at 700 kPa and 40°C. The piston crosssectional...Problem 3.103P:
A piston cylinder arrangement of initial volume 0.025m3 contains saturated water vapor at 180°C. The...Problem 3.104P:
A piston/cylinder assembly in a car contains 0.2 L of air at 90 kPa and 20°C, similar to Fig P3.101....Problem 3.105P:
Air goes through a polytropic process with n=1.3 in a piston/cylinder setup. It starts at 2200...Problem 3.106P:
Saturated vapor R410A at 10°C of mass 0.6 kg is in a piston/cylinder setup. It is now compressed to...Problem 3.107P:
A helium gas heated at constant volume from 100 ka, 300 K to 500 K. A following process expands the...Problem 3.108P:
A piston/cylinder shown in Fig. P3.108 contains 0.5m3 of R-410A at 2 MPa,150°C. The piston mass and...Problem 3.109P:
A piston/cylinder has water at 200 kPa, x=0.5 and the cylinder has a stop similar to Fig. P3.6c. The...Problem 3.110P:
Ten kilograms of water in a piston/cylinder arrangement exists as saturated liquid vapor at 100 kPa,...Problem 3.111P:
Water in piston/cylinder (Fig. P3.111) is a 101kPa, 25°C, and mass 0.5 kg. The piston rests on some...Problem 3.112P:
A setup lake the one in Fig P3.108 has the R-410A initially at 1000 kPa, 50°C of mass 0.1 kg. The...Problem 3.113P:
The piston/cylinder inFig. P3.113 contains 0.1 kg water at 500°C, 1000 kPa. The piston has a stop at...Problem 3.114P:
A piston/cylinder arrangement contains 5 kg of water at 100°C with x=20 and the piston, of mp=150kg...Problem 3.115P:
A piston/cylinder setup similar to Problem 3.110 contain, 0.1 kg of saturated liquid and vapor water...Problem 3.116P:
A piston/cylinder contains air at 1000 kPa, 800 K with a volume of 0.05m3 . The pistonis pressed...Problem 3.118P:
A 100-hp car engine has a drive shaft rotating at 2000 RPM. How much torque is on the shaft for 25%...Problem 3.120P:
As fresh-poured concrete hardens, the chemical transformation releases energy at a rate of 2 W/kg....Problem 3.121P:
A 1.2-kg pot of water at 20°C is put on a stove supplying 250 W to the water. How long will it take...Problem 3.122P:
A computer in a closed room of volume 200m3 dissipates energy at a rate of 5 kW. The room has 500 kg...Problem 3.123P:
A 500-W heater is used to melt 2 kg of solid ice at 10°C to liquid at +5°C at a constant pressure of...Problem 3.125P:
Electric power as volts times amperes (P=Vi) . When a car battery at 12 V is charged with 6 amps for...Problem 3.126P:
A copper wire of diameter 2 mm is 10m long and stretched out between two posts. The normal stress...Problem 3.127P:
A battery is well insulated while being charged by 12.3 V at a current of6A. Take the battery as a...Problem 3.128P:
A sheet of rubberis stretched out over a ring of radius 0.25 m. I pour liquid water at 20°C on it,...Problem 3.129P:
Assume a balloon material with a constant surface tension of =N/m . What is the work required to...Problem 3.130P:
A soap bubble has a surface tension of =3104N/cm as it sits flat on a rigid ring of diameter 5 cm....Problem 3.131P:
According to Table 3.4 residential buildings in US use 22.2% of the total energy. If that is spread...Problem 3.132P:
total energy use in the US from Table 3.4 for 2011 and find the population online to compare with...Problem 3.133P:
A wind turbine with 20m diameter rotors spins at 15 rpm and produces 1.5 MW. Find the wing tip...Problem 3.135P:
A house is being designed to use a thick concrete floor mass as thermal storage material for solar...Problem 3.136P:
A solar pond with 20°C salt water, Cp=3.8kJ/kg-K has a 125m2 surface area 0.5 m depth and it...Problem 3.138P:
A rigidtank is divided into tworooms,both containing water,bya valve, similarto Fig...Problem 3.139P:
A piston/cylinder has a water volume separated in VA=0.2m3 and VB=0.3m3 by a stiff membrane (Fig....Problem 3.140P:
The cylinder volume below the constant loaded piston has two compartments, A and B, filled with...Problem 3.141P:
Air in tank B is at 200 kPa, 280 K and mass 1 kg. It is connected to an empty piston/cylinder with a...Problem 3.142P:
A piston/cylinder setup (Fig P3.110) contains 1 kg of water at 200 kPa,x=0.9 . The piston mass and...Problem 3.143P:
Two kilograms of water is contained in a piston/cylinder (Fig. P3.143) loaded with a linear spring...Problem 3.144P:
A piston cylinder has 0.1 kg water at x=0.5 , 120°C maintaining constant pressure. It is now put in...Problem 3.145P:
A piston/cylinder arrangement has the piston loaded with outside atmospheric pressure and the piston...Problem 3.146P:
A vertical/cylinder (Fig. P3.146) has a 61.18-kg piston locked with a pin, trapping 10 L of R-410A...Problem 3.147P:
Water in a piston/cylinder, similar to Fig P3.110, is at 100°C, x=0.5 with mass 1 kg, and the piston...Problem 3.148P:
A rigid container has two rooms filled with water, each of 1m3 , separated by a valve (see Fig....Problem 3.150P:
A piston/cylinder setup, similar to Fig. P3.143, contains R-410A at 20°C, x=20 . The volume is 0.2m3...Problem 3.151P:
A spherical balloon contains 2 kg of R-410A at 0°C with a quality of30%. This system is heated until...Problem 3.154EP:
Work as Fx has units of lbf ft. What is that in Btu?Problem 3.155EP:
Work in the expression in Eq. 3.18 or Eq. 3.22 involves PV. For P in psia and V in ft3, how does PV...Problem 3.159EP:
A piston motion moves a 50-lbm hammerhead vertically down 3 ft from rest to a velocity of 150 ft/s...Problem 3.160EP:
A pump pushes 35000ft3 of liquid water at 60 F up to a reservoir at 600 ft higher elevation. How...Problem 3.164EP:
A car with tires of outer radius 12 in. drives with 50 mi/h up a hill using 50 hp. How much traction...Problem 3.165EP:
The R-410A in Problem 3.9(c) is at 150 psia, 120 F with a mass of 0.2 lbm. It is cooled so that the...Problem 3.167EP:
A nitrogen gas goes through apolytropic process with n=1.3 in a piston/cylinder. It starts out as...Problem 3.168EP:
Find the rate of conduction heat transfer per unit area through a 2 in. thick brick, k=0.4Btu/h-ft-R...Problem 3.169EP:
The sun shines on a 1500-ft2 road surface so that it is at 115 F. Below the 2-in. -thick asphalt,...Problem 3.170EP:
Find the missing properties and give the phase of the substance....Problem 3.171EP:
Find the missing properties among (P,T,v,u,h) together with x, if applicable, and give the phase of...Problem 3.172EP:
Find the missing properties among (P,T,v,u,h) together with x, if applicable, and give the phase of...Problem 3.173EP:
Saturated vapor R-410A at 60 F in a rigid tank is cooled to 0 F. Find the specific heat transfer.Problem 3.174EP:
A containeris split in two equal volumes by a stiff membrane. One pan is evacuated and the other...Problem 3.175EP:
Saturated vapor R-410A at 200 psia in a constant-pressure piston/cylinder is heated to 140 F. Find...Problem 3.176EP:
A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains 4 lbm of superheated refrigerant R-134a vapor...Problem 3.178EP:
A water-filled reactor with a volume of 50ft3 is 2000lbf/in.2 , 560 F and placed inside a...Problem 3.180EP:
A piston/cylinder arrangement with a linear spring similar to Fig. P3.33 contains R-134a at 60 F,...Problem 3.186EP:
A closed rigid container is filled with 3 lbm water at 1 atm, 130 F, 2 lbm of stainless steel and 1...Problem 3.187EP:
An insulated cylinder is divided into two parts of 10ft3 each by an initially locked piston. Side A...Problem 3.188EP:
Helium gas expands from 20 psia, 600 R, and 9ft3 to 15 psia in a polytropic process with n=1.667 ....Problem 3.190EP:
A cylinder fitted with a frictionless piston contains R-134a at 100 F, 80% quality, at which point...Problem 3.192EP:
A piston/cylinder contains air at 150 psia, 1400 R with a volume of 1.75ft3 . The piston is pressed...Problem 3.193EP:
A piston/cylinder has 2 lbm of R-134a at state 1 with 200 F, 90lbf/in.2 , and is then brought to...Problem 3.194EP:
A force of 300 lbf moves a truck at a speed of 40 mi/h up a hill. What is the power?Problem 3.196EP:
Water is in a piston/cylinder maintaining constant P at 330 F, quality 90%, with a volume of 4ft3 ....Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction And PreliminariesChapter 2 - Properties Of A Pure SubstanceChapter 3 - Energy Equation And First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - Energy Analysis For A Control VolumeChapter 5 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 6 - EntropyChapter 7 - Entropy Analysis For A Control VolumeChapter 9 - Power And Refrigiration Systems-with Phase Change
Book Details
The field's leading textbook for more than three decades, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics offers a comprehensive introduction to essential principles and applications in the context of engineering. Now in its Tenth Edition, this book retains its characteristic rigor and systematic approach to thermodynamics with enhanced pedagogical features that aid in student comprehension. Detailed appendices provide instant reference; chapter summaries review terminology, equations, and key concepts; and updated data and graphics increase student engagement while enhancing understanding.
Covering classical thermodynamics with a focus on practical applications, this book provides a basic foundational skillset applicable across a variety of engineering fields. Worked examples demonstrate the appropriate use of new formulas, while clarifying the proper approach to generalized problems of a relevant nature. Going beyond the usual guidance in the basics of the field, this book is designed as comprehensive preparation for more advanced study in students' engineering field of choice.
Covering classical thermodynamics with a focus on practical applications, this book provides a basic foundational skillset applicable across a variety of engineering fields. Worked examples demonstrate the appropriate use of new formulas, while clarifying the proper approach to generalized problems of a relevant nature. Going beyond the usual guidance in the basics of the field, this book is designed as comprehensive preparation for more advanced study in students' engineering field of choice.
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