What would you do if you were providing a psychological test to a counseling client and an issue
arose in which your ethics conflicted with the established state and federal laws and codes of ethics?
Provide an example to support your response.
ou provided a great example of an ethical code violation that could come from personal beliefs being
present in a counseling relationship with a client. The ACA Code of Ethics repeatedly expresses the
importance of avoiding harming a client as much as possible throughout their time in counseling
(American Counseling Association, 2014). To avoid doing this a counselor should not let their
personal beliefs into a counseling session and if they are not able to separate the two they should
seek assistance through supervision or counseling of their own (American Counseling Association,
2014). As you mentioned if this is not done a counselor may be open to repercussions from a state
or national committee or their licensing bored.
American Counseling Association. (2014).
Aca code of ethics.