What would you do if you were providing a psychological test to a counseling client and an issue
arose in which your ethics conflicted with the established state and federal laws and codes of ethics?
Provide an example to support your response.
Your approach to seeking counseling and supervision when faced with a conflict between personal
ethics and professional obligations is honorable. It reflects a commitment to maintaining ethical
standards and prioritizing the well-being of the client. Seeking guidance from a trusted supervisor
can provide valuable insights and help you navigate situations where personal values may
potentially interfere with your duties as a counselor. With referring a client elsewhere when unable to
separate personal bias from testing is a responsible course of action. It can put a negative thought
onto the counseling world. There are some instances where a referral would be the best option. But
for counselor we are guided to follow the code of ethics which states we need to put our personal
and religious beliefs aside for the good of our client. However, I do strongly believe that counselors
do need to take the same precaution and worry about their own self as well, and if there is a case
where it wont be beneficial for the client or the counselor than a referral would be necessary.