According to the text, there are three important characteristics of thinking: executive function,
critical thinking, and creative thinking. Choose one and describe how a parent or teacher
could foster either executive function, critical thinking, or creative thinking in 10–13-year-old
children. Provide at least two unique activities to support this type of thinking.
Parents and teachers are responsible for teaching children values through critical thinking,
which is thinking reflectively and productively, as well as evaluating evidence (Santrock,
2021). According to Ellen Langer, mindfulness is a tool that parents and teachers can use to
help better children develop critical thinking skills. Mindfulness is being alert, mentally present,
and cognitively flexible while going through life's everyday activities and tasks (Santrock,
2021). Teaching your children to be mindful is a great way to encourage critical thinking. For
example, parents could introduce activities like yoga, meditation, or tai chi to improve
children's cognitive and socioemotional development. Parents can also set routines for every
day and sleep as well. This would provide a calm environment for children to be happier and
healthier. Teachers can also implement age-appropriate activities like journaling or breathing
exercises to promote development. Other activities like guessing games or blindfold walking
can improve students' listening skills, which is essential when practicing critical thinking. In
recent research, mindfulness training has improved children's attention and self-regulation
(Santrock, 2021). This reduces stress which creates a better mood at school and home.
Parents and teachers must help students develop critical thinking skills by doing specific
Santrock, J. W. (2021).
Life-span development
(Eighteenth). McGraw-Hill Education.