Select the true items related to performance indicators and targets. Select only the four correct answers Performance indicators and targets should cover attributes that are important to transport users. Performance indicators and targets must be expressed in quantitative terms. Performance target is used to denote any level of performance for a specific, defined performance indicator. Performance indicators and targets should be biased towards a particular transport mode or towards infrastructure. Performance indicator is used to monitor performance in terms of progress towards a specific defined objective. Performance indicators and targets should reflect a broader stakeholder perspective. Performance target is used to denote the desired level of performance for a specific, defined performance indicator. Performance indicator is used to show performance when a specific objective cannot be defined.
Select the true items related to performance indicators and targets. Select only the four correct answers
Performance indicators and targets should cover attributes that are important to transport users.
Performance indicators and targets must be expressed in quantitative terms.
Performance target is used to denote any level of performance for a specific, defined performance indicator.
Performance indicators and targets should be biased towards a particular transport mode or towards infrastructure.
Performance indicator is used to monitor performance in terms of progress towards a specific defined objective.
Performance indicators and targets should reflect a broader stakeholder perspective.
Performance target is used to denote the desired level of performance for a specific, defined performance indicator.
Performance indicator is used to show performance when a specific objective cannot be defined.

Performance indicators can be denoted as the combination of quantifiable measurements generally used for measuring the performance of an organization in the long run. This is used by organizations to compare themselves with other organizations in the same industry.
KPIs are vital for identifying the strategic, financial, and operational achievements of an organization. Some common key performance indicators include speed, time, etc.
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