Question 1 The 'unipolar moment' refers to: Answers: A metaphor for US primacy as something akin to a unicycle The new Chinese hegemony The new rivalry between the US and China 9 The structure of power after the Cold War, when the US was the only superpower Question 2 According to Layne, the external factors causing US decline vis-a-vis China include: Answers: @ Declining share of global GDP 9 China's military modernization V) Loss of manufacturing 9 Lower economic growth rates Question 3 According to Layne, the domestic economic factors leading to US decline include: Answers: @ Structural trade deficits 9 Rising federal deficits V) De-industrialization V) Rising national debt, especially toward China Question 4 According to Layne, the US thus faces fiscal dilemmas, including: Answers: @ Raising interest rates and taxes Boosting military spending Boosting social and entitlement programs V) De-funding the military Question 5 For Posen, the contradictions of liberal hegemony include: Answers: @ Hard balancing through an arms race 9 Free riding of allies V) Moral hazards associated with allies engaging in reckless activities V) Soft balancing in media and diplomatic forums Question 6 For Posen, a new strategy of Restraint would focus on: Answers: Intervening in other countries to promote US values Regime change wars in the Middle East V) Preventing a rival from dominating Eurasia 9 Stopping nuclear proliferation el 2 out of 2 points 1 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 0 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points 2 out of 2 points