The Hobbit: Characters
Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo Baggins is the protagonist of the novel and a hobbit, a creature about half the size of humans, beardless, and with hairy feet. He lives in an unspecified time and, like other hobbits, loves the comfort of home. He loves simple food, his pipe, and his hobbit hole. Like most Baggins, Bilbo does not like to travel. However, he has inherited a streak of adventures from the Tooks, his mother’s side of the family. Throughout the novel, these two sides of his personality are often in conflict.
Bilbo is invited by Gandalf to join an adventure. Bilbo decides to join the adventure not for the treasure but because he longed to see the world. He is further provoked when he overhears the dwarves expressing their concerns over his abilities.
Throughout his journey, Bilbo never betrays his friends or behaves immorally. Bilbo, unlike Thorin, is not greedy. The treasure holds no charm for him. Even when he gets the treasure, he keeps only what he thinks he can use in his lifetime. For Bilbo, the quest was about discovering himself and about forging meaningful friendships with various kinds of people.
Gandalf is an ideal mentor, who enables Bilbo to see qualities that he is unable to see in himself. Gandalf has powers beyond those of other characters: he can use magic to help others and appear and disappear at will. He guides the travelers and rescues them when they are in danger.
Gandalf is important in The Hobbit as Bilbo’s guide and mentor. He persuades Bilbo to undertake the adventurous journey with the dwarves because he knows that Bilbo will play an integral role in it. He also knows that the journey is necessary to Bilbo’s further personal development; Bilbo has led a very sheltered life and needs to face challenges.

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