1)
How
does
the
concept
of
interconnectedness
in
Eastern
ethics,
such
as
the
Hindu
notion
of
“karma,’
encourage
self-awareness
and
self-discipline?
easten
ethics
emphasize
the
interconnectedness
of
all
living
beings.
This
underscores
harming
others
ultimately
harms
oneself
and
nice
versa.
consequently
individuals
motivated
to
practice
self-disapline
and
treat
others
with
kindness
and
respect.
2)
In
what
ways
do
Confucian
values,
such
as
filial
piety
and
respect
for
authority,
influence
social
relationships,
government
policies,
and
the
structure
of
Eastern
societies?
the
deep
respect
and
obedience
to
one’s
parents
and
ancestors.
It
fosters
strong
family
bond
3)
How
does
the
Daoist
principle
of
“wu
wei”
(non-action)
contrast
with
the
Western
emphasis
on
constant
productivity
and
achievement?
What
can
we
learn
from
this
approach
in
our
fast-paced,
goal-
oriented
society?
4)
What
common
underlying
values
can
you
distill
from
the
four
Eastern
approaches
to
ethics?