n C++ Call your class quadraticExpression. • Your private data will be a, b, c. Make them doubles. • Create an enumerated list with o NO_ROOTS = 0 o ONE_ROOT = 1 o TWO_ROOTS = 2 o INFINITE_ROOTS = 3 • Write the constructor as stated in the book • Write the changeCoeeficients as stated in the book • Write the getACoeeficient, getBCoeeficient, getCCoeeficient as inline constant functions • Write evaluate function to take a double a return a double. Constant function. • Write getNumberOfRoots function to return an integer. Constant function. • Write getFirstRoot and getSecondRoot to return the first and second roots. Return a domain_error is there is no first or second root. Constant Functions. Use my .cpp file to test out your class
Types of Linked List
A sequence of data elements connected through links is called a linked list (LL). The elements of a linked list are nodes containing data and a reference to the next node in the list. In a linked list, the elements are stored in a non-contiguous manner and the linear order in maintained by means of a pointer associated with each node in the list which is used to point to the subsequent node in the list.
Linked List
When a set of items is organized sequentially, it is termed as list. Linked list is a list whose order is given by links from one item to the next. It contains a link to the structure containing the next item so we can say that it is a completely different way to represent a list. In linked list, each structure of the list is known as node and it consists of two fields (one for containing the item and other one is for containing the next item address).
In C++
Call your class quadraticExpression.
• Your private data will be a, b, c. Make them doubles.
• Create an enumerated list with
o NO_ROOTS = 0
o ONE_ROOT = 1
• Write the constructor as stated in the book
• Write the changeCoeeficients as stated in the book
• Write the getACoeeficient, getBCoeeficient,
getCCoeeficient as inline constant functions
• Write evaluate function to take a double a return a double. Constant
• Write getNumberOfRoots function to return an integer. Constant
• Write getFirstRoot and getSecondRoot to return the first and second
roots. Return a domain_error is there is no first or second root.
Constant Functions.
Use my .cpp file to test out your class
S Solutions to Studen... M Gmail
#include <iostream>
#include "quadraticExpression.h"
Write a program that will X b Answered: Problem 6 (5 Pc x b A one-variable quadratic e X
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using namespace std;
void evaluateExpression (const quadraticExpression &);
int main ()
for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
quadraticExpression q[6] = { quadraticExpression (2.1, 3, -7),
quadraticExpression (1.4, 3.9, +7),
evaluateExpression (q[i]);
Bb https://learn-us-east-1-pro X
void evaluateExpression (const quadraticExpression &q)
int errorsHandled = 0;
cout << "f(-5) = " << q.evaluate(-5) << endl;
cout << "f(0) = " << q.evaluate (0) << endl;
cout << "f(5) = " << q.evaluate (5) << endl;
if (q.getNumberOfRoots() == INFINITE_ROOTS)
else if (q.getNumberOfRoots() == ONE_ROOT)
cout << "The Expression has Infinite Roots" << endl;
else if (q.getNumberOfRoots() == TWO_ROOTS)
try {
catch (domain_error e) {
errorsHandled ++;
Pseudocode Algorit...
cout << "The Expression has One Root at x = " << q.getFirstRoot() << endl;
cout << "The Expression has No Roots" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The Expression has First Root at x = " << q.getFirstRoot() << endl;
cout << "The Expression has Second Root at x = " << q.getSecondRoot() << endl;
Type here to search
try {
catch (domain_error e) {
errorsHandled ++;
cout << "Errors Handled: " << errorsHandled << endl;
Assignment 2 - Looping an X
CSC Final Flashcard...
quadraticExpression (-.75, 0, 0),
quadraticExpression (0, .3, -7),
quadraticExpression (0, 0, 4),
Online Java Compil...
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