DQ 2 Noah’s Response
The website provided in the description of this assignment also includes a very useful PDF file
of what GCU as an institution believes. There are nine different statements they make that I find to be the most revealing about what it is to be Christians. Of course, most of these points
discuss Jesus Christ and the role He plays in our lives, but the document talks about the Holy Spirit. This is extremely important for a variety of reasons, as the Holy Spirit is what convicts us of our sins within us. In Galatians, Paul wrote “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.” (Galatians 5:17 NIV). This is a much different mentality from any secular institution. Having worked in such places, like many of us have, I have seen firsthand what a lack of convictions can result in and usually it’s very bitter. In Revelations chapter one, John describes Jesus standing amidst seven lampstands, all of which represent different churches. Many have taken this to indicate that Christ is in the community and by distancing yourself from the church, you are distancing yourself from God. This, in essence, is the effect that studying at a secular institution can have. The importance of surrounding yourself with healthy people cannot be overstated.
Noah Warren
(New International Version, 1996, Galatians 5:17)
(New International Version, 1996, Revelations 1:20)
Grand Canyon University,
Doctrinal Statement
(n.d.). Retrieved from
Grand Canyon University,
One Foundation
(n.d.). Retrieved from