he question #1 should be read as: hasValidPassword method that checks and return true if the password is not the same as username and it does not contains the user id Question #2 should accept only 3 parameters instead of 4. But it will have the 4th parameter for output. 3 input parameters + 1 output parameter + integer return code. IN C++ • All data members must be declared as “private” • No global variable is allowed to be declared and used • Methods within the class and the requested functions cannot have “cin” or “cout” but it should make use of parameters and return value instead. • “cin” and “cout” should be done in main() or any testing functions • Make sure that you clearly show how the C++ class, its methods and all the functions are being called at least twice and print out its return value and its results properly.
In today's technology-driven world, computer programming skills are in high demand. The object-oriented programming (OOP) approach is very much useful while designing and maintaining software programs. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a basic programming paradigm that almost every developer has used at some stage in their career.
The easiest way to think of a constructor in object-oriented programming (OOP) languages is:
The question #1 should be read as:
hasValidPassword method that checks and return true if the password is not the same as username and it does not contains the user id
Question #2 should accept only 3 parameters instead of 4. But it will have the 4th parameter for output. 3 input parameters + 1 output parameter + integer return code.
IN C++
• All data members must be declared as “private”
• No global variable is allowed to be declared and used
• Methods within the class and the requested functions cannot have “cin” or
“cout” but it should make use of parameters and return value instead.
• “cin” and “cout” should be done in main() or any testing functions
• Make sure that you clearly show how the C++ class, its methods and all
the functions are being called at least twice and print out its return value
and its results properly.

Actually, given information:
o An array of “Degree” object pointers (not objects)
o Array’s length
o Search year
o Search subject
It will return a vector of Degree object pointers containing only pointers to the matched Degree objects in the given array.
It will return an empty vector if there is no match found.
Show how this function is being called and returning proper values.
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps