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Due to Denton County's Tax Assessor Collector, Michelle French, running uncontested for the 2016 and 2020 elections, I had to use the 2012 election data to base my information on. In this race Michelle French went against a Libertarian instead of a Democrat, so I will be using the other Libertarian numbers for the other data points needed in my chart.
I am running for Denton County's Tax Assessor Collector, as a Republican candidate, who has had 5 years of experience working within the TAC's office and has an understanding of the concerns of the constituents of Denton County.
1.) Voter Turnout - Out of the 391,024 registered voters in Denton County, only 194,659 voted for the Tax Assessor Collector election. Of the voters, 159,635 voted Republican and 35,024 voted Libertarian. For the precincts I collected data on, 5,224 voted Republican and 674 voted Libertarian.
2.) Number of Voters that did not Vote - Overall, there was 196,365 registered voters that did not vote for the Tax Assessor Collector election. For the precincts that I collected data on, 2,072 registered voters did not vote.
3.) Number of Voters that may be Winnable - With the undervote and the voters that did not vote, I have the potential for 3,018 voters to become winnable in my election according to the data collected in 2012.
4.) The three precincts I would visit are 1026, 3005, 4028 because while they have a higher voter turnout and already lean Republican, they have enough registered voters that did not vote that I could attempt to activate to bring more voters to the polls on election day. With the possibility of activating those 3018 voters, I could increase my chances of winning as well as gain more of a voting population without having to travel to less occupied voting districts.
5.) The three precincts I would not visit are 2019, 4013, and 4016 because 2019 had 0 registered voters, 4013 only had 50% voter turnout with only 580 voters, and 4016 only had 25% voter turn out with only 1 voter out of the 8 registered. The size of these precincts and their voter turn out makes them unreasonable places to attempt to turn voters.
6.) Chart of Collected Data for 2012 Tax Assessor Collector Election in Denton County

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