As you have learned in this unit, there are laws in place to protect a person’s protected
health information (PHI), and how it is accessed and used. But are laws the only thing
protecting a patient’s PHI? Respond to the following questions:
Are laws alone enough to maintain privacy, security, and confidentiality of
PHI stands for protected health information. HIPPA is a class that healthcare workers
take part in every year and make sure they must update on. They must know what the
laws are. HIPPA is a wide band of security things that must be followed. This goes
along with faxes, medical records, telephone calls, patients’ names speaking in front of
others, leaving papers out, and making sure things are not here saying.
What is the role of ethics in maintaining privacy, security, and confidentiality
of PHI?
Protecting the privacy rights of the patient. Making sure the patient records are always
secure, and patient information is not leaked out. Changing your passwords frequently
helps, locking your computer when you’re using it helps, protect against fraud, turn
your computer away from others, and talking in a low voice if you’re able to on the
phone and in office.