What is Title IX and how does it impact you as a student?
Title IX is a federal law amended in 1972 prohibiting gender discrimination. The law is broad and applies in all activities and educational programs at Grand Canyon University. In a nutshell, it applies in every activity relating to GCU Being born in Africa where Title IX is mostly neglected, I had a first-hand experience on the effect of not helping/asking a neighbor if they needed help. Ever since that even occurred, I rely
on my gut feelings when making Title IX related judgments for my self and those around me.
Briefly comment on the "University Snapshot" resources, mentioning two to three items that stood out to you.
GCU’s "University Snapshot" resources is an awesome interface (kind of a one stop shop) where
student can get information and learn more about the impact GCU has done for several years. The Global Citizen section and the fact that GCU is open to international student is really stood out. The President’s view point on Faith and Integrity can not be underestimated. Also, as a huge soccer fan for over a two decades, it’s great knowing that GCU has NCAA Division I teams.
How do you think GCU’s Christian heritage makes the GCU academic experience different than at a non-faith-based university?
GCU’s Christian heritage is one of the main reasons why I choose to pursue my graduate program. Born in a C name a few, GCU was built on faith and supports local communities. It just
feels great to move from a non-faith-based university (undergraduate) to a faith-based university (GCU).