Harris chose and paid for a 4-man tent from Smith’s Camping Equipment Co. Harris asked Smith, whose store closed at 6pm, to leave the tent outside the store front door, so he could pick it up about 6.15pm. Smith asked a café owner opposite the front door to watch over the tent. However, it was stolen at about 6.10 pm which the café owner was talking to one of his customers.  Harris wants to claim the purchase price from Smith.  Explain who, if anyone, is liable for the loss and why. (Describe legal concepts and scope of consumer law).

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Harris chose and paid for a 4-man tent from Smith’s Camping Equipment Co. Harris asked Smith, whose store closed at 6pm, to leave the tent outside the store front door, so he could pick it up about 6.15pm. Smith asked a café owner opposite the front door to watch over the tent. However, it was stolen at about 6.10 pm which the café owner was talking to one of his customers. 
Harris wants to claim the purchase price from Smith. 
Explain who, if anyone, is liable for the loss and why.
(Describe legal concepts and scope of consumer law).
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