EBK APPLIED PHYSICS - 11th Edition - by GUNDERSEN - ISBN 9780134241173

11th Edition
Publisher: YUZU
ISBN: 9780134241173


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Chapter 2 - Problem SolvingChapter 2.1 - FormulasChapter 2.2 - Substituting Data Into FormulasChapter 2.3 - Problem-solving MethodChapter 3 - VectorsChapter 3.1 - Vectors And ScalarsChapter 3.2 - Components Of A VectorChapter 3.3 - Addition Of VectorsChapter 4 - MotionChapter 4.1 - Speed Versus VelocityChapter 4.2 - AccelerationChapter 4.3 - Uniformly Accelerated Motion And Free FallChapter 4.4 - Projectile MotionChapter 5 - ForceChapter 5.2 - Force And The Law Of AccelerationChapter 5.3 - Gravity And WeightChapter 5.4 - FrictionChapter 5.5 - Total Forces In One DimensionChapter 6 - MomentumChapter 6.1 - Momentum And ImpulseChapter 6.2 - Collisions In One DimensionChapter 6.3 - Collisions Of Equal Masses In Two DimensionsChapter 7 - Concurrent And Parallel ForcesChapter 7.1 - Forces In Two DimensionsChapter 7.2 - Concurrent Forces In EquilibriumChapter 7.3 - TorqueChapter 7.4 - Parallel ForcesChapter 7.5 - Center Of GravityChapter 8 - Work And EnergyChapter 8.1 - WorkChapter 8.2 - PowerChapter 8.3 - EnergyChapter 8.4 - Conservation Of Mechanical EnergyChapter 9 - Rotational MotionChapter 9.1 - Measurement Of Rotational MotionChapter 9.3 - Centripetal ForceChapter 9.4 - Power In Rotational SystemsChapter 9.6 - GearsChapter 9.7 - Pulleys Connected With A BeltChapter 10 - Simple MachinesChapter 10.2 - The LeverChapter 10.3 - The Wheel-and-axleChapter 10.4 - The PulleyChapter 10.5 - The Inclined PlaneChapter 10.6 - The ScrewChapter 10.8 - Compound MachinesChapter 10.9 - The Effect Of Friction On Simple MachinesChapter 11 - Universal Gravitation And Satellite MotionChapter 11.1 - Universal GravitationChapter 11.3 - Satellite MotionChapter 12 - MatterChapter 12.2 - Properties Of SolidsChapter 12.5 - DensityChapter 13 - FluidsChapter 13.1 - Hydrostatic PressureChapter 13.2 - Hydraulic PrincipleChapter 13.3 - Air PressureChapter 13.4 - BuoyancyChapter 13.5 - Fluid FlowChapter 14 - Temperature And Heat TransferChapter 14.1 - TemperatureChapter 14.2 - HeatChapter 14.3 - Heat TransferChapter 14.4 - Specific HeatChapter 14.5 - Method Of MixturesChapter 14.6 - Expansion Of SolidsChapter 14.7 - Expansion Of LiquidsChapter 14.8 - Change Of PhaseChapter 15 - Properties Of GasesChapter 15.1 - Charles's LawChapter 15.2 - Boyle's LawChapter 15.3 - Charles's And Boyle's Laws CombinedChapter 16 - Wave Motion And SoundChapter 16.2 - Electromagnetic WavesChapter 16.4 - The Doppler EffectChapter 16.6 - Simple Harmonic MotionChapter 17 - Basic ElectricityChapter 17.3 - Coulomb's LawChapter 17.4 - Electric FieldsChapter 17.5 - Simple CircuitsChapter 17.6 - Ohm's LawChapter 17.7 - Series CircuitsChapter 17.8 - Parallel CircuitsChapter 17.9 - Compound CircuitsChapter 17.10 - Electric InstrumentsChapter 17.12 - Cells In Series And ParallelChapter 17.13 - Electric PowerChapter 18 - MagnetismChapter 18.2 - Magnetic Effects Of CurrentChapter 19 - Alternating Current ElectricityChapter 19.1 - What Is Alternating Current?Chapter 19.2 - Ac PowerChapter 19.3 - InductanceChapter 19.4 - Inductance And Resistance In SeriesChapter 19.5 - CapacitanceChapter 19.6 - Capacitance And Resistance In SeriesChapter 19.7 - Capacitance, Inductance, And Resistance In SeriesChapter 19.8 - ResonanceChapter 19.10 - Commercial Generator Power OutputChapter 20 - LightChapter 20.2 - The Speed Of LightChapter 20.3 - Light As A WaveChapter 20.4 - Light As A ParticleChapter 20.5 - PhotometryChapter 21 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 21.5 - The Mirror FormulaChapter 21.10 - Images Formed By Diverging LensesChapter 22 - ColorChapter 23 - Survey Of Modem PhysicsChapter 23.3 - Atomic Structure And Atomic SpectraChapter 23.4 - Quantum Mechanics And Atomic PropertiesChapter 23.5 - The Nucleus-structure And PropertiesChapter 23.6 - Nuclear Mass And Binding EnergyChapter 23.7 - Radioactive DecayChapter 23.9 - Detection And Measurement Of RadiationChapter 24 - Special And General RelativityChapter 24.2 - Special Theory Of RelativityChapter A.1 - Signed NumbersChapter A.2 - Powers Of 10Chapter A.3 - Solving Linear EquationsChapter A.4 - Solving Quadratic EquationsChapter A.5 - Right-triangle TrigonometryChapter A.6 - Law Of Sines And Law Of CosinesChapter B.2 - Unit Analysis And Conversion FactorsChapter D.4 - Finding A Power

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