The following data is for the oxidation of catechol (the substrate) to o-quinone by the enzyme o-diphenyl oxidase. Additional data is also provided for when the reaction is run in the presence of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (PBHA). All data was acquired by monitoring the change in absorbance at 540 nm. Die volgende data is vir die oksidasie van katekol (die substraat) na o-kinoon deur die ensiem o- difenyloksidase. Bykomende data word ook verskaf vir wanneer die reaksie uitgevoer word in die teenwoordigheid van p-hidroksibensoësuur (PBHA). Alle data is verkry deur die verandering in absorpsie by 540 nm te monitor. [catechol] (mM) Rate (AAU/min) Rate (AAU/min) Uninhibited PBHA 1,01 65,02 38,27 0,49 47,11 24,60 0,32 38,44 16,99 0,25 32,84 13,88
Electronic Transitions and Spectroscopy
The term “electronic” connotes electron, and the term “transition” implies transformation. In a molecule, the electrons move from a lower to a higher energy state due to excitation. The two energy states, the ground state and the excited state are the lowest and the highest energy states, respectively. An energy change is observed with this transition, which depicts the various data related to the molecule.
Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is a part of experimental chemistry. It is a technique used in laboratories that involves projecting intense beams of radiation on a sample element. In response, the element ejects electrons for which the relative energies are measured.
![The following data is for the oxidation of catechol (the substrate) to o-quinone by the enzyme o-diphenyl
oxidase. Additional data is also provided for when the reaction is run in the presence of p-hydroxybenzoic
acid (PBHA). All data was acquired by monitoring the change in absorbance at 540 nm.
Die volgende data is vir die oksidasie van katekol (die substraat) na o-kinoon deur die ensiem o-
difenyloksidase. Bykomende data word ook verskaf vir wanneer die reaksie uitgevoer word in die
teenwoordigheid van p-hidroksibensoësuur (PBHA). Alle data is verkry deur die verandering in absorpsie
by 540 nm te monitor.
[catechol] (mM)
Rate (AAU/min)
Rate (AAU/min)
Using graphical methods, determine the uninhibited reaction's Km and Vmax. Also determine whether
PBHA is an inhibitor of o-diphenyl oxidase. If it is, specify which type of inhibitor it is and motivate your
Gebruik grafiese metodes en bepaal die ongeïnhibeerde reaksie se Km en Vmax. Bepaal ook of PBHA 'n
'inhibeerder van o-difenieloksidase is. Indien wel, spesifiseer watter tipe inhibeerder dit is en motiveer jou

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