Call your class quadraticExpression. • Your private data will be a, b, c. Make them doubles. • Create an enumerated list with o NO_ROOTS = 0 o ONE_ROOT = 1 o TWO_ROOTS = 2 o INFINITE_ROOTS = 3 • Write the constructor as stated in the book • Write the changeCoeeficients as stated in the book • Write the getACoeeficient, getBCoeeficient, getCCoeeficient as inline constant functions • Write evaluate function to take a double a return a double. Constant function. • Write getNumberOfRoots function to return an integer. Constant function. • Write getFirstRoot and getSecondRoot to return the first and second roots. Return a domain_error is there is no first or second root. Constant Functions. Use my .cpp file to test out your class.
Call your class quadraticExpression.
• Your private data will be a, b, c. Make them doubles.
• Create an enumerated list with
o NO_ROOTS = 0
o ONE_ROOT = 1
• Write the constructor as stated in the book
• Write the changeCoeeficients as stated in the book
• Write the getACoeeficient, getBCoeeficient,
getCCoeeficient as inline constant functions
• Write evaluate function to take a double a return a double. Constant
• Write getNumberOfRoots function to return an integer. Constant
• Write getFirstRoot and getSecondRoot to return the first and second
roots. Return a domain_error is there is no first or second root.
Constant Functions.
Use my .cpp file to test out your class.
![#include <iostream>
#include "quadraticExpression.h"
using namespace std;
void evaluateExpression (const quadraticExpression &);
int main()
quadraticExpression q[6] = { quadraticExpression (2.1, 3, -7),
quadraticExpression (1.4, 3.9, +7),
for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
void evaluateExpression (const quadraticExpression &q)
int errorsHandled = 0;
cout << "f(-5) " << q.evaluate(-5) << endl;
cout << "f(0) = " << q.evaluate (0) << endl;
cout << "f(5) = " << q.evaluate (5) << endl;
if (q.getNumberOfRoots() == INFINITE_ROOTS)
try {
else if (q.getNumberOfRoots()
cout << "The Expression has One Root at x = " << q.getFirst Root() << endl;
else if (q.getNumberOfRoots() == TWO_ROOTS)
try {
cout << "The Expression has Infinite Roots" << endl;
cout << "The Expression has First Root at x = " << q.getFirstRoot() << endl;
cout << "The Expression has Second Root at x = " << q.getSecondRoot() << endl;
cout << "The Expression has No Roots" << endl;
(domain_error e) {
errorsHandled ++;
quadraticExpression (-.75, 0, 0),
quadraticExpression (0, .3, -7),
quadraticExpression (0, 0, 4),
catch (domain_error e) {
errorsHandled ++;
cout << "Errors Handled: " << errorsHandled << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;](/v2/_next/image?

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Solved in 4 steps with 2 images