Bioethics: Regulation Right and Wrong (PHIL 220) Fall ‘23
Exam 1, Wednesday September 20th
In-person, 9:00-9:50 in SQH 1120
Study Sheet
During the exam, you may consult completely clean paper copies of assigned readings, but you may not consult
any other materials (e.g., notes, recordings, or electronic copies of articles). You will not be permitted to use any
electronic devices during the exam. The instructor will select the two questions that will appear on the exam
from among the following:
1] Summarize and explain a numbered section of the Nuremberg Code. Then set out, explain, and illustrate with
at least one example a plausible
of this section
. (In making your criticism, remember to take into
account other parts of the Code.)
2] Explain and illustrate with an example a significant difference between what the Nuremberg Code and the
Belmont Report imply regarding ethically acceptable research on human subjects.
3] Explain an ethically significant element of the Common Rule, §46.111, Criteria for IRB approval of research,
(a) (1) – (a) (3) [p. 11]. Then set out, explain, and illustrate with at least one example a plausible ethical criticism
of this element. (In making your criticism, remember to take into account other parts of the Common Rule.)
4] Explain why, according to Lurie and Wolfe, an HIV drug trial violated or, if carried out, would violate the
Principle of Standard Care
the Principle of Clinical Equipoise. Make sure to explain how Lurie and Wolfe
are, at least implicitly, interpreting these principles.