Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card)
Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card)
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781305586871
Author: Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett
Publisher: Cengage Learning
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Chapter 28, Problem 57P


To determine

The expectation value of x.


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Answer to Problem 57P

The expectation value of x is L2.

Explanation of Solution

Write the equation for the expectation value of x.

  x=0LΨ2xΨ2dx        (I)

Here, x is the expectation value of x , Ψ2 is the given wave function, Ψ2 is the complex conjugate of the given wave function and L is the length of the square well.

Write the expression of the given wave function.

  Ψ2(x)=2Lsin(2πxL)        (II)

Write the expression for the complex conjugate of the given wave function.

  Ψ2(x)=2Lsin(2πxL)        (III)

Put equations (II) and (III) in equation (I) and rearrange it.


Integrate the above equation.



Therefore, the expectation value of x is L2.


To determine

The probability of finding the particle near L2 by calculating the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.490Lx0.510L.


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Answer to Problem 57P

The probability of finding the particle near L2 by calculating the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.490Lx0.510L is 5.26×105.

Explanation of Solution

Write the equation for the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.490Lx0.510L.

  P=0.490L0.510LΨ2Ψ2dx        (IV)

Here, P is the probability.

Put equations (II) and (III) in equation (IV) and rearrange it.


Integrate the above equation.



Therefore, the probability of finding the particle near L2 by calculating the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.490Lx0.510L is 5.26×105 .


To determine

The probability of finding the particle near L4 by calculating the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.240Lx0.260L .


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Answer to Problem 57P

The probability of finding the particle near L4 by calculating the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.240Lx0.260L is 3.99×102.

Explanation of Solution

Write the equation for the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.240Lx0.260L .

  P=0.240L0.260LΨ2Ψ2dx        (V)

Put equations (II) and (III) in equation (IV) and rearrange it.


Integrate the above equation.



Therefore, the probability of finding the particle near L4 by calculating the probability that the particle lies in the range 0.240Lx0.260L is 3.99×102 .


To determine

The argument for the statement that the result of part (a) does not contradict the result of part (b) and part (c).


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Answer to Problem 57P

It is more probable to find the particle either near x=L/4 or near x=3L/4 than at the center where the probability is zero and the symmetry of the wave function ensures that the average position is x=L/2 .

Explanation of Solution

Probability density is the relative probability per unit volume that the particle will be found at any given point in the volume. The probability density for the given function with n=2 is shown in figure 28.22b. From the figure it is clear that the it is more probable to find the particle either near x=L/4 or near x=3L/4 than at the center where the probability is zero.

The expectation value of x is the average position at which a particle will be found after many measurements. The given wave function is a function of sine which is symmetric. The symmetry of the wave function ensures that the average position will be at x=L/2 .


Thus, it is more probable to find the particle either near x=L/4 or near x=3L/4 than at the center where the probability is zero and the symmetry of the wave function ensures that the average position is x=L/2.

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Chapter 28 Solutions

Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card)

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