p1.cpp 1 #include #include 3 #include #include #include 6 5 using namespace std; #include "pl.h" // Implement your member functions in this file 10 11 9 p1.h #ifndef P1 H #define P1 H 1 4. #include class Point30 { // Add your class members here 9 }: 10 11 fendif xercise.cpp #include 2 #include
Q: C++ Given Code #include #include #include using namespace std; // The puzzle will always have…
A: // CPP program for solving cryptographic puzzles#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;…
Q: . :: -- Folder Apps DO ;; A Folder is a (make-folder String) (define-struct folder [title]) ** Apps…
A: In this question, it is asked to provide the java implementation for the following app set There are…
Q: Write a program that reads the student information from a tab separated values (tsv) file. The…
A: C++ codeCode screenshotInput file screenshotOutput file screenshot
Q: // FILE: DPQueue.h // CLASS PROVIDED: p_queue (priority queue ADT) // // TYPEDEFS and MEMBER…
A: The implementation of the pop() function in the provided DPQueue.h header file consists only of an…
Q: Fix this code so that it follows the following instructions. #include #include #include…
A: To fix the code and incorporate the given instructions, you can make the following
Q: 15. Filename: password dls369.cpp, but replace my email id with yours. (a) Write a function which…
A: I give the code in C++ along with output and code screenshot
Q: C++ Programming main.cc file #include #include #include #include "bank.h" int…
A: Coded using C++.
Q: #include<iostream>#include<string>class Bicycle{friend std::ostream&…
A: The objective of the question is to implement the decrement operator (--) for the Bicycle class in…
Q: C++ Part I - Fill in the missing parts of this code #include #include #include using…
A: USed your code to develop the average function, used data from other members from same class
Q: C++ Please Write a program that utilizes a struct data structure and a vector of that structure…
A: 1. Define the struct "Account" with string members: fName, IName, and email.2. Declare variables:…
Q: it says cannot convert string to char please help, it needs to be string. c++ i will include the…
A: Yuou have used char in the struct node. Make it string for the program to work without error in the…
Q: // Add to this partially built code. // fill in code where there is a TODO…
A: Add data type char for variables destination and typeOfDay. Define bool variable isDayTime and…
Q: fix the getIndex function
A: Step 1: To fix the getIndex function make the following changes to function. template <typename…
Q: Write a program that inputs, processes, and outputs a set of student records organized as a vector…
A: First, we will create a structure named StudentRec. Then we will add students records accordingly…
Q: remove_substring_from_string(s, substr): This function takes two strings s and substr as input. It…
A: PROGRAM CODE: # start definition of function to remove substringdef remove_substring_from_string(s,…
Q: Address any questions or misconceptions the reviewer may have posted. (I like your program! I don't…
A: Note:-As per our policy we are only entitled to answer the first question. Step 1:- Program…
Q: owrreo TO), (2) er, and Then, create a “search()" function that can traverse through the binary…
A: Here, the task mentioned in the question is to write a c++ code to search values in a Binary Search…
Q: #include #include #include using namespace std; template class A { public: A(){ couta;…
A: Given, The programming code is given in the C++ programming language. Code: #include…
Q: Please help, #include // malloc/free and NULL // Include the declarations of our string…
A: Here i explain what function do: ==============================================================…
Q: // Add to this partially built code. // fill in code where there is a TODO…
A: Add data type char for variables destination and typeOfDay. Define bool variable isDayTime and…
Q: C++ Given code #include #include #include using namespace std; // The puzzle will always have…
A: CODE: // CPP program for solving cryptographic puzzles#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace…
Q: Hello i keep getting this error?? im not user where i went wrong? it just keep added more? thank you
A: #include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> int input(); void multiples(); void coins();…
Q: C++ Program #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // Provided…
A: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef struct Result {…
Q: Topical Information Use C++. The purpose of this project is to test your ability to use files,…
A: #include <iostream>using namespace std;//number of spaces in stringint cur_word_len (string…
Q: Ludo Ladders Game (C++)Structural code is given below of the project.Few parts of the code is…
A: Program defines a struct named Ludo with the following fields: Game an array of 100 and data type…
Q: Using the attached code as a model, write a program where each student record is a structure that…
A: We will create a structure named StudentRec and then we will add students records accordingly and…
Q: Write the function readSalesData. #include #include #include #include #include using…
A: check further steps for the answer :
Q: This program goes where no program has gone before, exploring new frontiers in C++. The program…
A: Step 1: Create header file Planet.h to contain the structure declaration for Planet. Create header…
Q: 2.20 LAB: Hypotenuse Given two numbers that represent the lengths of a right triangle's legs (sides…
A: Introduction: The name "Hypotenuse" in mathematics derives from the Greek word hypoteinousa, which…
Q: Program Specifications Write a function called rCopy that copies the entire contents of one file to…
A: I have designed and developed the program for the given question Assuming that it is to be written…
Q: it says cannot convert string to char please help, it needs to be string. c++ i will include the…
A: In this question we have to resolve a issue in a code where the program throws error as "cannot…
Q: when i run my code why does it keep add more cents when e.g? 30 cent50 : 2 cent20 : 5 cent10 : 1…
A: //// main.c// Assignment1//// Created by Hassan omer on 15/10/21.// #include <stdio.h>…
Q: #include #include #include using namespace std; template class A { T a; U b; public:…
A: Given, The code is given in the C++ programming language Code: #include <iostream>…
Q: ./run_me $(python -c 'print("A"*1024 + "\xcd\xab\xcd\xab")') running this script gives error try…
A: Now code is running properly. Try it in the any compiler.
Q: C++ I am not sure how to get fix these, without making more problems
A: The error in the given program has occurred because there is no inclusion of std. The vector class…
Q: Example #include // include io library using namespace std; int main() { // Begin main function int…
A: Explanation-Create variables named tax_rate, tax and total for the code.Declare the variables as…
Q: Programming Problems doubleVowel Write a function doublevowel that accepts a word as an argument and…
A: Explaining the `doubleVowel` function step by step: 1. **Function Definition:** ```python def…
Q: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define max 80 #define port 8080…
A: Correct code-…
Q: c++ ▪ Create Class Student Using header and cpp file (.h & .cpp). ▪Data Members: Name , ID…
A: Given: c++ ▪ Create Class Student Using header and cpp file(.h & .cpp). ▪Data Members: Name…
Q: C++ Given code is #pragma once #include #include "ourvector.h" using namespace std; ourvector…
A: Answer: I have complete function as in given question.
Step by step
Solved in 5 steps with 1 images
- C++ compile a program to answer question in picture included. Code to edit: #include <iostream> #include <string> class DayOfYear{ private: mutable int day; // Make 'day' mutable // Static arrays to hold month names and the number of days in each month static const std::string monthNames[]; static const int daysInMonth[]; public: // Constructor DayOfYear (int day) : day (day) {} // Member function to print the day in month-day format void print () const { int tempDay = day; // Create a temporary variable int month = 0; // Find the month for the given day while (tempDay > daysInMonth[month]) { tempDay -= daysInMonth[month]; month++; } // Print the result std::cout << monthNames[month] << " " << tempDay << std::endl; }}; // Static member variable initialization const std::string DayOfYear::monthNames[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",…Create pseudocode for the following #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; char water[10][10] = {{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'},{'~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~'}}; void createBoard(int &numShip); void promptCoords(int& userX, int &userY); void shipGen(int shipX[] ,int shipY[], int &numShip); void testCoords(int &userX, int &userY, int shipX[], int shipY[], int &numShip, int& victory); void updateBoard();// FILE: DPQueue.h// CLASS PROVIDED: p_queue (priority queue ADT)//// TYPEDEFS and MEMBER CONSTANTS for the p_queue class:// typedef _____ value_type// p_queue::value_type is the data type of the items in// the p_queue. It may be any of the C++ built-in types// (int, char, etc.), or a class with a default constructor, a// copy constructor, an assignment operator, and a less-than// operator forming a strict weak ordering.//// typedef _____ size_type// p_queue::size_type is the data type considered best-suited// for any variable meant for counting and sizing (as well as// array-indexing) purposes; e.g.: it is the data type for a// variable representing how many items are in the p_queue.// It is also the data type of the priority associated with// each item in the p_queue//// static const size_type DEFAULT_CAPACITY = _____// p_queue::DEFAULT_CAPACITY is the default initial capacity of a// p_queue that is created by the default…
- >> IN C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ONLY << COPY OF DEFAULT CODE, ADD SOLUTION INTO CODE IN C #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h> #include "GVDie.h" int RollSpecificNumber(GVDie die, int num, int goal) {/* Type your code here. */} int main() {GVDie die = InitGVDie(); // Create a GVDie variabledie = SetSeed(15, die); // Set the GVDie variable with seed value 15int num;int goal;int rolls; scanf("%d", &num);scanf("%d", &goal);rolls = RollSpecificNumber(die, num, goal); // Should return the number of rolls to reach total.printf("It took %d rolls to get a \"%d\" %d times.\n", rolls, num, goal); return 0;}// Add to this partially built code. // fill in code where there is a TODO #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); // show decimals even if not needed cout.precision(2); // two places to the right of the decimal // TODO: enter the missing types below int time; float ticketPrice; destination; //'C'=Chicago, 'P'=Portland, 'M'=Miami typeOfDay; //'D'=weekDay 'E'=weekEnd cout << "Welcome to Airlines!" << endl; cout << "What is your destination? ([C]hicago, [M]iami, [P]ortland) "; cin >> destination; cout << "What time will you travel? (Enter time between 0-2359) "; cin >> time; // TODO: set isDayTime to true if time 5AM or later, but before 7PM cout << "What type of day are you traveling? (week[E]nd or week[D]ay) "; cin >> typeOfDay; // TODO: set isWeekend to true if typeOfDay is 'E', otherwise false // Depending upon the destination, and whether…C++ programming task. main.cc file: #include <iostream>#include <map>#include <vector> #include "plane.h" int main() { std::vector<double> weights{3.2, 4.7, 2.1, 5.5, 9.8, 7.4, 1.6, 9.3}; std::cout << "Printing out all the weights: " << std::endl; // ======= YOUR CODE HERE ======== // 1. Using an iterator, print out all the elements in // the weights vector on one line, separated by spaces. // Hint: see the README for the for loop syntax using // an iterator, .begin(), and .end() // ========================== std::cout << std::endl; std::map<std::string, std::string> abbrevs{{"AL", "Alabama"}, {"CA", "California"}, {"GA", "Georgia"}, {"TX", "Texas"}}; std::map<std::string, double> populations{ {"CA", 39.2}, {"GA", 10.8}, {"AL", 5.1}, {"TX", 29.5}}; std::cout <<…
- Algorithm for the below program #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h> //structuretypedef struct{char Username [20];int cents;} value; int *coin Change (int change); //main functionint main () { FILE *f; //open the filef = f open ("coins.txt", "r"); //check if file not openedif(f==NULL){printf ("File not opened!");return 1;} value arr [10];int i, j, n, option, totalCoins;char name [20];int *coins; // = //read the filefor (i=0;!feof(f) ; i++){fscanf(f, "%s", arr[i].Username);fscanf(f, "%d", &arr[i].cents);} n = i; //close the filefclose(f); //loopwhile (1){//display menuprintf ("1. Enter name\n");printf ("2. Exit\n\n"); //prompt and read optionprintf ("Enter option (1 or 2): ");scanf ("%d", &option); //switch statementswitch(option){case 1://read the namescanf ("%s", name);totalCoins = 0;//search in the listfor(i=0; i<n; i++){if(!strcmp(name, arr[i].Username)){totalCoins = totalCoins + arr[i].cents;}}//check if not…C++ complete magic Square #include <iostream> using namespace std; /*int f( int x, int y, int* p, int* q ){if ( y == 0 ){p = 0, q = 0;return 404; // status: Error 404}*p = x * y; // product*q = x / y; // quotient return 200; // status: OK 200} int main(){int p, q;int status = f(10, 2, &p, &q);if ( status == 404 ){cout << "[ERR] / by zero!" << endl;return 0;}cout << p << endl;cout << q << endl; return 0;}*/ /*struct F_Return{int p;int q;int status;}; F_Return f( int x, int y ){F_Return r;if ( y == 0 ){r.p = 0, r.q = 0;r.status = 404;return r;}r.p = x * y;r.q = x / y;r.status = 200;return r;} int main(){F_Return r = f(10, 0);if ( r.status == 404 ){cout << "[ERR] / by zero" << endl;return 0;}cout << r.p << endl;cout << r.q << endl;return 0;}*/ int sumByRow(int *m, int nrow, int ncol, int row){ int total = 0;for ( int j = 0; j < ncol; j++ ){total += m[row * ncol + j]; //m[row][j];}return total; } /*…C++ This program does not compile! Spot the error and give the line number. Presume that the header file is error free and // Implementation file for the Rectangle class.1. #include "Rectangle.h" // Needed for the Rectangle class2. #include <iostream> // Needed for cout3. #include <cstdlib> // Needed for the exit function4. using namespace std; //***********************************************************// setWidth sets the value of the member variable width. *//*********************************************************** 5. void Rectangle::setWidth(double w){6. if (w >= 0)7. width = w;8. else{9. cout << "Invalid width\n";10. exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}} //***********************************************************// setLength sets the value of the member variable length. *//*********************************************************** 11. void Rectangle::setLength(double len){12. if (len >= 0)13. length = len;14. else{15. cout << "Invalid length\n";16.…
- #include <iostream>#include <string>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;template<class T>class A{public:A(){cout<<"Created\n";}~A(){cout<<"Destroyed\n";}}; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){A <int>a1;A <char>a2;A <float>a3;return 0;} Give output for this code#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <cmath>using namespace std; #define PROPERTY_TAX_RATE_PER_YEAR 1.25#define COST_OF_UTILITIES_PER_MONTH 300.00#define COST_OF_INSURANCE_PER_YEAR 550.00 void inputData(double& sellingPrice, double& interestRate, int& durationOfLoan); void handleAllComputations(double sellingPrice,double interestRate,int durationOfLoan,double downPaymentRate,double& downPayment,double& amountOfLoan,double& mortgagePayment,double& propertyTax,double& costOfInsurance,double& totalMonthlyHouseCost); double calculateDownPayment(double sellingPrice, double downPaymentRate);double calculateAmountOfLoan(double sellingPrice, double downPayment);double calculateMortgagePayment(double amountOfLoan,double interestRate,int durationOfLoan); void outputResults(double sellingPrice,double downPayment,double amountOfLoan,double interestRate,int durationOfLoan,double mortgagePayment,double propertyTax,double…#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int calc_qty(int qty); void receipt( int qty, int qty2); int calc_qty(int qty); void coffee_size(int qty, int size, int choice, int qty2); void slices(); void beanounces(); int main() { int qty = 0, order = 0, size = 0, qty2 = 0; receipt (qty,qty2); calc_qty (qty); do { //displays the menu cout<<" Please select an item on the menu you would like to buy."<<endl; cout<<"Enter 1 for Coffee\n"<<"Enter 2 for cheese cake\n"<<"Enter 3 for coffee beens\n"<<endl; cin>>choice; } switch (choice) { case 1: coffee_size(qty, size, order, qty2); break; case 2: slices(); break; case 3: beanounces(); break; case 4: cout<<"Enjoy your day"<<endl;…