Change in organisations The business environment is fast and rapidly changing and this puts tremendous pressure on businesses to change so as to adapt to those changes. Change happens as a result of internal and external factors. Leading change efforts require skills. People rarely welcome change. They try to resist it at every opportunity they get. Managing the human aspects is critical to the success of change Introducing change and transformation has to be done carefully, sensitively and collaboratively. Both leaders and their people may implement change willingly and appropriately and quickly if they have been well trained in change courses which normally give them essential skills to seamlessly implement change in organisations As someone who influences others, the leader is likely to experience change as part of the organisational initiative or own initiative. Effective leadership requires an understanding of members’ needs, skills and personalities. A good leader will adapt their approach to suit the circumstances faced and accommodate individual preferences of members Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn (2005) identify eight reasons why people resist change: fear of the unknown, lack of good information, fear of loss of security, when they see no reasons for change, fear of loss of power, lack of resources, bad timing and that people are habitual. Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) identified six methods of dealing with and overcoming resistance change. There is need to communicate the business case for change. When implementing change management must support the change, employees must be involved and must fully understand the urgency and need for the change. Change must be clearly communicated, barriers before and during the implementation of change must be removed, following up to see how the change is progressing and celebrating successful change steps remains critical for successful implementation of change Task Your classmates have no idea about Kotter and Schlesinger six methods of overcoming change. You have done intense research on them, being able to identify what the methods are and when to best use them. Explain to them the six methods and when to best use each one of them to overcome resistance to change
Change in organisations
The business environment is fast and rapidly changing and this puts tremendous pressure on
businesses to change so as to adapt to those changes. Change happens as a result of internal and
external factors. Leading change efforts require skills. People rarely welcome change. They try to
resist it at every opportunity they get. Managing the human aspects is critical to the success of
Introducing change and transformation has to be done carefully, sensitively and collaboratively.
Both leaders and their people may implement change willingly and appropriately and quickly if
they have been well trained in change courses which normally give them essential skills to
seamlessly implement change in organisations
As someone who influences others, the leader is likely to experience change as part of the
organisational initiative or own initiative. Effective leadership requires an understanding of
members’ needs, skills and personalities. A good leader will adapt their approach to suit the
circumstances faced and accommodate individual preferences of members
Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn (2005) identify eight reasons why people resist change: fear of the
unknown, lack of good information, fear of loss of security, when they see no reasons for change,
fear of loss of power, lack of resources, bad timing and that people are habitual.
Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) identified six methods of dealing with and overcoming resistance
change. There is need to communicate the business case for change. When implementing change
management must support the change, employees must be involved and must fully understand the
urgency and need for the change. Change must be clearly communicated, barriers before and
during the implementation of change must be removed, following up to see how the change is
progressing and celebrating successful change steps remains critical for successful implementation
of change
Your classmates have no idea about Kotter and Schlesinger six methods of overcoming change.
You have done intense research on them, being able to identify what the methods are and when to
best use them. Explain to them the six methods and when to best use each one of them to overcome
resistance to change
Step by step
Solved in 3 steps