Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach
9th Edition
ISBN: 9781259822674
Author: Yunus A. Cengel Dr., Michael A. Boles
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education


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Chapter 10.9, Problem 85P

Reconsider Prob. 10–83. Determine which components of the combined cycle are the most wasteful of work potential.

10–83 A combined gas–steam power cycle uses a simple gas turbine for the topping cycle and simple Rankine cycle for the bottoming cycle. Atmospheric air enters the gas turbine at 101 kPa and 20°C, and the maximum gas cycle temperature is 1100°C. The compressor pressure ratio is 8; the compressor isentropic efficiency is 85 percent; and the gas turbine isentropic efficiency is 90 percent. The gas stream leaves the heat exchanger at the saturation temperature of the steam flowing through the heat exchanger. Steam flows through the heat exchanger with a pressure of 6000 kPa and leaves at 320°C. The steam-cycle condenser operates at 20 kPa, and the isentropic efficiency of the steam turbine is 90 percent. Determine the mass flow rate of air through the air compressor required for this system to produce 100 MW of power. Use constant specific heats for air at room temperature.

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Which component of the combined cycle is the most wasteful of work potential.

Answer to Problem 85P

The combustor of the gas-steam cycle has largest exergy destruction (X˙destroyed,(6-7)=23,970 kW) of all other components in this cycle and that is the most wasteful of work potential.

Explanation of Solution

Show the Ts diagram of the both cycle.

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Chapter 10.9, Problem 85P

Refer Figure 1.

Consider the gas cycle (topping cycle) and their respective process states such as 5, 6, 6s, 7, 8, 8s alone.

Write the temperature and pressure relation at isentropic state and for the process 5-6-6s.

T6s=T5(P6P5)(k1)/k (I)

Here, the temperature is T, the pressure is P, the ratio of specific heats is k, and the subscripts 5, 6, and 6s indicates the process states.

Write the formula for isentropic efficiency of compressor for the process 5-6-6s.

ηC=h6sh5h6h5=cp(T6sT5)cp(T6T5)=T6sT5T6T5 (II)

Here, the enthalpy is h.

Rearrange and rewrite the equation (II) to obtain T6.

T6=T5+T6sT5ηC (III)

Write the temperature and pressure relation at isentropic state and for the process 7-8-8s.

T8s=T7(P8P7)(k1)/k (IV)

Write the formula for isentropic efficiency of gas turbine (ηgT) for the process 7-8-8s.

ηgT=h7h8h7h8s=cp(T7T8)cp(T7T8s)=T7T8T7T8s (V)

Rearrange and rewrite the equation (V) to obtain T8.

T8=T7ηgT(T7T8s) (VI)

At state 9: (heat exchanger)

The temperature (T9) is equal to the saturation temperature at the pressure of 6MPa(6000kPa).


Refer Table A-5, “Saturated water-Pressure table”.

The saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure of 6MPa(6000kPa) is 275.59°C or 548.59K548.6K.

Refer Figure 1.

Consider the steam cycle (bottoming cycle) and their respective process states such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 4s alone.

At state 1:

The water exits the condenser as a saturated liquid at the pressure of 20kPa. Hence, the enthalpy, specific volume and entropy at state 1 is as follows.


Refer Table A-5, “Saturated water-Pressure table”.

The enthalpy (h1) and specific volume (v1) at state 1 corresponding to the pressure of 20kPa is 251.42kJ/kg, 0.001017m3/kg, and 0.8320kJ/kgK respectively.

At state 2:

Write the formula for work done by the pump during process 1-2.

wp,in=v1(P2P1) (VII)

Here, the specific volume is v, the pressure is P and the subscripts 1 and 2 indicates the process states.

Write the formula for enthalpy (h) at state 2.

h2=h1+wp,in (VIII)

At state 3: (Turbine inlet)

The steam enters the turbine as superheated vapour.

Refer Table A-6, “Superheated water”.

The enthalpy (h3) and entropy (s3) at state 3 corresponding to the pressure of 6MPa(6000kPa) and the temperature of 320°C is as follows.


From Figure 1,


At state 4: (Turbine exit or condenser inlet)

The steam exits the condenser as a saturated liquid at the pressure of 20kPa.

The quality of water at the exit of the turbine is expressed as follows.

x4s=s4ssf,4ssfg,4s (IX)

The enthalpy at state 4s is expressed as follows.

h4s=hf,4s+x4shfg,4s (X)

Here, the enthalpy is h, the entropy is s, the quality of the water is x, the suffix f indicates the fluid condition, the suffix fg indicates the change of vaporization phase; the subscript 4s indicates the ideal process and the subscript 4 indicates the actual process.

Refer Table A-5, “Saturated water-Pressure table”.

Obtain the following properties corresponding to the pressure of 20kPa.


Write the formula for isentropic efficiency of the steam turbine (ηsT).

ηsT=h3h4h3h4s (XI)

Rearrange the Equation (XI) to obtain the enthalpy h4.

h4=h3ηsT(h3h4s) (XII)

Write the formula for net work output of the gas cycle.

wnet,gas cycle=wgT,outwC,in=(h7h8)(h6h5)=cp(T7T8)cp(T6T5)=cp(T7T8T6+T5) (XIII)

Here, the specific heat of air at constant pressure is cp.

Write the formula for net work output of the steam cycle.

wnet,steam cycle=wsT,outwP,in=(h3h4)wP,in (XIV)

Write the general energy rate balance equation.

E˙inE˙out=ΔE˙system (XV)

Here, the rate of energy in is E˙in, the rate of energy out is E˙out, and rate of change in net energy of the system is ΔE˙system.

Consider the heat exchanger operates on steady state. Hence, the rate of change in net energy of the system is zero.


The Equation (XV) is reduced as follows for the heat exchanger.


m˙acp(T8T9)=m˙w(h3h2)m˙w=m˙acp(T8T9)h3h2 (XVI)

Here, the mass flow rate of air is m˙a, the mass flow rate of water is m˙w, and the specific heat of air at constant pressure is cp.

Write the formula for mass flow rate of air through the compressor.

m˙a=W˙netwnet (XVII)

Write the formula for the exergy destruction for the process 3-4 (turbine).

X˙destroyed(34)=m˙wT0(s4s3) (XVIII)

Write the formula for the exergy destruction for the process 4-1 (condenser).

X˙destroyed(4-1)=m˙wT0(s1s4+qoutTsink) (XIX)

Write the formula for the exergy destruction for heat exchanger.

X˙destroyed, heat exchanger=m˙aT0Δs89+m˙wT0Δs23=m˙aT0(cplnT9T8)+m˙wT0(s3s2) (XX)

Write the formula for the exergy destruction for the process 5-6 (compressor).

X˙destroyed(56)=m˙aT0(cplnT6T5RlnP6P5) (XXI)

Write the formula for the exergy destruction for the process 6-7 (combustion chamber).

X˙destroyed(67)=m˙aT0(cplnT7T6qin,6-7Tsource) (XXII)

Write the formula for the exergy destruction for the process 7-8 (gas turbine).

X˙destroyed(78)=m˙aT0(cplnT8T7RlnP8P7) (XXIII)

Here, the specific heat at constant pressure of air is cp, the gas constant of air is R, the surrounding temperature is T0, the source temperature is Tsource, the sink temperature is Tsink,

Refer Table A-2, “Ideal-gas specific heats of various common gases”.

The specific heat at constant pressure (cp) and the specific heat ratio (k) of air is 1.005kJ/kgK and 1.4 respectively.


Substitute 20°C for T5, 8 for P6/P5, and 1.4 for k in Equation (I).


Substitute 20°C for T5, 530.8K for T6s, and 0.85 for ηC in Equation (III).



Substitute 1100°C for T7, 18 for P8P7, and 1.4 for k in Equation (IV).


Substitute 1100°C for T7, 758K for T8s, and 0.90 for ηgT in Equation (VI).


Substitute 0.001017m3/kg for v1, 6000kPa for P2 and 20kPa for P1 in Equation (VII).


Substitute 251.42kJ/kg for h1 and 6.08kJ/kg for wp,in in Equation (VIII).


Here, s3=s4s=6.1871kJ/kgK.

Substitute 6.1871kJ/kgK for s4s, 0.8320kJ/kgK for sf,4s and 7.0752kJ/kgK for sfg,4s in Equation (IX).


Substitute 251.42kJ/kg for hf,4s, 0.7569 for x4s and 2357.5kJ/kg for hfg,4s in

Equation (X).


Substitute 2953.6kJ/kg for h3, 0.90 for ηsT, and 2035.8kJ/kg for h4s in Equation (XII).


Substitute 1.005kJ/kgK for cp, 1373K for T7, 819.5K for T8, 572.8K for T6, and 293K for T5 in Equation (XIII).

wnet,gas cycle=1.005kJ/kgK(1373K819.5K572.8K+293K)=1.005kJ/kgK(273.7K)=275.0685kJ/kg275.1kJ/kg

Substitute 2953.6kJ/kg for h3, 2127.6kJ/kg for h4, and 6.08kJ/kg for wp,in in

Equation (XIV).

wnet,steam cycle=(2953.6kJ/kg2127.6kJ/kg)6.08kJ/kg=826kJ/kg6.08kJ/kg=819.92kJ/kg819.9kJ/kg

Substitute 1.005kJ/kgK for cp, 819.5K for T8, 548.6K for T9, 2953.6kJ/kg for h3, and 257.5kJ/kg for h2 in Equation (XVI).

m˙w=m˙a(1.005kJ/kgK)(819.5K548.6K)2953.6kJ/kg257.5kJ/kg=(m˙a)272.2545kJ/kg2696.1kJ/kg=0.10098m˙a0.1010m˙a (XXIV)

When, the mass flow rate of air is 1kg/s.

Substitute 1kg/s for m˙a in Equation (XXIV).


Thus, the Equation (XXIV) describes that 1kg of exhaust gas can heat only the 0.1010kg of water. Hence, the net work output of the gas steam cycle is expressed as follows.

wnet=(1×wnet,gas cycle)+(0.1010×wnet,steam cycle)=(1×275.1kJ/kg)+(0.1010×819.9kJ/kg)=275.1kJ/kg+82.8099kJ/kg=357.9099kJ/kg

Substitute 100MW for W˙net and 357.9099kJ/kg for wnet in Equation (XVII).



Thus, the mass flow rate of the air through the air compressor required for this system to produce 100MW of power is 279kg/s.

Substitute 279.4kg/s for m˙a in Equation (XXIV).


Consider the process 1 to 2 (Pump).

Here, the pump is isentropic. Hence the exergy destruction during the process 1-2 is zero.


Consider the process 3 to 4 (steam turbine).




Substitute 28.22kg/s for m˙w, 293K for T0, 6.4627kJ/kgK for s4, and 6.1871kJ/kgK for s3, in Equation (XVIII).

X˙destroyed, (3-4)=(28.22kg/s)(293K)(6.4627kJ/kgK6.1871kJ/kgK)=(28.22kg/s)(293K)(0.2756kJ/kgK)=2278.7875kJ/s×1kW1kJ/s2278.78kW

Thus, the exergy destruction during process 3-4 is 2278.78kW.

Substitute 28.21kg/s for m˙w, 293K for T0, 0.8320kJ/kgK for s1, 6.1871kJ/kgK for s4, 1876.2 kJ/kg for qout, and 293 K for Tsink in equation (XIX)

X˙destroyed,(4-1)=(28.21kg/s)(293K)(0.8320kJ/kgK6.1871kJ/kgK+1876.2 kJ/kg293 K)=8665kJ/s×1kW1kJ/s8665kW

Substitute 279.3 kg/s for m˙a, 293 K for T0, 1.005 kJ/kgK for cp, 548.6 K for T9, 819.5 K for T8, 28.21kg/s for m˙w, 293 K for T0, 6.1871 kJ/kgK for s3, and 0.8320 kJ/kgK for s2 in equation (XX).

X˙destroyed,heat exchanger=[(279.3 kg/s)(293 K)×[1.005 kJ/kgKln(548.6 K819.5 K)]]+[(28.21kg/s)(293 K)(6.1871 kJ/kgK0.8320 kJ/kgK)]=11260 kW

Substitute 279.3 kg/s for m˙a, 293 K for T0, 1.005 kJ/kgK for cp, 572.7 K for T6, 293 K for T5, 0.287 kJ/kg for R, 8 for P6P5,  in equation (XXI).

X˙destroyed,(5-6)=[(279.3 kg/s)(293 K)×[1.005 kJ/kgKln(572.7 K293 K0.287 kJ/kgK× ln(8))]]=6280 kW

Substitute 279.3 kg/s for m˙a, 293 K for T0, 1.005 kJ/kgK for cp, 1373 K for T7, 572.7 K for T6, 804.3 kJ/kg for qin, 1373 K for Tsource,  in equation (XXII).

X˙destroyed,(6-7)=[(279.3 kg/s)(293 K)×[1.005 kJ/kgKln(1373 K572.7 K804.3 kJ/kg1373 K)]]=23,970 kW

Substitute 279.3 kg/s for m˙a, 293 K for T0, 1.005 kJ/kgK for cp, 1373 K for T7, 0.287 kJ/kgK for R, (1/8) for in equation (XXIII).

X˙destroyed,(7-8)=[(279.3 kg/s)(293 K)×[1.005 kJ/kgKln(819.5 K1373 K0.287kJ/kgKln(18))]]=6396 kW

The calculated exergy destruction value is greater for component combustor that is 23,970 kW.

Hence, the combustor of the gas-steam cycle has largest exergy destruction of all other components and that is the most wasteful of work potential.

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