Morgan first suggested that theoriginal white-eyed male had two copies of the white-eye allele. Inthis problem, let’s assume that he meant the fly was XwYwinstead ofXw Y What crosses would need to be made to rule out the possibility thatthe Y chromosome carries a copy of the eye color gene?
Morgan first suggested that the
original white-eyed male had two copies of the white-eye allele. In
this problem, let’s assume that he meant the fly was Xw
instead of
Xw Y
What crosses would need to be made to rule out the possibility that
the Y chromosome carries a copy of the eye color gene?

Genetics is a study of genes, heredity, and genetic variation in an organism. Living organisms inherit traits from their parents; these traits are determined by the genes. The knowledge from genetics used to know how traits transferred to an offspring and affect them.
Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics as he discovered the fundamental unit of inheritance, called a gene. Another scientist, Thomas Hunt Morgan studies fruit flies to confirm the chromosome theory. Morgan discovered the sex-linked inheritance of eye color in fruit flies.
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