Concept explainers
Write a
A member variable of type string that contains the administrator’s title (such as Director or Vice President).
A member variable of type string that contains the company area of responsibility (such as Production, Accounting, or Personnel).
A member variable of type string that contains the name of this administrator’s immediate supervisor.
A protected: member variable of type double that holds the administrator’s annual salary. It is possible for you to use the existing salary member if you did the change recommended earlier.
A member function called setSupervisor, which changes the supervisor name.
A member function for reading in an administrator’s data from the keyboard.
A member function called print, which outputs the object’s data to the screen.
An overloading of the member function printCheck() with appropriate notations on the check.

Salaried Employee
Program Plan:
- Include required header files.
- Create a namespace.
- Declare a class “Administrator”.
- Inside the “protected” access specifier,
- Declare a variable to hold the salary amount.
- Inside the “public” access specifier,
- Declare the constructors.
- Declare the member functions.
- Inside the “private” access specifier,
- Declare the variables to store the title, responsibility, and name of the supervisor.
- Inside the “protected” access specifier,
- Declare a class “Administrator”.
- Include required header files.
- Create a namespace.
- Declare constructors.
- Set the supervisor name.
- Give function definition for “readData ()”.
- Get the title, responsibility and supervisor name from the user.
- Give function definition for “print ()”.
- Print the details like name, responsibility and supervisor name.
- Give function definition for “printCheck ()”.
- Call the function “setNetPay ()” to set the amount.
- Print the name using the function “getName ()”.
- Print the amount using the function “getNetPay ()”.
- Print the employee number using the function “getSSN ()”.
- Include required header files.
- Create a namespace.
- Declare a class “SalariedEmployee”.
- Inside “public” access specifier,
- Declare default and parameterized constructor.
- Declare the function “getSalary ()”, and “setSalary ()”.
- Inside “protected” access specifier,
- Declare a variable “salary”.
- Inside “public” access specifier,
- Declare a class “SalariedEmployee”.
- Include required header files.
- Create a namespace.
- Instantiate the constructors.
- Give mutator and accessor functions to set and get the salary amount respectively.
- Include required header files.
- Create a namespace.
- Inside the “public” access specifier.
- Declare the default and parameterized constructor.
- Declare the functions.
- Inside the “private” access specifier.
- Declare required variables like “name”, “ssn”, and “netPay”.
- Inside the “public” access specifier.
- Include required header files.
- Create a namespace.
- Instantiate the constructors.
- Give mutator and accessor functions to set and get the name, employee number, and net pay.
- Give function to print the check.
- Include required header files.
- Declare the “main ()” function.
- Create an object for “Administrator” class.
- Call the function “readData ()”, “print ()”, and “printCheck ()” using the object.
The below program demonstrates the creation of “Administrator” class with the required given constraints.
Explanation of Solution
//Include required header files
#include <string>
#include "salariedemployee.h"
using namespace std;
//Create a namespace
namespace SEmployees
//Declare a class
class Administrator : public SalariedEmployee
//Access specifier
//Declare a variable
double theAnnualSalary;
//Access specifier
Administrator(const string& theName, const string& theSsn, double theAnnualSalary);
//Declare the member functions
void setSupervisor(const string& newSupervisorName);
void readData();
void print();
void printCheck();
//Access specifier
//Declare required variables
string adminTitle;
string areaOfResponsibility;
string supervisorName;
//Include required header files
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "administrator.h"
using namespace std;
//Create a namespace
namespace SEmployees
Administrator::Administrator() : SalariedEmployee(), adminTitle("No title yet"),areaOfResponsibility("No responsibility yet"), supervisorName("No supervisor yet"){}
Administrator::Administrator(const string& theName, const string& theSsn,double theAnnualSalary): SalariedEmployee(theName, theSsn, theAnnualSalary), adminTitle("No title yet"), areaOfResponsibility("No responsibility yet"), supervisorName("No supervisor yet"){}
//Function to set supervisor name
void Administrator::setSupervisor(const string& newSupervisorName)
//Set the name
supervisorName = newSupervisorName;
//Function to get the information
void Administrator::readData()
//Print the statement
cout << "Enter the details of the administrator " << getName() << endl;
//Ge the title
cout << " Enter the administrator's title: ";
getline(cin, adminTitle);
//Get the area of responsibility
cout << " Enter the company area of responsibility: ";
getline(cin, areaOfResponsibility);
//Get the name of supervisor
cout << " Enter the name of this administrator's immediate supervisor: ";
getline(cin, supervisorName);
//Function to print information
void Administrator::print()
//Print the statement
cout << "\nDetails of the administrator..." << endl;
//Print the name
cout << "Administrator's name: " << getName() << endl;
//Print the title
cout << "Administrator's title: " << adminTitle << endl;
//Print the responsibility
cout << "Area of responsibility: " << areaOfResponsibility << endl;
//Print the supervisor name
cout << "Immediate supervisor's name: " << supervisorName << endl;
//Function to print the check
void Administrator::printCheck()
//Print the statement
cout << "\nPay check..." << endl;
//Call the function
//Print the statements
cout << "\n_______________________________________________\n";
//Print the name
cout << "Pay to the order of " << getName() << endl;
//Print the amount
cout << "The sum of $" << getNetPay();
cout << "\n_______________________________________________\n";
cout << "Check Stub NOT NEGOTIABLE \n";
//Print the employee number
cout << "Employee Number: " << getSSN() << endl;
//Print the salary
cout << "Salaried Employee (Administrator). Regular Pay: $" << salary;
cout << "\n_______________________________________________\n";
//Include required header files
#include <string>
#include "employee.h"
using namespace std;
//Create a namespace
namespace SEmployees
//Declare a class
class SalariedEmployee : public Employee
//Access specifier
//Default constructor
SalariedEmployee( );
//Parameterized constructor
SalariedEmployee (string theName, string theSSN,double theWeeklySalary);
//Function declarations
double getSalary( ) const;
void setSalary(double newSalary);
//Access specifier
//Declare a variable
double salary;
//Include required header files
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "salariedemployee.h"
using namespace std;
//Create a namespace
namespace SEmployees
SalariedEmployee::SalariedEmployee( ) : Employee( ), salary(0){}
SalariedEmployee::SalariedEmployee(string theName, string theNumber,double theWeeklySalary): Employee(theName, theNumber), salary(theWeeklySalary){}
//Accessor function to get the salary
double SalariedEmployee::getSalary( ) const
//Return the amount
return salary;
//Mutator function to set the salary
void SalariedEmployee::setSalary(double newSalary)
//Set the amount
salary = newSalary;
//Include required header files
#ifndef EMPLOYEE_H
#define EMPLOYEE_H
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Create a namespace
namespace SEmployees
//Declare a class
class Employee
//Access specifier
//Declare a default constructor
Employee( );
//Declare the parameterized constructor
Employee(string theName, string theSSN);
//Declare the functions
string getName( ) const;
string getSSN( ) const;
double getNetPay( ) const;
void setName(string newName);
void setSSN(string newSSN);
void setNetPay(double newNetPay);
void printCheck( ) const;
//Access specifier
//Declare required variables
string name;
string ssn;
double netPay;
//Include required header files
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "employee.h"
using namespace std;
//Create a namespace
namespace SEmployees
Employee::Employee( ) : name("No name yet"), ssn("No number yet"), netPay(0){}
Employee::Employee(string theName, string theNumber): name(theName), ssn(theNumber), netPay(0){}
//Accessor function to get a name
string Employee::getName( ) const
//Return the name
return name;
//Accessor function to get the number
string Employee::getSSN( ) const
//Return the number
return ssn;
//Accessor function to get the pay
double Employee::getNetPay( ) const
//Return the pay
return netPay;
//Mutator function to set the name
void Employee::setName(string newName)
//Set the name
name = newName;
//Mutator function to set the number
void Employee::setSSN(string newSSN)
//Set the number
ssn = newSSN;
//Mutator function to set the pay
void Employee::setNetPay (double newNetPay)
//Set the pay
netPay = newNetPay;
//Function to print the check
void Employee::printCheck() const
//Print the statements.
cout << "\nERROR: printCheck FUNCTION CALLED FOR AN \n"<< "UNDIFFERENTIATED EMPLOYEE. Aborting the program.\n"<< "Check with the author of the program about this bug.\n";
//Include required header files
#include <iostream>
#include "administrator.h"
//Create namespace
using SEmployees::Administrator;
//Main function
int main()
//Add details
Administrator admin("Mr. John Smith", "963-85-2741", 10000.00);
//Call the function to read information
//Call the function to print
//Call the function to print the check
//Return the statement
return 0;
Enter the details of the administrator Mr. John Smith
Enter the administrator's title: Director
Enter the company area of responsibility: Personnel
Enter the name of this administrator's immediate supervisor: Mr. Adams
Details of the administrator...
Administrator's name: Mr. John Smith
Administrator's title: Director
Area of responsibility: Personnel
Immediate supervisor's name: Mr. Adams
Pay check...
Pay to the order of Mr. John Smith
The sum of $10000
Employee Number: 963-85-2741
Salaried Employee (Administrator). Regular Pay: $10000
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