Data Analysis
Figure 1.1 displays the data collected for the week of February 8
-12th while studying deck 3 of the SAFMEDS for ABA 622. The acquisition accel data over the week is displaying a steady increasing trend with low variability. The data is displaying a high level on the chart as it is above the goal line. The last data point of the week was at 15, indicating that the AIM was met.Timed- mode was accidently ran at 20
seconds as you can see above. The acquisition decel data is displaying no trend with a low variability. The decel data shows that it is at a consistent low level. Figure 3.1 displays the fluency data collected for the week of February 8
-12th. As displayed above, the accel data for the fluency deck is at a high level with low variability indicating that the fluency is maintaining. Fluency decel data is displaying at a low level with low variability. Study Approach and Adjustment
Antecedent My current study plan has shown to be effective with deck 3 of SAFMEDS ABA 622. MY weekly goal was to maintain the Aim goal of 14 throughout this week as the Aim was met last week. My current reinforcement procedures were completing my SAFMEDS study time and inputting data immediately after. Therefore, I could have the rest of the evening to make dinner and was a television show. If I could maintain my met goal throughout the week, the weekend will consist of no studying and spending time with my family. Some other antecedent procedures that I have implemented are screenshotting the flashcards and studying them in between breaks at work and while I’m having my coffee in the morning. Additional procedures are studying both deck 2 of SAFMEDS and the fluency deck 5 days per week for 45 minutes a day. Behavior On day 1 through 5 when getting home from work, I run the 30 second timing 5 times. After completing it in timing mode, I will proceed to inputting the best data point of the day on Precision X. After completing deck 2 of SAFMEDS, I move on to fluency and run that 5 times. the best data point of the day will be inputted into Precision X. Consequence After the data is inputted, I will analyze to see if I have maintained the AIM goal that was previously met. I will look across the data to see if the goal was met across each data point for the day. This week’s accel data displayed that the AIM goal was met each day across the week. The data also showed low variability. My personal weekly goal was met therefore I was able to take advantage in my set reinforcements.
Adjustments Due to the variability shown in the acquisition data, no adjustments are needed at this time as the aim goal has been met and maintained for both deck 2 of SAFMEDS ABA 620 and the fluency