Track and Reading:
TEQ (Terms, Expectations,
What are three terms that are important to understanding the claim in this reading? These might be
central to understanding the reading, or they might be a common term that’s used in a new way. Offer a
definition or explanation of each term in your own words, and explain what is unique or important about
this definition.
An anomaly is something different from the normal pattern: a black polar bear, a talking dog; a blood
pressure reading of 190/160. Anomalies are opportunities to make your own claim because they often
identify unexplained territories that are worth writing about. List four anomalies from the source. These
can be facts, claims, or relations, or information that is being ignored. How was each different from what
you expected? Where can you identify the gap in the map and further the conversation?
Evidence or claim from the reading
How is this different from what you expected?
Where is the gap? Or Where can you add to the