In both “The Creation of the Gods and the Titans” and in the chapter on Prometheus in Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece, we see numerous examples of how power was used by both Prometheus, and how it was used by Zeus in unexpected ways.
Starting with “The Creation of the Titans and the Gods” we see how Zeus first used his power to acquire a poison used to free his brothers from the stomach of his father, Cronus (The Creation of the Titans and the Gods pp 86-87) thus fulfilling the curse set upon Cronus by his father (The Creation of the Titans and the Gods pp 85). This is unexpected because Cronus did not know who Zeus was, let alone the fact that he is his son. Another example of Zeus using his power in a bit of an unusual way is when Zeus punished and forced Atlas to hold the earth on his shoulders for the rest of eternity (The Creation of the Titans and the Gods pp88) as opposed to punishing him the same way he punished the rest of the titans.
In our class text Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece both Zeus and Prometheus used their power in a few unusual and unexpected ways. One of the first examples of Prometheus using his power in an unexpected way is when he made man (Schwab, G. 2011 pp31). This can certainly be unusual or unexpected because, though they were not gods themselves, they were certainly made in the image of the gods and lords of the world (Schwab, G. 2011 pp31). In the story of Prometheus, we see multiple examples of Prometheus attempting to help man evolve and instances of Zeus taking away from man. One example of this is Prometheus attempting to trick the gods with an offering made to look like it was a great offering, in order to let man keep what was actually the better part of the offering, and Zeus punishing man and Prometheus by taking away the last thing they needed to perfect their civilization, fire (Schwab, G. 2011 pp31). This is unusual because Prometheus and Zeus seemingly are constantly warring with each other even though Zeus has authority over Prometheus.
Schwab, G. (2011). Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece: Myths and Epics of Ancient Greece (The Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library). Pantheon.
The Creation of the Titans and the Gods