IHP 420_ethical_theories_worksheet



Southern New Hampshire University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school


IHP 420




Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by HighnessIronGoose23

IHP 420 Ethical Theories Worksheet Part One Propose a solution to the following scenario using each of the five ethical theories presented in this module. Explain how your solution aligns with the major ideas within each theory. Scenario: There is a pandemic of a contagious disease. In the United States, there is only enough of the vaccine to cover 70% of the population. How do you determine who gets the vaccine? Theory Solution a. Utilitarianism This principle focuses on the overall benefits of the majority. For example, a provider prefers one patient who took the vaccine but will not survive because of an underlying issue to save others by harvesting their organs. b. Rights-based ethics In the scenario given every patient has the right to receive, however prioritizing persons with underlying disease or Immunol compromised would be the best way to start distributing the vaccine. This strategy would allow everyone with these specific issues to have access to the vaccine first. c. Duty-based ethics Duty-based ethics involves rules we must follow. This also focuses on whether something is right or wrong and fulfilling your obligations. These rules, or duties, outline our obligations to our patients, peers, and ourselves. d. Justice-based ethics Treating all patients equally is very important. In this scenario treating all patients equally regardless of race, sex, or religion. e. Virtue-based ethics This refers to how doctors refer to or show virtue or kindness to patients. It is important that while providing Covid care providers show patients kindness. Part Two Consider the same scenario, but explain what process you would need to add to your solution to protect the bioethics principles.
Principle Solution a. Autonomy Even with this principle, everyone has a right to make their own decision. This vaccine should be given to the people who need it the most. b. Beneficence This principle physicians are obligated to act in the best interest of the patient, prevent harm, and help patients with disabilities or any who need medical help. This means providers should always act in the best interest of the patient. Educate patients on any side effects or risk factors related to this vaccine. c. Nonmalfeasance This principle prioritizes ethical standards. Following this principle allows providers to provide patients with the best services and prioritize their overall well-being. For example, when taking a vaccine or administering this vaccine providers should educate patients on possible side effects etc. d. Justice This refers to the allocation of resources and how they are distributed. As mentioned before, prioritizing who gets the vaccine will ensure that all the right people have access to it.
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