CAT: Substantive Responses to the Question Will Count for Participation Points!
Students, To obtain participation points, click on the YouTube link below. View Professional Learning Communities: PLCs and respond to the three questions for video one. Once you have completed the video, make an additional comment or question related to the video or topic. Questions:
PLCs is a a teacher collaboration
to improve learning through action-based research.
What is the core principle behind PLCs? The core principle is the idea that professional development among teachers will lead to greatest success for their students.
The largest factor to student success is the classroom teacher
Why should schools implement PLCs?
PLC's teachers have the ability to
discover and reflect on their own
pedagogical practices. 4.
Everything should begin and end with assessments
(Make as additional comment or question concerning the video or topic.)
. As a future educator, I hope the school where I started my career supports PLCs so that I can succeed as a teacher.
Video Link: Professional Learning Communities: PLCs
Teachings in Education. (2019, July 3). Professional learning communities: PLCs [Video]. YouTube.