Problem 1P:
Consider a tank used in certain hydrodynamic experiments. After one experiment the tank contains...Problem 2P:
A tank initially contains 200L of pure water. A mixture containing a concentration of g/L of salt...Problem 3P:
A tank originally contains gal of fresh water. Then water containing of salt per gallon is poured...Problem 4P:
A tank with a capacity of originally contains of water with of salt in solution. Water containing ...Problem 5P:
A tank contains of water and of salt. Water containing a salt concentration of flows into the tank...Problem 6P:
Suppose that a tank containing a certain liquid has an outlet near the bottom. Let be the height of...Problem 7P:
An outdoor swimming pool loses 0.05 of its water volume every day it is in use, due to losses from...Problem 8P:
Cholesterol is produced by the body for the construction of cell walls, and is also absorbed from...Problem 9P:
Imagine a medieval world. In this world a Queen wants to poison a King, who has a wine keg with of...Problem 10P:
Suppose an amount is invested at an annual rate of return percent, compounded continuously.
Find...Problem 11P:
A young person with no initial capital invests dollars per year at an annual rate of return. Assume...Problem 12P:
A homebuyer can afford to spend no more than on mortgage payments. Suppose that the interest rate is...Problem 13P:
A recent college graduate borrows 100,000 at an interest rate 9 to purchase a condominium....Problem 14P:
A Difference Equation. In this problem, we approach the loan problem in Example 2 from a discrete...Problem 15P:
An important tool in archaeological research is radiocarbon dating, developed by the American...Problem 16P:
The population of mosquitoes in a certain area increases at a rate proportional to the current...Problem 17P:
Suppose that a certain population has growth rate that varies with time and that this population...Problem 18P:
Suppose that a certain population satisfies the initial value problem dydt=r(t)yk,y(0)=y0, Where the...Problem 19P:
Newtons law of cooling states that the temperature of an object changes at a rate proportional to...Problem 20P:
Heat transfer from a body to its surrounding by radiation, based on the Stefan-Boltzmann law, is...Problem 21P:
Consider a lake of constant volume containing at time an amount of pollutant, evenly distributed...Problem 22P:
A ball with mass 0.25 kg is thrown upward with initial velocity 24 m/s from the roof of building 26...Problem 23P:
Assume that conditions are as Problemexcept that there is a force due to air resistance is , where...Problem 24P:
Assume that conditions are as in Problem 22 except thatthere is a force due to air resistance of...Problem 25P:
A skydiver weighing 180 lb (including equipment) fallsvertically downward from an altitude of 5,000...Problem 26P:
A rocket sled having an initial speed of mi/h is slowed by a channel of water. Assume that, during...Problem 27P:
A body of constant mass is projected vertically upward with an initial velocity in a medium...Problem 30P:
A mass of 0.40 kg is dropped from rest in a medium offering a resistance of 0.2v, where v is...Problem 31P:
Suppose that a rocket is launched straight up from the surface of the earth with initial velocity...Problem 32P:
Let and , respectively, be the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of a batted (or...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1.1 - Mathematical Models And SolutionsChapter 1.2 - Qualitative Methods: Phase Lines And Direction FieldsChapter 1.3 - Definitions, Classification, And TerminologyChapter 2.1 - Separable EquationsChapter 2.2 - Linear Equations: Method Of Integrating FactorsChapter 2.3 - Modeling With First Order EquationsChapter 2.4 - Differences Between Linear And Nonlinear EquationsChapter 2.5 - Autonomous Equations And Population DynamicsChapter 2.6 - Exact Equations And Integrating FactorsChapter 2.7 - Substitution Methods
Chapter 2.P1 - Harvesting A Renewable ResourceChapter 2.P2 - A Mathematical Model Of A Groundwater Contaminant SourceChapter 2.P3 - Monte Carlo Option Pricing: Pricing Financial Options By Flipping A CoinChapter 3.1 - Systems Of Two Linear Algebraic EquationsChapter 3.2 - Systems Of Two First Order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 3.3 - Homogeneous Linear Systems With Constant CoefficientsChapter 3.4 - Complex EigenvaluesChapter 3.5 - Repeated EigenvaluesChapter 3.6 - A Brief Introduction To Nonlinear SystemsChapter 3.P1 - Estimating Rate Constants For An Open Two-compartment ModelChapter 3.P2 - A Blood–brain Pharmacokinetic ModelChapter 4.1 - Definitions And ExamplesChapter 4.2 - Theory Of Second Order Linear Homogeneous EquationsChapter 4.3 - Linear Homogeneous Equations With Constant CoefficientsChapter 4.4 - Mechanical And Electrical VibrationsChapter 4.5 - Nonhomogeneous Equations; Method Of Undetermined CoefficientsChapter 4.6 - Forced Vibrations, Frequency Response, And ResonanceChapter 4.7 - Variation Of ParametersChapter 4.P1 - A Vibration Insulation ProblemChapter 4.P2 - Linearization Of A Nonlinear Mechanical SystemChapter 4.P3 - A Spring-mass Event ProblemChapter 4.P4 - Euler–lagrange EquationsChapter 5.1 - Definition Of The Laplace TransformChapter 5.2 - Properties Of The Laplace TransformChapter 5.3 - The Inverse Laplace TransformChapter 5.4 - Solving Differential Equations With Laplace TransformsChapter 5.5 - Discontinuous Functions And Periodic FunctionsChapter 5.6 - Differential Equations With Discontinuous Forcing FunctionsChapter 5.7 - Impulse FunctionsChapter 5.8 - Convolution Integrals And Their ApplicationsChapter 5.9 - Linear Systems And Feedback ControlChapter 5.P1 - An Electric Circuit ProblemChapter 5.P2 - The Watt Governor, Feedback Control, And StabilityChapter 6.1 - Definitions And ExamplesChapter 6.2 - Basic Theory Of First Order Linear SystemsChapter 6.3 - Homogeneous Linear Systems With Constant CoefficientsChapter 6.4 - Nondefective Matrices With Complex EigenvaluesChapter 6.5 - Fundamental Matrices And The Exponential Of A MatrixChapter 6.6 - Nonhomogeneous Linear SystemsChapter 6.7 - Defective MatricesChapter 6.P1 - Earthquakes And Tall BuildingsChapter 6.P2 - Controlling A Spring-mass System To EquilibriumChapter 7.1 - Autonomous Systems And StabilityChapter 7.2 - Almost Linear SystemsChapter 7.3 - Competing SpeciesChapter 7.4 - Predator–prey EquationsChapter 7.5 - Periodic Solutions And Limit CyclesChapter 7.6 - Chaos And Strange Attractors: The Lorenz EquationsChapter 7.P1 - Modeling Of EpidemicsChapter 7.P2 - Harvesting In A Competitive EnvironmentChapter 7.P3 - The R ̈ossler SystemChapter 8.1 - Numerical Approximations: Euler’s MethodChapter 8.2 - Accuracy Of Numerical MethodsChapter 8.3 - Improved Euler And Runge–kutta MethodsChapter 8.4 - Numerical Methods For Systems Of First Order EquationsChapter 8.P1 - Designing A Drip Dispenser For A Hydrology ExperimentChapter 8.P2 - Monte Carlo Option Pricing: Pricing Financial Options By Flipping A CoinChapter A.1 - MatricesChapter A.2 - Systems Of Linear Algebraic Equations, Linear Independence, And RankChapter A.3 - Determinants And InversesChapter A.4 - The Eigenvalue Problem
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Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications - 2nd Edition
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ISBN: 9780470458242
Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems: Modern Methods And Applications
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ISBN: 9780470902141
Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications
1st Edition
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Differential Equations: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications
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ISBN: 9780471651413
Differential Equations, Student Solutions Manual: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications
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ISBN: 9780470125533
Differential Equations: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications Wileyplus Set
7th Edition
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Differential Equations: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications 1st Edition With Wiley Plus Webct Powerpack Set
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Differential Equations, Binder Ready Version: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications
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3rd Edition
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3rd Edition
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Differential Equations: An Introduction To Modern Methods And Applications 3e Binder Ready Version + Wileyplus Registration Card
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Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications
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