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Dec 6, 2023





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PSY7709 - Oct 09 2023 to Dec 15 2023 - Sec ! Quizzes Week 3 Quiz ! Due No due date Points 20 Ques ! ons 27 Time Limit None Instruc ! ons A " empt History A " empt Time Score LATEST A " empt 1 15 minutes 18.52 out of 20 " Answers will be shown a # er your last a " empt Score for this a " empt: 18.52 out of 20 Submi " ed Oct 30 at 6:09pm This a " empt took 15 minutes. Week 3 Quiz This quiz covers elements from the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) from this week. This quiz will help you and your instructor to assess your learning gains and mastery of the relevant learning objec ! ves and the following course competencies: Competency 1: Dis ! nguish the principles of behavior analysis associated with increasing and decreasing behavior. Competency 2: Analyze the principles of behavior associated with response rates and s ! mulus control. Please carefully read the following instruc ! ons before beginning the quiz: You must complete and submit the quiz by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Central ! me. Do not start the quiz un ! l you are fully prepared to complete it (that is, all of this week's study ac ! vi ! es must be completed). The quiz must be completed without referring to reading materials, study aids (for example, flash cards), or notes. A dic ! onary is permi " ed to check spelling; however, a glossary is not permi " ed. Contact with other learners or any informant is expressly prohibited during a quiz. There is no ! me limit for this or any other courseroom quizzes. You may retake this quiz up to a maximum of three ! mes. If you have any incorrect answers, this allows you to study related content before the next quiz a " empt. The average of your scores will be recorded as your grade. Click the linked quiz ! tle to access the quiz. If you have any issues with the quiz, contact your instructor. Take the Quiz Again 0.75 / 0.75 pts Ques ! on 1 An S-delta is: A s ! mulus, in the presence of which reinforcement is withheld if a target response occurs. Correct. A s ! mulus, in the presence of which reinforcement is delivered if a target response occurs. The same thing as a discrimina ! ve s ! mulus. A consequence event. 0.75 / 0.75 pts Ques ! on 2 Which is the correct representa ! on of the sequence of the four terms of a con ! ngency of reinforcement? EO, S , target response, S + (future responding increases; the EO is relevant to the S + selected). D r r Correct. S , EO, target response, S + (future responding may increase; the EO is relevant to the S + selected). D r r S , EO, target response, S + (future responding decreases; the EO is relevant to the S + selected). D r r EO, S , target response, S + (future responding increases; the EO is not relevant to the S + selected). D r r 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 3 __________ and __________ are examples of mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons that make food more or less e ff ec ! ve as reinforcement. Time, e ff ort. S ! mulus, antecedent. Speed, fluency. Sa ! a ! on, depriva ! on. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 4 The term mo ! va ! ng opera ! on has been suggested to replace the term establishing opera ! on with the addi ! on of the terms: Condi ! on-altering, behavior-altering. Uncondi ! oned, condi ! oned. Value-altering, behavior-altering. Correct. Operant, condi ! oned evoca ! ve. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 5 An evoca ! ve e ff ect refers to: A decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some s ! mulus, object, or event. An increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some s ! mulus, object, or event. Correct. No e ff ect in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some s ! mulus, object, or event. A combina ! on of decreasing and increasing e ff ects in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some s ! mulus, object, or event. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 6 An ______ e ff ect refers to a decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some s ! mulus, object, or event. Aba ! ve. Correct. Informa ! ve. Evoca ! ve. Elicited. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 7 Behavior-altering e ff ects have: Direct e ff ects. Condi ! oned e ff ects. Direct and indirect e ff ects. Correct. Indirect e ff ects. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 8 Dimensions of behavior-altering e ff ects: Are limited to frequency. Include frequency, magnitude, and latency. Correct. Include frequency and magnitude but not latency. Include frequency and latency but not magnitude. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 9 Mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons: Will evoke the target behavior every single ! me. May never evoke the target behavior. Should evoke the target behavior, but may not consistently do so. Evoke the target behavior even if not first successful at doing so. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 10 Condi ! oned mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons (CMOs) have: Value-altering mo ! va ! ng e ff ects that are unlearned. Behavior-altering mo ! va ! ng e ff ects that are a func ! on of a learning history. Behavior-altering e ff ects that are unlearned. Value-altering mo ! va ! ng e ff ects that are a func ! on of a learning history. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 11 Uncondi ! oned mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons (UMOs) have: Value-altering mo ! va ! ng e ff ects that are unlearned. Correct. Behavior-altering mo ! va ! ng e ff ects that are a func ! on of a learning history. Behavior-altering e ff ects that are unlearned. Value-altering mo ! va ! ng e ff ects that are a func ! on of a learning history. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 12 Condi ! oned mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons (CMOs) can be classified as reflexive, surrogate, and ______. Transi ! onal. Commuted. Transi ! ve. Correct. Explicit. 0 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 13 Incorrect Incorrect Which statement is true? Antecedent variables include only S s. D Value-altering and behavior-altering e ff ects describe the defining e ff ects in the original defini ! on of the establishing opera ! on. An abolishing opera ! on has a behavior-altering e ff ect in which a decrease in the reinforcing e ff ec ! veness of some s ! mulus, object, or event occurs. Incorrect. Behavior-altering e ff ects refer to the measure of behaviors evoked by a s ! mulus, object, or event. Behavior-altering e ff ects refer only to the frequency of a behavior. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 14 All condi ! oned mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons are mo ! va ! onally neutral prior to their rela ! on with another MO or to a form of reinforcement or punishment. True. False. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 15 ______ mo ! va ! ng opera ! ons as they relate to the human organism are unlearned and may include depriva ! on of food, sexual reinforcement, temperature changes, or painful s ! mula ! on. Condi ! oned. Uncondi ! oned. Correct. Surrogate. Reflex. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 16 A discrimina ! ve s ! mulus is: A s ! mulus in the presence of which a response will be reinforced. Correct. A s ! mulus in the presence of which a response will not be reinforced. A s ! mulus in the presence of which a response will be placed on ex ! nc ! on. A s ! mulus that cues respondent behaviors to occur. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 17 Which of the following influences the e ff ec ! veness of reinforcement? Immediacy. Con ! ngency. Establishing opera ! ons. All of these. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 18 Beth has been hiking in the desert all day and, as a result, is dying for a glass of water. The increase in the reinforcing value of water due to hiking in the desert is referred to as: Sa ! a ! on. Depriva ! on. Correct. Condi ! oning. Reinforcement. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 19 Learning a skill in one se % ng and applying it to other applicable se % ngs is known as: Progress. Func ! onal progress. Second generaliza ! on. S ! mulus generaliza ! on. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 20 Which of the following are factors that influence the e ff ec ! veness of reinforcement? Di ff erent reinforcers work for di ff erent people. Larger reinforcers are generally more e ff ec ! ve. Both A and B. Correct. None of the above. 0 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 21 Incorrect Incorrect Which of the following relates to a trained behavior con ! nuing to occur over ! me but a # er training has stopped? Response generaliza ! on. Incorrect. This is the occurrence of a func ! onally equivalent, untaught form of a trained response. Response maintenance. S ! mulus discrimina ! on. None of the above. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 22 Deion drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him, because they tell him he is cool. He does not speed when his parents or girlfriend are in the car, because they do not say it is cool. What is the S in this example? D Parents. Girlfriend. Friends. Correct. Parents and girlfriend. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 23 Deion drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him, because they tell him he is cool. He does not speed when his parents or girlfriend are in the car, because they do not say it is cool. What is the S- delta in this example? Parents. Girlfriend. Friends. Parents and girlfriend. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 24 Whenever Aarav has a babysi " er and asks to stay up past his bed ! me, the babysi " er lets him. Whenever Aarav asks his parents to let him stay up past his bed ! me, they do not let him. As a result, Aarav only asks the babysi " er if he can stay up past his bed ! me. The presence of the babysi " er at bed ! me is referred to as a(n) __________ for asking to stay up late. S ! mulus class. S-delta. Reinforcer. Discrimina ! ve s ! mulus. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 25 Whenever Aarav has a babysi " er and asks to stay up past his bed ! me, the babysi " er lets him. Whenever Aarav asks his parents to let him stay up past his bed ! me, they do not let him. As a result, Aarav only asks the babysi " er if he can stay up past his bed ! me. The presence of the parents at bed ! me is referred to as a(n) __________ for asking to stay up late. S ! mulus class. S-delta. Correct. Reinforcer. Discrimina ! ve s ! mulus. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 26 When the family dog licks the faces of the children in the family, they laugh and give the dog a treat. When the dog licks the faces of the parents, they scold the dog. As a result, the dog no longer licks the faces of the parents, but con ! nues to lick the faces of the children. The parents' faces would be an example of a(n)_________ for the dog licking their faces. Nega ! ve reinforcer. S-delta. Correct. Uncondi ! oned s ! mulus. Discrimina ! ve s ! mulus. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 27 When the family dog licks the faces of the children in the family, they laugh and give the dog a treat. When the dog licks the faces of the parents, they scold the dog. As a result, the dog no longer licks the faces of the parents, but con ! nues to lick the faces of the children. The children's faces would be an example of a(n) ________ for the dog licking their faces. Nega ! ve reinforcer. S-delta. Uncondi ! oned s ! mulus. Discrimina ! ve s ! mulus. Correct. Quiz Score: 18.52 out of 20 # Previous Week 3 Discussion: Con ! nue Your Discussion $ Next Next Module: Week 4 Last A " empt Details: Time: 15 minutes Current Score: 18.52 out of 20 Kept Score: 18.52 out of 20 2 More A " empts available Take the Quiz Again (Will keep the average of all your scores) 43 Fall 2023 Home Announcements Vitalsource Bookshelf Reading List Assignments Yellowdig Grades Files Microso # Tools ePor & olio Media Gallery Account Dashboard Courses Calendar Inbox History My Media Library Help WalkMe Chat
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