Kalei Pollock
(1) What scriptural verses or topics you focused on in your study, and (2) at least one thing
you learned as you studied.
I read Mosiah 2-10 for this week's study journal. From the reading, I decided to focus on Mosiah
1:17. As I was doing my readings, I highlighted this verse and found myself continuing to return
it. The verse reads:
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn
; that ye may learn that when ye
are in the
of your
beings ye are only in the service of your God.
While studying this verse, I learned that King Benjamin imparts an important lesson about
service and selflessness. He teaches that when people serve and help others, they are also serving
God. This concept is central to the teachings of our faith and underscores the idea that acts of
kindness and service are a way to show one's love for God and to follow His commandments. I
have also found that when I serve others, I feel a deeper connection with our Heavenly Father
and overall just have a better mentality about life and what is going on. I am grateful that this
concept is a central part of our faith because I believe service is one of the best things you can do
for yourself and others.