What is restorative justice?
Restorative justice is a theory of justice that rectifies the harm caused by an offenders
actions. It is fulfilled through a collective procedure that allows willing participants to
meet, but here are other options if that is impossible.
What does restorative justice require of the victim, the offender, and the
Restorative justice requires cooperative effort from the community. It requires offenders
to take responsibility for the harm they caused and their actions. It requires the victim to
be cooperative and willing to meet.
What are the foundational principles of restorative justice and how do the
principles differ from your understanding of our current criminal justice system?
The foundation principles of restorative justice are repair, encounter, and transformation.
The principles of the current criminal justice from my understanding differ because the
system does not focus on repairing the issue or trying to fix the issue at all. The criminal
justice system, with some exceptions, just sweeps the issue under the rug. The system
focuses on punishment and it does not focus on future issues that can occur from it.