Chapter 6

As Bilbo emerges from the caves, he moves around to look for the dwarves and Gandalf. He approaches the goblin caves and can hear the dwarves talking. He eavesdrops as they are discussing whether they should look for Bilbo. Some dwarves consider him more of a bane than a boon and are inclined to leave him behind. Just then, Bilbo takes off his ring and appears between them. The dwarves are excited to hear his story; Bilbo talks about his adventure and does not mention the ring. He gains their respect and the group resumes the journey.

As they make their way through some trees, they can hear the wolves howling. Gandalf recognises them as Wargs, which are larger and more vicious than ordinary wolves. He asks all of them to climb up the trees to hide from Wargs and Goblins. Gandalf sets the wolves on fire with burning pine cones, chasing them away. However, they are soon joined by Goblins who build up the fire around the trees where Gandalf, Bilbo, and the dwarves are hidden.

The group is finally rescued by eagles who carry them to their eyrie. The Lord of Eagles had seen them in trouble and decided to help them since he despised the Wargs and Goblins. Further, he owed a favour to Gandalf.

In this chapter, Bilbo demonstrates that he is beginning to become clever with his strategic use of the ring. He also chooses to not reveal its existence to the dwarves. This is the first time when the dwarves show some respect for Bilbo.

Here, too, the dwarves and Bilbo are saved by Gandalf and his acquaintances. Gandalf will continue to guide the group through dangers, as and when required.

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