consistently low. On the second day of running timed trials, I had improved my accel score from
11 to 15 with a decel of 0. It means I hit the mastery criterion with an accel score of 15 and a
decel of 0. I maintained this score with one point difference until the last day of running timed
trials. I was happy to see my data trending upward throughout the week without having to
make any changes to my study interventions. Figure 2.1 displays my fluency deck, which consisted of my D cards from all previous courses,
and I maintained a neutral score of 15 accel and 1 decel. Fluency accel is present at a high level
with low variability. Indicating that fluency is maintained. Fluency decel is present at a low level
with low variability. The highest accel of the was 15. I studied the fluency deck with SAFMEDS
using the unlimited time setting before running recorded trials to review the fluency deck.
Study Methods and Adjustments:
The main study intervention was tracking the time spent studying a deck before running my
trials. Because this was my weakest section, I increased this study interval to 45 minutes before
running timed trials. Another intervention I implemented was how I studied the deck before
running my trials. I would first sort through the deck and set aside any cards I had questions
about or wasn’t clear on. After separating the cards, I would go through the pile I was unsure of
and look up each concept in depth. I would do this by looking up videos, researching the idea
online, or with my Cooper book. After I studied the card in more depth and felt more
comfortable with the term, I would replace it with the main deck and continue the process with
the other cards. After researching each card in the separated pile, I would repeat the process
until the study interval concluded. This is a study intervention I have used successfully
throughout all my courses. Because it has yielded successful results, I plan to continue to use
this intervention throughout this course. Behavior: Five days per week, I run five 30-second timings for my acquisition deck, then shuffle between each timing and enter the best data point into Precision X. For my fluency deck, I run three 30-second timings and enter the best data point into Precision X. This is done for a minimum of 5 days. Consequence: I enter the data on precision X after my 30-second timing to keep track of
recording my data. The following week, I’m looking at the data and deck to see if I meet the
AIM by the end of the week or if there is variability in the data. This week’s acquisition accel
data has low variability and did meet the AIM line. This week’s acquisition accel data has low
variability and decel with zero trend. Adjustment: Study time increased to 45 minutes.