Postman's claim is that every technology has an inherent prejudice. He says that these hidden prejudices are revealed in how technology makes people use their minds, what it makes us do with our bodies, how it codifies the world, which of our senses it amplifies, and which of our emotional and intellectual tendencies it disregards. In other words, Postman
seems to be claiming that technology is never "neutral" and will always manifest some kind of prejudice, biasing someone(s) or something(s) over others.
What is "prejudice"?
How does technology change the way we use our minds?
Is this always a positive thing?
How does technology make us use our bodies differently?
Is this always a positive thing?
What does it mean that technology "codifies the world?"
What are some examples of the way that technology
amplifies some emotional and intellectual tendencies and
disregards others?